IMRC rebuilding/rebushing

I ordered a package of these a while back, thinking it might be for the ends of the IMRCs. The description says "Fits on end of the intake manifold runner control rod". What I got was a box of five plastic rings that look like they go on the end of a tube or something. The inside diameter is definitely too small for the rods, so I have no idea what they're for. Just a heads up in case anyone sees them.
Marcus, those are the little bushings, that fit into the square hole on the rear side of the imrc arm. The actuator rod then fits into that.
Late reply

98, I believe Hang is looking for a set of Gen 2 IMRC plates. Wow, my thread was revived from almost 3-1/2 years ago.

I didnt remember any posts back on this.I have a Gen 1.I did manage to pick up a set for rebuild this weekend.Have you had any issues since your overhaul with regards to the IMRCs?

Marcus, those are the little bushings, that fit into the square hole on the rear side of the imrc arm. The actuator rod then fits into that.

And what he has there is gold,pure gold.Price them at ford and you will hear CHACHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENG!At least they still have them.
oh i just waant to throw my two cents, go to an industrial bearing place and get new bearings, they are somewhat cheap for what they do. also you really want to make sure you locktite the valve scrfews
Fortunately, there are a lot of other vehicles that use them also. I've had no problems with them since I did the cleaning, installed new controllers, and regasketted the intake.

The set of butterflys I got off a 93 do not have the plastic inserts on the actuators.They are metal to metal.Are all these units vacume operated?I dont have them off my 96 yet to know if mine are vacume or mechanical.
all the imrc plates are the same from 93-96, and all are vacuum, whats makes yours different tom is the actual actuator, 93-95 are stricly vacuum with a linkage and single vacuum line, 96 is the same with the exception of a wire harness on the top of each actuator, they are monitored by the pcm. thats what makes them 96 specific.

Thanks Jamie,That figures.I remember now that they had wiring harnesses when they were off the last time and the 93s just had the vacume line.Looks like my plan of O/H down time just had a wrench thrown in the plan.
no , not at all the plate is the same, rebuild the plates and stick your 96 actuators on the ends of them you can still do what you wanted.

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