How often do you see a LS???


LVC Member
Sep 1, 2011
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I followed the wife down to the Ford dealer this morning to drop it off for service, in the parking lot there were 2 other Ls's... one was a black LSE, first one Ive seen in person... Then when we hop in my Jeep and get on the freeway a pea green LS goes flying by me.... We were like "man the LS is like owning a Honda accord today"... Just in our town along we have counted at least 12 different LS's... How often do you guys see LS's?

not too often in Columbus. About once or twice a week. Its never anyone under 50 years of age though. To me thats a bonus because i get asked all the time how do you afford that nice car?! Then their jaws really drop when i tell them its #2 . I can afford an LS because i work all day instead of sitting around smoking bath salts or crack !
1 about every two, maybe three weeks. There are 3 at school that I see here and there, but none as nice as mine :rolleyes:
Not often...maybe a few a week.

An LS is nowhere near as common as an accord. And usualy theyre driven by older folks.
bunches. mom has one. 2 live near me. several around town all the time.
where i live seems to have a higher than average amount of mark's and LS's both.
I see one every couple weeks. One guy that lives near me had a gen 1 and recently traded up for a much nicer/cleaner gen 2. Other than that, I don't know anyone around me that has one. Also, I don't think I've ever seen an LS in my area tha'ts modded - If anyone remembers Jwerner, he used to live near me and his LS was pretty heavily modded and I saw it just about every day on my way to work - that was several years ago though. It's nice to see other LS owners look as I go by since I've got 19's, exhaust, tint, and more on the way.
3 guys at work I know have one. A black '00, a black '01 LSE and a tan '01. A guy near my parents has a green 1st gen.

A friend of mine has a dark brown '01 sport. Funny thing about his car is he keeps turning it into a non-sport. Changed to a wood steering wheel and shift knob and keeps adding chrome. My 8 year old daughter points them out to me if she sees one, so I see them constantly lol.
Every day. There are a couple in town besides mine & yes I'm over 50...... :)


Down here in Tucson Az, I see one, once a week. Mostlyl first Gen. I've seen one other 06. Seen it twice. Only 06 I've seen here in the 2 1/2 yrs I've lived here.
I usually see one everyday. Although ive never seen an LSE in person.
And every LS i see is always stock and usually not in that great of condition. Only seen a couple with wheels and they were gen I's.
About once a week, and when I do it's always 1st Gen that is all beat up
i see at least one a day where I've been living in the Atlanta area, often five or six.
Modded.... None.

Nice black gen 2 LSE around here with belt squeal, though.
I see about 4 LSes a week I would say.. I see the same one parked at same lot near downtown East Lansing, then some kid has a Gen1 sport I see often, I often see a purple 06 that a very old lady drives. But if I do see a LS its usually a BTS gen 1 ..
I see a couple around here. One has a dark tint and big chrome wheels. A red gen 2 is always parked down the street from where I work.
Since I live in Metro Detroit, I see one every few blocks when out running errands or what have you.

But I regularly come out of a store or going through a drive up or in a gas station in good weather and have kids looking inside and want to talk about the roll cage and other items visible by peering through a window.

They seem to get a kick out of things since I look somewhat like Santa Claus.

There are 4 of them that i have seen around campus including mine. My dad has one too but other than that maybe a couple a week.
Everyday when I leave work I see a real pretty black Gen II LSE. Only thing I don't like about it is that it has a silver/gray tape on pinstripe. I want to meet the guy to swap taillights.

Besides that probably a couple times a week going to and from work. As most of you mentioned though they're not modded, neither is mine for that matter. I take that back I see some younger she woman occasionally on the trek back home.
Im from Nova Scotia Canada and in teh Halifax area I see alot of LS's around, More so that Lexus or Audi.
at minimum, three different ones a day.

not nearly as much as i see CTS's and 3 series, i probably saw 4 or 5 cts's just while on lunch yesterday.
3 guys at work I know have one. A black '00, a black '01 LSE and a tan '01. A guy near my parents has a green 1st gen.

A friend of mine has a dark brown '01 sport. Funny thing about his car is he keeps turning it into a non-sport. Changed to a wood steering wheel and shift knob and keeps adding chrome. My 8 year old daughter points them out to me if she sees one, so I see them constantly lol.

My 10 year old searches for them also...

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