I did a search for solenoid pack and came up with a bunch of references to people they need to change it, but I haven't found a thread detailing how to do it....like a how-to tutorial. Any body have a link and know off the top of their head the associated cost for parts?
I did mine a few years ago. It isn't too bad, but without a lift it will be a bugger! Then there is the issue refilling the trans.
Drop the pan and the solenoid pack is right there. A few bolts and, IIRC, a hard to reach electrical connector and the old one comes out.
Here's a pic:
Here's the write-up from the service CD.......
SECTION 307-01: Automatic Transmission — 5R55S 2003 Lincoln LS Workshop Manual
IN-VEHICLE REPAIR Procedure revision date: 03/11/2003
Solenoid Body Assembly Printable View (335 KB)
Material Item Specification
MERCON® V Automatic Transmission Fluid
Removal and Installation
NOTE: When the battery has been disconnected and reconnected, some abnormal drive symptoms can occur while the vehicle relearns its adaptive strategy. The customer needs to be notified that they may experience slightly different upshifts (either soft or firm) and this is a temporary condition and will eventually return to normal operating condition.
Disconnect the battery ground cable. For additional information, refer to Section 414-00 .
With the vehicle in PARK, position it on a hoist. For additional information, refer to Section 100-00 .
Remove the components in the order indicated in the following illustration and table.
To install, reverse the removal procedure.
Item Part Number Description
1 7A194 Transmission fluid pan drain plug
2 — Heated oxygen sensor electrical connector (part of 9F472)
Removal Note
2 — Heated oxygen sensor electrical connector (part of 9F472)
Installation Note
3 — Heated oxygen sensor electrical connector retainer
Removal Note
3 — Heated oxygen sensor electrical connector retainer
Installation Note
4 7E395 Transmission selector lever cable eyelet
5 7B229 Transmission selector lever cable screws and bracket
6 7C078 Solenoid body harness electrical connector
Installation Note
7 14A646 Transmission range TR sensor electrical connector
Removal Note
7 14A646 Transmission range TR sensor electrical connector
Installation Note
8 W500213-S1309 Transmission fluid pan screws
Installation Note
9 7A194 Transmission fluid pan
Installation Note
10 7A191 Transmission fluid pan gasket
11 W70559-S300 Transmission fluid pan filter screws
12 7A098 Transmission fluid pan filter
13 W703189-S1430 Solenoid body screws
Installation Note
14 W702291-S300 Solenoid body screw
Installation Note
15 7G391 Solenoid body
16 W705928-S300 Solenoid body O-ring seals
Installation Note
Verify that the shift cable is adjusted correctly. For additional information, refer to Selector Lever Cable Adjustment in this section.
Item 2: Heated Oxygen Sensor Electrical Connector Removal Note
Disconnect the heated oxygen sensor connector and remove the sensor wire retaining clip from the right side of the transmission pan rail.
Item 3: Heated Oxygen Sensor Electrical Connector Retainer Removal Note
Remove the heated oxygen sensor connector from the front of the transmission pan rail.
Item 7: Transmission Range TR Sensor Electrical Connector Removal Note
Remove and discard the tie strap from the digital TR sensor connector boot.
Slide the rubber boot back and disconnect the digital TR sensor connector.
Item 16: Solenoid Body O-Ring Seals Installation Note
Install new O-ring seals on the solenoid body connector. Lubricate the O-ring seals with clean automatic transmission fluid.
Items 13 and 14: Solenoid Body Screws Installation Note
CAUTION: Inspect the transmission case bore to make sure it is free of foreign material and not damaged. If it is damaged, transmission leak may occur.
Install the solenoid body. Tighten the screws in sequence shown.
Item 9: Transmission Fluid Pan Installation Note
Install the transmission fluid pan and gasket and loosely install the screws.
Item 8: Transmission Fluid Pan Screws Installation Note
Tighten the screws in a crisscross sequence.
Item 7: Transmission Range TR Sensor Electrical Connector Installation Note
Connect the digital TR sensor connector and slide the rubber boot over the connector.
Install a new strap on the digital TR sensor connector boot.
Item 6: Solenoid Body Harness Electrical Connector Installation Note
CAUTION: Damage will occur to the solenoid body assembly if the screw is tightened above the specification.
NOTE: Always install new O-ring seals on vehicle harness connector.
NOTE: Clean the area around connector to prevent contamination of the solenoid body connector.
NOTE: Use petroleum jelly to lubricate the O-ring seals to aid in the installation process.
Install and lubricate new O-ring seals on the transmission connector and connect the connector.
Item 3: Heated Oxygen Sensor Electrical Connector Retainer Installation Note
Install the heated oxygen sensor connector from the front of the transmission pan rail.
Item 2: Heated Oxygen Sensor Electrical Connector Installation Note
Connect the heated oxygen sensor connector and install the sensor wire retaining clip to the right side of the transmission pan rail.
I don't know how to put the pictures in the right place, but they should be in the right order....