How do you feel about Biden NOW?

Talk about "population control", it's the anti-vaxxers who are getting people sick and dead.
Oh boy are you brainwashed with the Left propaganda. Once again... an attack. No wonder you are gaining support in the Trump thread.:rolleyes:

You are living in fear, and attack whatever you Fear. Fear of Covid, and fear of Trump (which I think is unfounded)

You are a hilarious paranoid nutcase

I have had Covid 3 times. Each time a different variant.

The 3rd time, it was the recent BA2.86 omicron.

I knew of 2 other people that contracted it around the same time I did. NONE of us were in close contact with each other.

I "self monitored" and practiced social distancing until my symptoms went away... and ate a lot of eggs and homemade chicken noodle soup.

The BA2.86 was the worst for lung congestion. The BA2 variety gave me watery lungs. The original variant from 2019 gave me some shortness of breath for about a month.
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Research right from your own back yard. I knew this months ago. I have 16 eggs in the coop right now, and will probably have more in the morning.

THIS... is what the global powers and elitists are concerned about. People such as Gates... that want to subversively sterilize women in 3rd world countries.
As far as the eggs fighting off Covid... Keep in mind that the original H1N1 "bird flu" was probably the predecessor to what we have today. Not from a Wuhan bat lab (or bird lab) but still "tinkered with" genetically.
But don't fly there now- the airport is now filled up with migrants camping out. Benefits of being a sanctuary city I guess.

There around 250-300 immigrants camping around the outskirts of the SD Internationale Airport, I'm sure they'd leave you alone, you don't have to be scared. Promise :)
And yup Dude, I noticed you weren't whining here... but I found you in the Trump thread... with no one replying.

Sucks when you preach to an empty room... huh?

You literally read every post I make in the Trump thread and get upset because you can't handle the truth.
Don't make me dig up the video where Rand Paul was grilling Fauci... and Fauci was hysterical.

Rand Paul proved that Fauci wasn't the only one with a medical degree.

Don't really know why you're having a meltdown over Dr. Fauci again, also don't really care.

But the exchange you're referring to can be found in your imagination, because that never happened in reality.

ps Three weeks ago I got my yearly Flu vaccine and Covid booster, one shot in each arm like a total boss. To my surprise I didn't die or become magnetic or mutate or any other of the nonsense claim you anti-vax mouth-breathers claim :)
Biden got Israel and Hamas to agree to another two days of truce and 20 more hostages being freed, many of them hold dual US-Israeli citizenship. Go Joe!
With the Koch Group backing Haley, because DeSantis is a loser (their words), means we could have an interesting race in 2024:

Biden/Harris (Democrat)
Haley/Some Old White Male VP (Republican)
Kennedy/Some Lunatic VP (Independent)
Trump/Greene (Super MAGA Trump Party)

Edit: Who am I kidding, Haley being a woman is a massive hurdle for her getting the Republican Presidential Nomination as is, her not being White is the coffin's nail.
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There around 250-300 immigrants camping around the outskirts of the SD Internationale Airport, I'm sure they'd leave you alone, you don't have to be scared. Promise :)
Scared-Nah! With the numbers coming across the Tijuana sector now, the CBP is starting to erect new barriers in the area-temporary ones until the new permanent ones can be built. But walls don't work-right? I guess walls work OK when they are built around the beach house in Delaware. So the 250-300 numbers will probably swell pretty quickly, since neither San Diego or the CBP has anywhere left to stash them. Like other sanctuary cities are finding out, the virtue signaling has a down side. The wacked -out far left Dem mayor of Chicago refuses to allow the city council to drop that moniker, even as the citizens want that to happen.
You've lost no rights. Tennessee has a lower public school rating than California. Criminals are prosecuted. 'Decay in major cities" is such an empty nonsense claim that can be labelled thrown just about anywhere. Who is "ramming" anything down your throat?

You Rightist will never admit it, as it requires intellectual honesty, it was Trump's disastrous four years of unchecked spending, record levels of national debt, tax breaks for the already riches people and corporations, completely botched flip-flop handling of a pandemic and most job losses of any president since the Great Depression is the reason why the country started tanking in early 2021, right after Trump was booted out. Biden inherited a complete shitshow and has been playing cleanup ever since. Could Biden be doing a better job? Sure, absolutely.

