"Illegal Immigrant" is an oxymoron...

Wow, everyone is in agreement, and so AM I!!! I never post i here LOL.

I totally agree, there are to many illegals in this country. I think over everything else on the issue table they are the biggest problem and cost the most money, and take the most jobs away from real law abiding citizens of the USA. They are all getting free healthcare, free military protection, police, and fire protection. And they don't have to pey taxes on their paychecks (at least in IL, they don't) Here in Melrose Park IL. We have a huge immigrant problem. When I worked for the Census Bureau you would not beleive how many houses I went to where the people were afraid to answer the door or they threatened me (at least i think they did, they spoke other languages):rolleyes: because they thought I was a government Immigration worker.

It has got to stop!!! It is rediculous. They can even commit crimes and then when they do they are preotected by the government!!!! As Buffordpisser said:"they are a protected class". That just pisses me off. I know this is true to, as a census there were residences we were not supposed to count because there were known illegals being protected by the government living in these residences. I asked why they were being protected and they would not say, but rumors were spread it had to do with them committing crimes, or some kind of medical issues. They were being protected for some reason, and i would not be surprised if it was for the rumored reasons.

They also think we should learn there languages to accomodate them. BS!!!! I refuse to learn Polish or Spanish or anything else just so I can get a job. I was unable to get numerous jobs I applied for because I did not speak spanish. It is appalling!!!

P.S. Nice to see something we all finally agree on.;)
Hi Guys

I find this thread so amusing because unless you are a Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Souix, Blackfoot, Passamaquody or belong one of the many other Native American Tribes - YOU ARE ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!


Dereck said:
Hi Guys

I find this thread so amusing because unless you are a Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Souix, Blackfoot, Passamaquody or belong one of the many other Native American Tribes - YOU ARE ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!



I love it Dereck... Love the out side view especially coming from someone who's country took over America long ago (the first illegal immigrants - well that could have been those damn French or Spanish too LOL)... Thanks Love it...

You do have some insight...
Dereck said:
Hi Guys

I find this thread so amusing because unless you are a Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Souix, Blackfoot, Passamaquody or belong one of the many other Native American Tribes - YOU ARE ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!



Good point... But American Indians are illegal immigrants too; their ancestors migrated from Asia roughly 12,000 years ago. Should everyone leave then?

What European settlers/invaders did to the American Indians is appalling, but let's get back to the now and current issue/problem, the one that can and needs to be fixed.

My family came to this country in the late 1977, we did it legally. My parents put in a request for a visa; they paid all the monetary dues that were required. We had to get a medical examines to prove we did not carry any contagious diseases; my mother also had to visit a gynecologist to prove she wasn't pregnant. After several years of living here and filling for residency we filled for citizenship and became citizens. WHY CAN"T THEY DO THE SAME?
95DevilleNS said:
Good point... But American Indians are illegal immigrants too; their ancestors migrated from Asia roughly 12,000 years ago. Should everyone leave then?

What European settlers/invaders did to the American Indians is appalling, but let's get back to the now and current issue/problem, the one that can and needs to be fixed.

My family came to this country in the late 1977, we did it legally. My parents put in a request for a visa; they paid all the monetary dues that were required. We had to get a medical examines to prove we did not carry any contagious diseases; my mother also had to visit a gynecologist to prove she wasn't pregnant. After several years of living here and filling for residency we filled for citizenship and became citizens. WHY CAN"T THEY DO THE SAME?

Hey! We were here first, dang it!

--Leif Erickson

Guess America was originally a white nation. ;)
Government finally cracks down on illegal aliens!

U.S. Finally Getting Tough On -- Danish Supermodels!
Posted by Jack Engelhard on April 25, 2006 - 12:09.

Besides President Bush and the Senate, who says we can’t deport individuals who are here undocumented and illegal? Read page 7 of today’s NY Post (my favorite newspaper) and you’ll see that we’ve done just that to “Danish diva” May Andersen. Andersen, a Sports Illustrated supermodel, has been deported back to Amsterdam, or maybe Copenhagen, or anywhere except here in the U.S.

Meanwhile, 12 million illegals crossing over from Mexico are welcome. Come on down!

Don’t know about you, but I feel much safer now that Andersen is going, going, gone.

We sure don’t want beautiful women clogging up our streets and making trouble.

