i'll never use Seafoam again!


Well-Known LVC Member
Oct 24, 2004
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Kenosha, WI

Like to share this, I’ve read how great seafoam is, clean out all the carbon,
well I was at the auto store buying something and I seen Seafoam I thought I would try it, got home I used the whole can thru the pcv valve I waited about 15.min's and started it WOW! lot of :q :q :q smoke, well the out come is seafoam mess up my o2 sensors! My car was running find till I used the seafoam now I get the check engine light, the code is telling me my o2's are bad!
unfortunately i have heard of this happening before. When you use Seafoam there is always a chance of ruining the O2 sensors. It is also a good idea to change spark plugs afterward as well.
I have used it multiple times on the same vehicle with no problems only used 1/3 can though.
Ricksquickviii said:

My car was running find till I used the seafoam now I get the check engine light, the code is telling me my o2's are bad!
Generally, both O2 sensors will not fail at the same time. Based on the codes, you should be able to determine which side needs to be replaced.

For Bank1 or the passenger's side, you most likely would need to lower the exhaust to get access to that sensor. Once the pipe is lowered, that side is fairly simple.

For Bank2 or the driver's side, I had to go to a small shop that did that kind of work. I tried, but couldn't get the sensor to turn due to limited space and also couldn't reach the plug. The shop charged IIRC $50, for one side, using my part.

There is a special socket for O2 sensors that you can either buy or borrow from AutoZone. This socket has a slot on the side to deal with the wire harness on the sensor.
Hey Rick. How many miles on your car? I think you may have done too much, too fast. Certainly some new autolite 764 for $1/pc will be worthwhile to drop in now. Also, send a PM to Ray (1wykdmk8) I think he knows a guy who sells the O2's for less than 1/2 what the street price is.
MonsterMark said:
Hey Rick. How many miles on your car? I think you may have done too much, too fast. Certainly some new autolite 764 for $1/pc will be worthwhile to drop in now. Also, send a PM to Ray (1wykdmk8) I think he knows a guy who sells the O2's for less than 1/2 what the street price is.

i have 120,000 on the clock, and thanks i'll talk to ray,
I add it to the gas tank ( the whole can ) once a month, I've never had a problem.
It was my understanding that you are never to exceed 1/3 of a can of Seafoam through the PCV, and if you haven't done it before and you're car has over 75k on it, only 1/4 or less the first time. I was also led to believe that the whole can per full tank is also acceptable, and that the two methods clean different things. PCV method cleans the IMRC's and the tank method really cleans out your fuel lines and injectors.

I am certainly not an expert but I think that everything I said is true.

Hope this helps for future attempts.
just look at it this way.......why did your o2's screw up? Probably not because of the Sea Foam but because of all the carbon that was being spit out of the exhaust. So basically the sea foam did what it was suppose to do, it was your engine being dirty that caused your o2's to go bad. Seeing how many miles you have on your car, the o2's were bound to go at any time, just so happen that it did it when you used the sea foam.

that might have just been the best bs'ing I've done in a long time but it sounds good! :Beer
i sucked a whole can in my pcv, didn't negatively impact my 02's....different cars will have different reactions i guess.
I Used Seafoam Twice In The Past 6 Weeks, And White Clouds Came Out. My Car Has 93k On It. Should I Keep Repeating To Get All Of The Junk Out? It Seems Like I Can Get More. :f
mespock said:
Sounds like the O2 Black Market!!!

Chris (unstoppable) knew someone to get them from cheap but I don't know if he still sells them.
Well all done with the o2’s what a nightmare, I had to drop the exhaust to get to them! The passenger's side is the easy side, the driver's side what pain even the wire a pain I spent about 3 hours! But it's all good now!
Ricksquickviii said:
Well all done with the o2’s what a nightmare, I had to drop the exhaust to get to them! The passenger's side is the easy side, the driver's side what pain even the wire a pain I spent about 3 hours! But it's all good now!

Is that still mean you are not going to used the seafoam again, and if not what will you used to clean the carbon out..
I used 1/3 can on mine, but my O2 sensors were already bad, I replaced them AFTER I did seafoam.
More than likely if you had used the seafoam agian it would have cleaned the 02 sensors, that is exactly what happened on my 94.

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