very little access to Biden. Even his announcement as VP was strategically timed to fall on a slow news day to limit Biden's exposure.
Well, that makes no sense... If you allow the vp to be announced on a slow news day, then the biggest item in the news is your candidate... I don't understand the logic here Calabrio.
The Obama campaign wanted to have Biden to prop us his foreign policy credibility with "undecideds" (read: uninformed) and through their friends in the media and their savy, they managed the narrative giving people the impression Joe Biden actually is a wise man when it comes to foreign policy. Of course, history contradicts that, but... who's going to report it?
FOX? And certainly the right never tried to appeal to the 'uninformed'. By focusing on Ayers, the McCain campaign wanted to divert media attention away from the economy - an issue where they were losing, big time. An issue that probably cost them the election. The McCain campaign was severely flawed, even you have said so Calabrio.
Nope. TV news viewership is down. The NY Times is virtually bankrupt.
The media was accommodating a demand that didn't exist. They were certainly pandering, but it wasn't to the larger audiences.
Did you notice - I agreed with the result - what I did do was question your 'causes'. Almost all 'traditional' media is down, across the board. Internet entertainment and news delivery is killing traditional media - Traditional television media is skewing lower - as far as education, income, buying power, savings, etc. That is who they are pandering too. Focus TV media, which has a tendency to track right/conservative - is holding viewership a bit better, but not anything to shout about. They did devote time to investigating Obama, because they know that is where their numbers are.
There have been some ideas about why the more extreme right wing media does better than the counterpart on the other side. Why heavily skewed left wing media doesn't do as well. For example Olbermann vs O'Reilly. None of it is very flattering to the right. Sorry - just the way it is...
Then where was the dirt on Obama? There certainly is plenty of it? Why don't people know more about Rezko, Ayres, Write, Marshal? Why didn't they do tabloid stories on his deceased mother? His book is full of personal and incriminating stories, why weren't they ever spoken of in the MSM? Those things would have guaranteed high ratings.
Probably not high ratings - the 'people' didn't seem very receptive to attacks on Obama - those of us on the left saw this during the primaries, and I wondered the same thing. I don't know why it happened, but it did. The combination of how do you attack a high profile black politician, and coupled with the few times it was done it skewed terribly was a death knell to negative Obama press.
I can't change it - was the msm in love with Obama - maybe somewhat - because it seemed to be the thing to do at the time. It got good ratings.
We didn't create the press in our image,
the press has the power to influence and shape our view of the world. In doing so, they can shape the culture without us evening knowing.
The press is exactly what we created it to be. It isn't some pedestaled entity that is answerable to no one. It is answerable to us. We allowed this to happen. We accepted it, watched it, barely questioned it. It may have influenced us, but we allowed it - so, who is at fault? The press, or us? We are at fault - don't go off whining about how terrible it is, how left it is, how wrong it is, the people allowed it to become that.
Free market media. You cry about socialism - fine - I hate the idea too. But, it sounds like you want socialistic media, controlled, watched, monitored...
Live with it - we have free market media... or change it. That is what free market is all about - control of the people.
Those aren't Nancy Pelosi clones picking up seats in Alaska, the Carolinas, or Colorado.
Ah, well, it is Udall picking up a seat in Colorado - I believe he is almost as left as Peloski...