Andersen, who has lived mostly in New York since 2000, did commit a crime. Here: “Andersen was arrested Thursday after allegedly belting a flight attendant on a flight to Miami.” Next step – deportation. In fact, Customs agents were on hand to make sure she got on the plane and didn't try to sneak back in.

CAN she get back in? Authorities say Andersen is “inadmissible” under a program that permits some visitors to enter without visas.

She fails to meet a certain “required burden of proof.”

Now that’s tough action and tough talk, exactly what we expect: a government that enforces our laws.

But then we turn to page 20 of the same NY Post and find irony where no irony is intended.

Alongside the photo of our president, here’s the headline: BOOTING ALL ILLEGALS IS JUST LOCO, BUSH SAYS.


No need to pursue the rest of the story. You’ve got the gist, and maybe you can figure it out. I can’t.

I just feel so much safer now that we’ve got one less supermodel to worry about. How about you?
Well, think of the harm she did to all other super models by lowering the wages. I heard she would do runway for a 1/3 of what American models were asking. I'm glad she's gone!:rolleyes:

Good riddance May Anderson!
fossten said:
2. Mexico is NOT a poor country. It has the fifth richest economy in the world, and by sending its teeming masses to our country, that status keeps on rising. Mexico has more resources per square mile than the U.S. and plenty of money to take care of its own people.
torquemonkey said:
I invite any and all of you to visit Phoenix AZ. The above post is absolutely on the dot! See all of the above daily in action.
a_rome said:
I am from New Mexico and we are getting flooded with illegals.
Ok...this *may* be too simplistic an answer, but:
How about you all just become illegal aliens in Mexico then?
raVeneyes said:
Ok...this *may* be too simplistic an answer, but:
How about you all just become illegal aliens in Mexico then?

I'll tell ya, if (illegal) Americans picketed and demanded rights, health care, driver licenses etc. in Mexico one of two things would probably happen.

1) They'd be ignored and told to F-off
2) They'd be beaten and jailed

Both ending with deportation.
95DevilleNS said:
I'll tell ya, if (illegal) Americans picketed and demanded rights, health care, driver licenses etc. in Mexico one of two things would probably happen.

1) They'd be ignored and told to F-off
2) They'd be beaten and jailed

Both ending with deportation.
Don't you think there would be some political backlash...I mean the Mexican government *is* handing out pamphlets on how to cross the border illegally and safely. Wouldn't it be a political liability to then deport people crossing the other way illegally and safely?

raVeneyes said:
Don't you think there would be some political backlash...I mean the Mexican government *is* handing out pamphlets on how to cross the border illegally and safely. Wouldn't it be a political liability to then deport people crossing the other way illegally and safely?


Doubtful, President Fox pretty much laughs are our situation. Then again, if our government really wanted to enforce the immigration laws they could do a much* better job. So it all boils down to politics.

* By 'much' I mean astronomically better.
I have stated this same view on every board I am a member of when this immigration matter comes up.
On a couple of boards, my post has been edited because I pull no punches.
Again I will say, put the national guard on the border, erect bill boards every 200 yards, facing the mexico side, stating in big red letters, in spanish,"IF YOU ENTER THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY, YOU WILL BE SHOT DEAD ON THE SPOT, AND GO HOME IN A BODY BAG".
If enough of these low life bastards are shot, obviously the rest will get the message, STAY WHERE YOU ARE OR DIE.
Make no mistake about it, this is a war, and war calls for people dying.
As for rounding up the millions already here illegally, it is a copp out to say it can't be done.
With proper planning, anything can be accomplished.
As you can see, I have absolutely no sympathy for these bastards infiltrating our border.
As for this crap Bush and the far left are screeming about every day that, immigrants will do the work Americans wont, is just that, a bunch of crap.
The construction industry is just one example of jobs any American out of work would be glad too do.
These low lifes work for peanuts, and businesses profit because of it.
Put business owners in jail for hireing illegals, and watch the tables turn.
Enough said.
Too bad the politicians won't listen to common sense.
Hi Bob Hubbard

I can only agree with your suggestion I wish our government would implement that idea but whatever happened to "Bring us you poor and needy"?


