
Missing Linc'

Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 18, 2008
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Ive yet to look into this in depth but perhaps someone can enlighten me. Intake Manifold Runner Control, IRMC for short, used on the MK's, Stangs and Im sure other FoMoCo vehicles. Im pretty sure Gen 2's have this, why else would there be a composite intake manifold with some type of "aluminum spacer" between it and the cylinder head. I know some members on here have taken apart the intake manifold down to the heads on Gen 2's so Im hoping they will chime in. It makes sense that they would be there and if so we could make delete plates like everyone else that has them thats more performance oriented. I know they arent worth much of a gain but the S197 guys claim 10hp at times and to us, every little bit is worth it. Ive lost damn near all luxury aspects of my LS pertaining to anything outside the cabin, exhaust is loud, car is low and hits sometimes, rougher ride, intake is louder, less MPG's because Im always in the throttle.. Does anyone else deem this a reasonable assumption? Im just trying to figure it out before I go tearing apart my car since its off the road now.
You can't really prove a negative, and I see no reason to try.
linc' the weathers been pretty decent lately, nice driving so late in the year without snow, the car def. drives better in lower temps:)

The hell?? It is rather nice today, drive to CT, I gotta work at 530pm, we can get a shoot in before that? Bwhaha, Im on probation, forgot I cant leave the state without telling the :q:q:q:qers, its lame as hell.. What part of RI you in?
Listen, I come on here to try and help people out. My advice is free, and you can take or leave it for what it is worth. The LS engines don't have intake runner control. Nowhere in the manual will it say that it doesn't have it, just like the manual doesn't say that the LS doesn't have hybrid drive. However, nowhere in the manual does it say that it does, because it doesn't. If you are so certain that it does have this, then don't let me stop you from searching for it.

"why else would there be a composite intake manifold..."
That theory is quite invalid. It has a composite manifold for the same reasons that almost every other car has them. The are lighter, cheaper, and can be made to do some things that are difficult in all metal.

Here's the gen II service manual. Happy searching...
"why else would there be a composite intake manifold with some type of "aluminum spacer" between it and the cylinder head." Is what I said, maybe if you didnt rush through it youd read the whole damn thing, all I asked was for simple proof, no reason to cop a damn attitude with me guy. Go look at a 3V 4.6's intake setup, composite upper intake, short aluminum runner section for the IMRC plates, oh hey guess what, same damn setup the Gen2's have.. Oh damn SCT has IMRC listed under the LS for datalogging abilities.. Cant do sh!t on this site without someone throwing a damn fit. Ridiculous...
You asked a question, and I answered it because I know the answer. You are the one with the attitude. Rather than me proving myself right (because I don't need to), why don't you prove me wrong. (A reference to SCT features is not proof.) Service data or a picture would be.

Why ask a question if you will not accept the answer?
Your right "missing linc", People LOVE to flame each other this site. I don't think you had an attitude, anyone else who reads this will agree.
Quik LS; if you follow his posts, joe really does offer a lot of answers to others on this site - I have learned from his posts. He is straight forward.

:I +10. joe is the man. I dont how he does it but he's like a computer database full of knowlegde. The most random things wrong with the ls that you just can't figure out, joe to the rescue.
Cant do sh!t on this site without someone throwing a damn fit. Ridiculous...

Not for nothing, but you threw a fit for no reason. Joe has never lead anyone wrong on this site, and to paraphrase what Quick said..the guy knows his sh*t about the LS. If he says the LS doesn't have them, I'd be inclined to believe him.

If you don't like his advice - and since your car is already down - tear it apart and find out for yourself.
Why is everyone so testy lately? The only LS that has IMRC are the v6's. The AJ v8's that we have don't.
All I asked for was proof that we didnt have them, thats it. Was it so hard to just put that link in there and say have a look for youself instead of "You can't really prove a negative, and I see no reason to try." It seemed quite possible that we could have had it and I just wanted to know if we didnt by someone elses experience. How was I supposed to know youve read that manual back and forth or something like that?

"if you follow his posts, joe really does offer a lot of answers to others on this site - I have learned from his posts. He is straight forward." I havent but from now on I should, didnt know of him prior to this.

Thanks and my apologies.
now i dont' want to sound like a complete tool, but i"m gonna ask anyway, is this (IMRC) thing, that device that closes off one of the two intake runners for each cylinder to keep the air velocity up in the low RPM range like the marks have? i thought messing with those with a N/A hurts the low end, and doesn't do any thing for the high end since they open up there anyway.
Here's one site that talks about the Duratec v6 in the Lincoln and Jags

Except there was no 1994 X-Type, it was introduced in 2001. Our 1996 Sable Duratec had 2 openings for each runner; one controlled by a butterfly.


My 2000 V6 LS has the samish oval openings without the butterflies.
Here's one site that talks about the Duratec v6 in the Lincoln and Jags

The Duratec engine has never been in the LS.

The new 3.0L 4V Direct-Acting Mechanical Bucket (DAMB) engine was designed exclusively for the Lincoln LS to enhance performance and drivability. The 3.0L engine is available with either the 5-speed automatic transmission or the Getrag 5-manual transmission.

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