Trump Leaving Office With 3 Million Less Jobs Than When He Entered (Yup, this somehow didn't effect the economy)
Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years (Yup, this somehow didn't effect the economy)
BILLIONAIRES ARE $2.2 TRILLION RICHER SINCE 2017 TRUMP-GOP TAX LAW - Americans For Tax Fairness (This means the middle-class pays more to cover the spread)

Imagine that, the elitist billionaire looked out for himself and his rich buddies first and foremost. What a shocker. Also not a shocker, you people are aiming to vote for him a 3rd time.
Decay is an apt descriptor for cities like SF. Hey, you are very close to that former gem. Just jump on the 101 southbound cross the GG bridge, continue on to Union Square, South Market, etc., and look around.
What about that insane state law that basically allows someone to shoplift $950 daily and only get a citation. What brain dead Sacramento politician and/or governor signed off on that?

Another factoid on the "exodus"- checked U-Haul for quotes today on moving. A 26 foot truck with an auto transport from Imperial to Johnson City, TN is $5535. For the reverse route (Johnson City to Imperial- same equipment) the charge is $2323. I'm sure you can figure out why.
Scared-Nah! With the numbers coming across the Tijuana sector now, the CBP is starting to erect new barriers in the area-temporary ones until the new permanent ones can be built. But walls don't work-right? I guess walls work OK when they are built around the beach house in Delaware. So the 250-300 numbers will probably swell pretty quickly, since neither San Diego or the CBP has anywhere left to stash them. Like other sanctuary cities are finding out, the virtue signaling has a down side. The wacked -out far left Dem mayor of Chicago refuses to allow the city council to drop that moniker, even as the citizens want that to happen.

Walls do and don't work, depending on the situation, it's not a blanket 'yes' or 'no'. A shorter wall that can be guarded, sure, can work well. An unguarded mega-wall is doomed to fail, people will go over, under and even through it, as we've seen.

Maybe you've heard of the Great Wall of China? Despite its hugeness and vastness, it failed to stop a multitude of invaders into China through history. Actual invaders.

Technology is the better option. Drones and such.
Decay is an apt descriptor for cities like SF. Hey, you are very close to that former gem. Just jump on the 101 southbound cross the GG bridge, continue on to Union Square, South Market, etc., and look around.
What about that insane state law that basically allows someone to shoplift $950 daily and only get a citation. What brain dead Sacramento politician and/or governor signed off on that?

Another factoid on the "exodus"- checked U-Haul for quotes today on moving. A 26 foot truck with an auto transport from Imperial to Johnson City, TN is $5535. For the reverse route (Johnson City to Imperial- same equipment) the charge is $2323. I'm sure you can figure out why.

I know San Francisco well, been there a lot, still go there to this day, it's an extremely beautiful city with a general relaxed feel. Sure there's a few bad spots, but that goes with every major city.

eg Nashville has more violent crime than San Francisco (54.6 vs 39.6), but lower property crime (53.3 vs 79.2). I will live in a lower violent crime city over a property theft one any day. Any sane person would. Plus that SF weather, so nice.

That's just not true, the under $950.00 theft is still a misdemeanor, which is a crime, just not a serious one. I personally don't think that was a smart law to pass, but you're inventing things again, kiddo.

Don't you worry, California will continue being the world's 5th largest economy in the world while you're in Tennessee, surrounded by Rightist.

When Newsom is elected President in 2028, you've have the pleasure knowing you once lived in his home state.
You literally read every post I make in the Trump thread and get upset because you can't handle the truth.
If you believe I hang on your every word (or post about Trump) , then you are delusional.

I haven't read anything you have posted in the Trump thread, for at least a couple months.

I just noticed you weren't posting here, and decided to see what propaganda you were spewing over there.

Yup... I sure see alot of people responding to your drivel in the Trump thread... Like none...
Don't really know why you're having a meltdown over Dr. Fauci again, also don't really care.
LOL... I definitely am not having a meltdown over Fauci.I couldn't care any less about him But when I find the video of Fauci in hysterics on YouTube... You will be the first to know.
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"Biden inherited a complete shitshow and has been playing cleanup ever since."

WRONG... Obama effed things up by devaluing the dollar... and then allowing China to flood the U.S. economy with cheap Chinese goods...

The Democrats have handed our ass to China, and they are STILL doing/allowing it.

You truly are an idiot Dude. Totally effing clueless. AKA brainwashed.

Only an idiot would spend time in a (Trump) thread... talking to himself when no one is listening or responding to your drivel.

Have fun talking to yourself and the very large echo. You are delusional.
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And Rand Paul speaks the truth. There WAS "gain of function" research being done in Wuhan... and again, the reason was because of what I posted in post #1334.

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