Living in this country is a privilege that needs to be earned. America is a special nation, and we deserve for our government to protect us, not only from external attacks, but also from soft invasions. Our economy is endangered by this issue, not to mention the potential terrorist impact.
Dereck, As for "Bring us your poor and needy", it is high time that statue of liberty have a blindfold over her eyes.
When that statue was erected, there were no terriorist threats to this country or millions of people flocking in from our southern border without papers.
That statue was a gift from France, and was intended to show the world we were a caring nation.
Times have drastically changed so that we can no longer be that all caring nation as in the past.
We need to resolve the problems within the country caused by the influx of millions of illegals.
Perhaps when this is accomplished we can once again welcome the tired, poor and needy as the statue dictates.
We obviously need to clean house and put up proper controls at both borders to insure our country will remain free for those who want to enter legally.
My dad spent seven years becomming a citizen of this country when he was young, and if it was good enough way back then to do it the right way, it should be damm well good enough to do it now.
Like it or not, this is a war of sovrignty for our nation, and there are way too many people out there that are unwilling to face that fact.
It is war, and we best address it as such, or in time this nation, as we know it will secumb.
One only has to drive around the city of Los Angeles to see what is happening.
Shooting to kill is certainly drastic, but one has to think of the alternative if we do nothing.
These people need to be stopped imediately and, those living and working here illegally need to be rounded up and sent packing back to where they came from.
Talk is cheap, and only raises the level of confusion.
Action is needed, not talk.
Only then will this country be in a position to further accept legal immigrants looking for a better life.
There is an argument being brought forth that families will be broken up and seperated if all illegals are sent packing.
To that I say "TOUGH".
They were not invited here, we did not tell them to have many babies.
Go bact to your native country, kids in tow, wait your turn, and apply for legal citizenship.
I only wish the stupid politician voting on this issue could see the real dramatics of this situation.
All they see are a large voting block of hispanics, and they want too cater to that voting block.
If the senate does vote on anything short of sending them packing, you can bet me and many other Americans will stand up and be counted and, not take it lying down.
We will fight to keep this country in the hands of true Americans and protect our heritage.
It sound like I am a true racist, but the fact of the matter is, that is just not so.
I welcome anyone here that wants to do it through the correct chanels.
I detest these illegal bastards infiltrating our country and trying to change everything to fit their needs.
Let them earn it.
I could go on and on, but I think I have made my point.
As a postscript to my post above, I just want to add this.
While typing that last reply, I had one ear to the news broadcast.
The United states marshall service declared their latest"raid" on criminals very succesful.
In the last two weeks, through out the country they captured 9000 criminals on various charges ranging from sexual assault to parole violations.
Rounding up 9000 is a formidable amount.
It took planning and many man hours but, It was accomplished.
The same could hold true for rounding up illegal aliens.
Planning is the key, and it can be done.
Saying it is impossible is just what the sympathisers of these illegals want everyone to think.
Planning and exectution are the buzz words here.
9000 or 11 million, makes no difference.
If the plan is put in place, it CAN be done.

Kudos to the United States Marshall Service.
The senate will be returning from an Easter vacation next week, and I would ask that in the interest of this great country, you email your senators from your respective states and ask them to put this vote on hold until further investigations can be held as to the validity of the vote, and the circumstances of any vote.
In a post comming up shortly, I will type a letter that is going to my state senators in Washington, and for those of you who are interested in sending an email to your senators, feel free to copy and paste it to your hard drive so that you can print it out.
Not enough information is available for any of them to take a vote on such a critical matter.
I hope you will read the letter I am going to send out, and it will allow your senators to hear your side of the issue.
For the most part, all the senators have to go on is what they see and hear on the brodcast news.
Hundreds of thousands of illegals, and their supporters marching in the streets is what they see, not the adverage American, working two jobs, with no time to march.
Let them hear from you, it is critically important.
Below is a letter I will be emailing to my states senators in Washington, concerning the upcoming vote on immigration reform.
Feel free to copy and paste it to your hard drive so that you can send it to your reps in Washington.

