How do you feel about Biden NOW?

The "Left" in this country is doing the same... in less time.

No matter. There is plenty of wildlife in the Midwest. I came home late last night... and passed a small herd of deer in a farmers field.

Time to apply for a hunting license. Yummy.:p
ps Three weeks ago I got my yearly Flu vaccine and Covid booster, one shot in each arm like a total boss. To my surprise I didn't die or become magnetic or mutate or any other of the nonsense claim you anti-vax mouth-breathers claim :)

How compliant of you. Good boy. Sit boo boo, sit.
"I didn't die or become magnetic or mutate or any other of the nonsense claim you anti-vax mouth-breathers claim :)"

No... You didn't die, or grow horns. But if you have kids, when they get older... time will tell if they are able to procreate.
Did you watch the video in post #1355? Hint... he's not talking about white people.

Biden is a racist (in secret).

Now he's letting in the same type of people cross the border, without restriction, or being detained... and I'm not talking about migrants looking for a better life.

The Cartel... as Bubba and I have pointed out, has made their way to Canada, and are in the States.

"Those people" don't use lead pipes, and actually are armed (as good as or better than Border patrol agents).

Get your head out of the sand.

This is why I call Biden "flipper". His policies only suit him when he's living in an "ivory tower".
LOL... I definitely am not having a meltdown over Fauci.I couldn't care any less about him But when I find the video of Fauci in hysterics on YouTube... You will be the first to know.
And I did find it... but for some reason the YouTube video ends JUST before Fauci flips out.

However... I found a better video. :cool:

Like I said, it's not there, because you imagined it.
If you believe I hang on your every word (or post about Trump) , then you are delusional.

I haven't read anything you have posted in the Trump thread, for at least a couple months.

I just noticed you weren't posting here, and decided to see what propaganda you were spewing over there.

Yup... I sure see alot of people responding to your drivel in the Trump thread... Like none...

Stop lying, okay? You read it, so do others, this forum literally tracks how many views.

The not replying is fine, I fully expect Trumpers to be cowards who employ head-in-the-sand tactics when faced with negative truths about their orange lord and savior. It's childlike and hilarious.
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"Biden inherited a complete shitshow and has been playing cleanup ever since."

WRONG... Obama effed things up by devaluing the dollar... and then allowing China to flood the U.S. economy with cheap Chinese goods...

The Democrats have handed our ass to China, and they are STILL doing/allowing it.

You truly are an idiot Dude. Totally effing clueless. AKA brainwashed.

Only an idiot would spend time in a (Trump) thread... talking to himself when no one is listening or responding to your drivel.

Have fun talking to yourself and the very large echo. You are delusional.

Simply not true, all this data is tracked and available:

-The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
-Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
-After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.

The list goes on...

Obama did rather well when you average out the positives and negatives, despite inheriting the 2008 "Great Recession" (did you forget about this one too?) that his predecessor ushered in with his terrible polities and wars built on a literal lie.

Seems the pattern, Republicans take over, spend non-stop, give breaks to the richest people, make the middle-class suffer and crash the economy.

Your insults and rage are funny, so Trumpy, try to be less emotional, okay :)
You forget that the great recession was responsible for the mortgage crisis... because there was no oversight on the banks.

Who was responsible for that... and the auto bailouts, and the "cash for clunkers"

Many good used cars went to the scrapyard over that policy... that forced people to buy new vehicles... and destroyed still good vehicles that people with less income... Could afford.

So Obama forced stimulation of the economy with that plan.
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I was working at a GM plant when Obama did the C for C deal.

At the same time... GM was getting subsidies from the government to retool the plant with all new machinery.

Then... the layoffs started because the new machinery replaced the people working there.

The older GM workers retired from their $30/hr paychecks... and new people were hired in at $15 an hour.

Yeah... nice stimulation for the economy. :rolleyes:

You are ignorant!!!
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Your problem is that you watch too much far left news.

But you were probably too young to know what was going on with the auto plants... and banks, at the time.
You forget that the great recession was responsible for the mortgage crisis... because there was no oversight on the banks.

Who was responsible for that... and the auto bailouts, and the "cash for clunkers"

Many good used cars went to the scrapyard over that policy... that forced people to buy new vehicles... and destroyed still good vehicles that people with less income... Could afford.

So Obama forced stimulation of the economy with that plan.

So the 2008 Great Recession, which caused the mortgage crisis, was actually Obama's fault, even though he wasn't president in 2008. This makes sense to you? *laugh profusely*

The auto bailouts did happen under Obama. What's funny, if they had happened under Bush you Rightist would have all been aboard. Those bailouts also didn't crash the economy.

The Cash for Clunkers was a bad program and shouldn't have happened, but it didn't crash the economy.

Funfact: In 2018 your hero Trump rolled back some of the bulwarks and regulations on banks (See: Dodd-Frank) that were put in place after the 2008 Great Recession :)

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Your problem is that you watch too much far left news.

But you were probably too young to know what was going on with the auto plants... and banks, at the time.

The where doesn't really matter considering I'm posting verifiable facts.

eg Trump left office with a net loss of jobs, about 3 million jobs. No other modern President has done this. The Federal Debt rose by 7.2 Trillion. These are facts, doesn't make them less true if CNN, MSNBC etc says it.

I'm the one literally telling you the facts, I was also well aware in 2001-2009 of Bush's disasters, as a tax payer it's important to be informed.
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Stop lying, okay? You read it, so do others, this forum literally tracks how many views.
Nope. Like I said. I haven't read anything you have posted in the Trump thread in a couple months... because I'm not interested in what you say in that thread.

It may show how many views or replies it has... but that doesn't mean everyone sticks around long enough to read the whole thing.

Gaslighting are we now??? Your narcissism is showing... and your ego too.

Maybe you ARE Newsome. I could see him calling himself "The Dude". It reeks if ego.
Nope. Like I said. I haven't read anything you have posted in the Trump thread in a couple months... because I'm not interested in what you say in that thread.

It may show how many views or replies it has... but that doesn't mean everyone sticks around long enough to read the whole thing.

Gaslighting are we now??? Your narcissism is showing... and your ego too.

Maybe you ARE Newsome. I could see him calling himself "The Dude". It reeks if ego.

It's not "may show", it shows, I can literally see how many people went in there and the number keeps going up and up and up and up, kiddo. Trumpers are reading and ducking because they can't handle any negative truths about their lord and savior, which is a well known coping mechanism for them.

I'm not gaslighting you, maybe the view counter is?

Obliviously you're not a golfer.
The not replying is fine, I fully expect Trumpers to be cowards who employ head-in-the-sand tactics when faced with negative truths about their orange lord and savior. It's childlike and hilarious.

No... I just got tired of your drivel. And just because someone viewed something, doesn't mean they took the time to read it.

For example. I just viewed what you said to me, and your point has no point.

Once again I will say I don't care what you are saying in the Trump thread, and you are delusional if you think differently. :)

IF anyone is actually reading what you say in the Trump thread, I think they will get bored quickly, and move on.

Most people don't care or have the passion about politics, like other people do.

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