That is a false distinction because:
- It too narrowly redefines socialism (equivocation)
- It paint with too broad a brush to be useful, and
- It is ultimately an arbitrary standard that ignores what makes socialism unique as an ideology in order to justify dismissing a notion that is "unfavorable"
It too narrowly defines socialism because it essentially says that any form of socialism that is not orthodox Marxism, it is not socialism. Therefore, no form of socialism can ever be enacted in the real world because there have
always have to be real world concessions in the enacting of any ideology in creating or changing a form of government; including this country.
That standard paints with such a broad brush that it would exclude Leninism, Maoism, Fabian Socialism or any other form of socialism which is unquestionably socialism. As a standard by which to judge weather or not something is or is not socialism, it is entirely useless. It that same standard is applied to classical liberalism, then any country founded on that ideology would not be founded on that ideology; including this one.
The standard is completely arbitrary. We all know who injected this standard into the debate (in
another thread), in fact she has a post just above this one. This is a typical trick she employs; injecting a false premise (in this case an absurd, arbitrary and self serving standard) to delegitimize any ideas that she disagrees with. That type of habitual dishonestly and lack of good faith is why she has absolutely no credibility on this forum.
The standard is a false one, in addition to the reasons explained above, because it intentionally
ignores what makes socialism unique as an ideology. This conveniently
avoids using those peculiarities as a standard by which to judge. Socialism is defined by it's unique conception of justice ("social" justice), it's overriding focus on maximizing justice (as opposed to other values, like individual liberty) and the collectivism it has to employ to achieve that goal.
Focusing on the peculiarities that set apart an ideology is what is what is typically focused on in judging an ideology and is ultimately the only reasonable standard in judging something like this. In fact, political philosophers of any stripe would laugh at the absurd notion that Foxy is injecting and (as I have shown) with good reason.
The false standard Foxy is injecting would be like saying a Mustang
GT is not Mustang, or saying that a black man and a white man are not both men. Her standard rejects the notion that two things can be essentially the same thing even if there are superficial differences.
I know that the immediate challenge to that will be that the differences between orthodox Marxism and Leninism (for example) are, realistically, more then superficial, but from an ideological/theoretical point of view, they, essentially,
are superficial. Lenin attempted to impose orthodox Marxism is, arguably the purist form that has ever been attempted. It was only when that pure form of the ideology was shown not to comport with reality that he started modifying some things to better fit the circumstances on the ground. But that doesn't mean what was being applied wasn't still socialism.
Foxy's self-serving standard rejects the notion of a socialist school of thought (under which Leninism, Maoism, etc. would all be). There is only orthodox Marxism. Her standard is not, in any way, objectively reasonable; it is simply a means to disregard an idea she doesn't
want to believe.
This statement is, again an arbitrary and absurd standard to serve the same function the previous standard from which it is derived. Socialism
always ends in tyranny
because of the inherent flaws in socialism theory,
not because it changes into something
Again, that distinction is inappropriate. Socialism is an
ideology. Collectivism is
not an ideology but simply a means to achieve the goals of an ideology. That is like saying that a 2005 Mustang GT is wholly
separate from it's power plant; the modular 3-valve V8.
Socialism works
toward (and, hopefully
achieves) a classless society, but income gaps between classes are
not, in and of themselves, inconsistent with socialism.
This is the difference between socialism and communism; communism is the Utopian society that Marxism (and more orthdox forms of socialism) aims to achieve. Ignoring that distinction (which is something Foxy has done in the past) serves to distort that two ideas and selectively apply a broad definition of socialism, even though the standard at the top of this thread defines socialism in a way that is inconsistent with this definition. This is an almost textbook example of equivocation.
Ignoring any and all overlap in terms/ideas/concepts and ignoring how those ideas fit together, their lineage and how they are distinct injects
at least as much confusion into things.
Basically, if one don't have an
accurate understanding of these various concepts, how they interact, the thought process behind them (including their lineage) then there is confusion and an opening for tricksters and propagandists to play off of the ignorance of others.
This is why attempts are made to "define down", delegitimize and destabilize concepts; it injects a lot of subjectivity that an opportunistic propagandist can exploit. Objective truth is the biggest threat to a liar.
There are people that work tirelessly to deceive and play off of other's ignorance in this fashion. Foxy is one of them (even though she has a rather weak grasp of the
actual ideas herself).