Dear Senator, perhaps the most important vote in your career as a senator will be comming up shortly, and my hope is that you will be fully informed before taking such a vote, on such a critical matter as immigration reform.
You have seen the people protesting through out the country in the hope that your vote will allow the illegal aliens to stay in the country.
I feel it is high time you also heard from we people who are for the most part, working two jobs, and can't take the time to protest in the streets with our concerns.
This country obviously was built on immigrants but, they were legal in status for the most part, they went through the proper chanels to become citizens.
To snub their efforts, and the efforts of many today who are waiting their turn by doing things legally by voting in favor of an immigrant guest priogram and subsiquent uncontrollable influx of many more illegals, would be un concisionable and dis- respectful on your part.
I feel much more investigation is needed in this matter before a final vote is taken.
A few points I would like for you to consider before voting is to research the economic impact of voting this measure in to law, and the impact it will have on the entire country, both socially and economically.
It has been said, "immigrants do the work Americans won't do.
I feel this is a falacy.
You need to address American citizen's need first.
You need to take a look at each states unemployment figures and demographics of those unemployed.
Why they are unemployed.
What the remedy to their employment is.
In many cases the answewr lies in lower wages being paid to the illegal work force.
Health and medical cost to the states as a result of the illegal immigration.
Housing needs created by illegal immigrants.
Criminal activity by illegals, and the cost incurred by the states in relation to these illegals.
The burden to the states in educational funding for the education of illegals.
The list is long, but the points mentioned here are a starting point.
I ask that you convien the senate with the purpose of putting off any voting on the immigration issue until the complete impact on the individual states, and the country as a whole has been studied fully.
Then and only then can you vote with confidence that you have the information at hand to make an honest decision.
Ther are many arguements on both sides, but only when you have all the necessary pertinent information, can you come to a formidable decision.
Voting because"it has to be done" is not the correct way to solve anything.
Voting without the benefit of all information that is pertinent is pure insanity.
Voting because one needs a large voting block in their conor is again rediculous.
We as citizens have put you in the position of representing us in Washington.
We trust that you will do all in your power to vote responsibly on all issues before you.
You can't possibly do that with only a small amount of information before you.
Again, a postponment on the vote is critical until you have the full impact on the individual states as well as the entire country as a whole.
Thank you for your time.
Dereck said:
...but whatever happened to "Bring us you poor and needy"?

Want to know what happened to the founding principals of the United States? You need look no further than our own message board

fossten said:
Living in this country is a privilege that needs to be earned. America is a special nation, and we deserve for our government to protect us, not only from external attacks, but also from soft invasions. Our economy is endangered by this issue, not to mention the potential terrorist impact.
raVeneyes said:
Want to know what happened to the founding principals of the United States? You need look no further than our own message board

Obviously you've never read the Constitution, particularly the preamble.

But we established that when you first appeared on this board, didn't we?

Originally Posted by raVeneyes
I understand how the balance of powers is *supposed* to work. Originally the framers set up the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches to be an adversarial relationship......The Legislative branch was to represent the common man...those many many voices all with their own interests and concerns. The Executive was there to represent the elite...the upper class philosophers...those who have time to think all day. The Judicial was there to settle disputes between the two and determine what was closest to the constitution's intent. The Legislative was also set up to be divided like it is in Great Britain. The Senate is supposed to be mostly liberal and the House mostly conservative (or the other way around). They're supposed to bounce the acts back and forth between each other and arrive at a compromise. We got lost somewhere along the line...the house and senate became the same people, and the Executive came to represent everyone.

Freefaller said:
Where the HELL did you get this SH!T? The same book you got your Mesopotamian history from? Holy crap man...

You have absolutely NO idea of how the US government works. You just seem to be pulling things out of your behind. Seriously, get an education and come back when you're ready.
I understand how the balance of powers is *supposed* to work. Originally the framers set up the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches to be an adversarial relationship. Unfortunately the way people think about government has changed...and the advent of insta-media means that we all participate in government to a level never anticipated by the framers of the constitution. The Legislative branch was to represent the common man...those many many voices all with their own interests and concerns. The Executive was there to represent the elite...the upper class philosophers...those who have time to think all day. The Judicial was there to settle disputes between the two and determine what was closest to the constitution's intent. The Legislative was also set up to be divided like it is in Great Britain. The Senate is supposed to be mostly liberal and the House mostly conservative (or the other way around). They're supposed to bounce the acts back and forth between each other and arrive at a compromise. We got lost somewhere along the line...the house and senate became the same people, and the Executive came to represent everyone. Well...that's how we end up in situations every four years where we switch from an all conservative to a conservative/progressive to a progressive/conservative to an all progressive government. It's a rhythm we've been following for three or more generations now.

