"Illegal Immigrant" is an oxymoron...

Bob Hubbard said:
Below is a letter I will be emailing to my states senators in Washington, concerning the upcoming vote on immigration reform.
Feel free to copy and paste it to your hard drive so that you can send it to your reps in Washington.

Dear Senator, perhaps the most important vote in your career as a senator will be comming up shortly, and my hope is that you will be fully informed before taking such a vote, on such a critical matter as immigration reform.
You have seen the people protesting through out the country in the hope that your vote will allow the illegal aliens to stay in the country.
I feel it is high time you also heard from we people who are for the most part, working two jobs, and can't take the time to protest in the streets with our concerns.
This country obviously was built on immigrants but, they were legal in status for the most part, they went through the proper channels to become citizens.
To snub their efforts, and the efforts of many today, who are waiting their turn by doing things legally, by voting in favor of an immigrant guest program and subsiquent uncontrollable influx of many more illegals, would be unrealistic and dis- respectful on your part.
I feel much more investigation is needed in this matter before a final vote is taken.
A few points I would like for you to consider before voting is to research the economic impact of voting this measure in too law, and the impact it will have on the entire country, both socially and economically.
It has been said, "immigrants do the work Americans won't do.
I feel this is a result of mis-information.
You need to address American citizen's need first.
Perhaps you could get much needed information on the following:
You need to take a look at each states unemployment figures and demographics of those unemployed.
Why they are unemployed.
What the remedy to their unemployment is.
In many cases the answer lies in lower wages being paid to the illegal work force.
Health and medical cost to the states as a result of the illegal immigration.
Housing needs, and the cost to states and the local governments to meet those needs of illegal immigrants.
Criminal activity by illegals, and the cost incurred by the states in relation to these illegals.
The burden to the states in educational funding for the education of illegals.
The list is long, but the points mentioned here are a starting point.
I ask that you convene the senate with the purpose of putting off any voting on the immigration issue until the complete impact on the individual states, and the country as a whole has been studied fully.
Then and only then can you vote with confidence that you have the information at hand to make an honest decision.
There are many arguements on both sides, but only when you have all the necessary, pertinent information, can you come to a qualified decision.
Voting because"it has to be done" is not the correct way to solve anything.
Voting without the benefit of all information that is pertinent, is pure insanity.
Voting because one needs a large voting block in their corner is again rediculous.
We as citizens have put you in the position of representing us in Washington.
We trust that you will do all in your power to vote responsibly on all issues before you.
You can't possibly do that with only a small amount of information before you.
Again, a postponement on the vote is critical until you have the full impact on the individual states as well as the entire country as a whole.
Thank you for your time.

Please ignore copying the letter in the post preceding this one.
I re-checked it and corrected the spelling.
This one should do to copy and paste.

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