Do you honestly think that he doesn't embrace socialism? Are you aware of any free market policies that he embraces? Is there something in his past that has led you to this conclusion? Even his "tax cutting" is little more than an aggressive program redistributing wealth.
This concern is 100% justified. There is no smear associated with this.
If you'd like to debate this point, or any of the other points we disagree with, we can.
I tend to agree that this was used as a smear by some, and others voiced it out of ignorance.
But, be honest, that was not launched by the McCain campaign. McCain wouldn't even take issue with his relationship with Reverend Write.
Hangs out with Terrorists
This one is true too.
Bill Ayers is a confessed domestic terrorist. Obama has very close political ties with him. And Obama has helped raise money and has praised Rashid Khalidi. Rashid Khalidi used to work as a press agent for the PLO- and that was a terrorist group.
Again, I'm inclined to say that this is a demonstration of Obama's political ideology. These are the circles he's most comfortable in. These people, these groups, reflect his world view, not that he supports terrorist violence.
I don't think this one is in dispute. He will.
And if you don't pay taxes directly, you're going to get hit with those tax increases indirectly through rising costs and economic slow down.
So, using his middle name a "smear?"
Was it wrong for liberals to call George W. Bush "junior" in an effort to belittle and minimize him? That should be even more offensive given the fact he's not really a junior, since his middle name is different.
Are you 100% certain that he's a natural born citizen of the United States? If so, why is there any confusion regarding him? Has anyone ever questioned the nature of your citizenship? And if challenged, would you send lawyers in to have the question dismissed or simply respond to it?
But let's note, this concern isn't being addressed by the mainstream of any political party. The RNC avoids it, McCain wouldn't even consider addressing the issue, to the best of my knowledge, the person who's been at the forefront of this issue is a Democrat who supported Hillary (Berg).
I certainly hope that this concern goes away and is thoroughly discredited because it would be extremely hurtful and destructive for the country if it turned out to be true.
I would come up with more - but there is no need.
Considering most of the things you listed were absolutely valid concerns... there's no need because you didn't vote for Obama, you voted against the boogey man you've imagined George W. Bush to be. You seem to think Obama is a magic blank slate that you can just pin all your hopes and dreams on. As though he's the perfect candidate who always reflects exactly what you're thinking, all of the time. That's understandable, because that's how he was presented to you.
AND -- Before you try to justify ANY of that - dont bother. I believe that even though you might make some kind of argument for those that its ultimately all BS.
That's the same kind of thoughtful discussion you seem to embrace all political discussions.
Thats the trouble with the right. Look at that list. Its all based on Fear.
To the contrary-
conservative principles are based on hope and the strength fo the individual, liberal principles are ENTIRELY based on fear.
Fear that you'll lose your job. Fear that your husband will leave you. Fear that you'll go hungry. Fear that you'll starve. Fear that you'll fail. And fear that those around you won't help you. In fact, the world is so scary, so dangerous, and such a harsh place, you NEED the government to protect you. You need Obama to take care of you.
Democrats have run campaign ads saying that if Republicans are elected old people will die of starvation and be unable to afford medicine.
If that's not a dishonest campaign of fear, I don't know what is.
Most of the McCain campaign seemed based on trying to scare voters that Obama hussain is a muslim, hence a terrorist, who isnt even a citizen and is going to tax everyone to implement his socialist society.
Not true. I'd explain why, but I'd be repeating myself, and, as you demonstrated earlier in your response, it's not worth bothering.
That was the message many americans got, and didnt believe. Hence, McCain lost credibility -- and the election.
McCain certainly lost.
These are reasons why I'm NOT discussing the campaign, or even arguing FOR people to vote for McCain. That's over.
I don't care WHY you voted for Obama. I'm only interested in discussing WHO you voted for and WHAT he is going to do.