MAllen82 said:
That's so wrong I can't believe I'm dignifying it with a response. The House and the Senate are their to represent us more thoroughly because they are the ones who make the laws, therefore, we have more say in what laws are ratified. The Executive Branch doesn't need such a local representation because he is the enforcer of the law. We already set the parameters, and now he has to follow those rules. The President was never to represent the elite or the philosphers, what is this, an Aristotalean society ruled by Philospher Kings?? NO!!! Man, you really need to read a socail studies book or something. Legislative makes the law, Execuive enforces the law, and the Judicial is there to make sure everyone plays by the rules. Judicial dones't settle disputes between the two branches. LORD!! And neither the House nor the Senate is "supposed" to be liberal or conservative. Senators are more dignified and intelligent generally, but the House gives representation on a much more local level, making sure each district gets its own personal voice.
I'm sorry...I'm not really up on the whole Halliburton thing because I don't really care about it that much.

So according to this logic I can write a textbook on the fundamentals of Economy even thoguh I know nothing about economy?? If you don't know anything, you can't make claims on it, that's just common sense. If you make a statement, back it up with proof.

I'm just saying what makes sense in the situation...if there is proof of links between 9/11/1 and Iraq, then why hasn't the White House printed banners with that proof on it and started flying them around the country...the lack of proof is one of the biggest hamstrings to the White House accomplishing it's foreign policy initiatives.

I believe fossten said Al Qaeda, not 9/11. You know, they have done other things besides 9/11. It's a known fact that Iraq had ties to terrorism. Saddam hired terrorists on multiple occasions, for example, he hired them to kidnap the Saudi Minister of Oil, and hijack his plane. THAT'S A KNOWN FACT!!

I love debate...I despise when it's done poorly...just so long as we don't get all party line on each other, and understand that every one of us *can* be wrong, then I will participate.

Well, you are the one saying we can't debate here according to you principles, so them don't partake. I mean I don't wanna discourage anybody, but again, I don't wanna hear complaints about the way we debate here.

Quote (RaVeneyes):
I ABSOLUTELY know less than Bush does about the current situation of American foreign policy...seeing as he's the one making it and I'm not.

Funny, because you said that we on the right know less than "even Bush does" or something. I detect some negative connotation in that remark, somehow implying that he's stupid and doesn't know anything about foreign policy, but we're even stupider for knowing less. I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy is all.

Look, for you to ever admit that you were wrong(besides on the order of events in history) you need to read both sides. I KNOW that Brian, fossten, freefaler, and I read the leftish articles posted here everyday. You can't form an opinion without knowing both sides of it. For you to assume that you can is ignorant.


Discredited again.
I would like to take this time once again to remind those interested in this immigration problem, and the up comming senate vote, to PLEASE, contact your Senators in Washington.
The letter above is provided for your convenience to contact them.
Go to the post above where the letter is written, highlight it and click on "copy".

Go to Google search and type in United States Senator list.
Search your state and click on the senator's email contact.
Once that page opens, fill in the information, and in the message box, right click,,and in the drop down menu, click "paste".
Be sure and print your name on the signature line.
That's all there is too it.
Repeat the steps for each senator's email and paste the letter too them.
I really hope you will take the few minutes it takes to let you voice be heard.
This vote is critical, and your senators must know how you feel about this controversial measure.
Thanks again, and PLEASE, email them just as soon as you can.
Bob Hubbard said:
I would like to take this time once again to remind those interested in this immigration problem, and the up comming senate vote, to PLEASE, contact your Senators in Washington.
The letter above is provided for your convenience to contact them.
Go to the post above where the letter is written, highlight it and click on "copy".

Go to Google search and type in United States Senator list.
Search your state and click on the senator's email contact.
Once that page opens, fill in the information, and in the message box, right click,,and in the drop down menu, click "paste".
Be sure and print your name on the signature line.
That's all there is too it.
Repeat the steps for each senator's email and paste the letter too them.
I really hope you will take the few minutes it takes to let you voice be heard.
This vote is critical, and your senators must know how you feel about this controversial measure.
Thanks again, and PLEASE, email them just as soon as you can.

Please do a "spell check" on your "letter."
Vitas, Thanks for the reminder.
I used the spell checker just before I emailed them, but forgot about checking the original above.
I will check it now.
Bob Hubbard said:
Vitas, Thanks for the reminder.
I used the spell checker just before I emailed them, but forgot about checking the original above.
I will check it now.

Your letter is a very good letter instituting new policy going forward.

Your comments trying to apply such a new policy retroactively, in my opinion, are inappropriate.

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