I know everyone hates them....but just installed lambo doors!

PGA2B also mentioned the speed.. the fastest speed Autoloc's auto doors go at it like 8 seconds to go up once the door is open.. so u go up to the door.. u pull it open.. and then you press the switch to go up.. 8 seconds later.. u got a lambo door.. horrible for the rain and so forth..

i dont know if many of u know but u have to have someone open the door because it has to open COMPLETELY out before it goes up.. if it doesnt it can scratch ur paint/back door/ and lots of other niks can happen to ur paint..
Also with the gas shocks you get with the kit it is VERY easy to open and close. I dont think being automated would be all that much better.
Finally took more pics of the car put back together and some pics of my new suede headliner. Check it out and let me know what you think.







my headliner is falling how would u recommend me fixing it. Also the rear light rattles like none other. what should i do bout that.
The light just pops off in the rear so maybe you could pop it off and stick something in it:confused: As for it falling I would say just peel it off as far as its drooping and spray super 77 by 3m on the headliner material and cardboard and try to stick it back on. Good luck.
The suede (or is it microfiber?) looks pretty good..Im thinking it will look better if you brush it or smooth it out with your hand in the same direction..the "fingerprints" and other "marks" kind of detract from it.

Is that a difficult install?
love the headliner.. what embroidery are u tryin to do on the headrests? when i did my suede they offered me a pretty good price to do that embroidery.. like 40-75 a headrest depending on what u want.. let me know if ur still lookin for a good place..

also.. are u still lookin to bag ur car?
I am getting "Do it big" to match my license plate on my headrests. There is a local place by my house that is doing it for $25 each....I could not pass that up! And I am definently looking to bag my car still. I have been trying to search for information on it, but I keep coming up short.
I think Im getting old.

Pardon me..but what does "bag your car" mean?
Hydro's??? YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! If you plan to put the LS on a airbag suspension so you can lift it up and down like that video carnut linked to... WTF??
The video carnut posted is DEFINENTLY of bags. You can clearly hear the air coming out of the valves. Also the movement of the truck is different from hydros, it is smoother and more natural, not chopy and jerky.
the video was of bags.. u can tell because of how smooth and how slow he was going.. hydro's move SO MUCH QUICKER>...
I stand corrected. :) I thought it was hydro's the entire time.. Being I don't have sound on my work computer, I didn't hear the air come on.. My fault.

But still,, why would you want your car to move like that? tilt that way, pitch this way... ????

I have a kit for sale... that's why i asked

So with those suspensions..thats simply to do what was done in the video? Make the car do a few tricks while it's parked? Wouldnt that get old after the first......one time you do it?

Just asking

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