So unfortunately my brother passed away this past October and I inherited his 2002 white LS v6 with 186K miles on it. The exterior is in decent shape but everything else is pretty shoddy because he had been out of work the last couple years due to a medical condition so he couldn't really get things fixed up much.
It sat most of the winter because the heat doesn't work. Although I did drive it around a little bit while my Civic was in the shop and here and there just to make sure it didn't sit constantly. But it has numerous issues. Even so I would like to fix it up because I think it's a beautiful car and fits my personality. Sporty but refined lol. Plus I could really use a "grown up" car compared to my beat up old '98 Civic with 252K miles, which I'm not confident will make it through another Michigan winter.
Some of the problems with the lincoln, starting with the bigger ones:
1. Needs a new exhaust manifold gasket? - At least I think that's what I was told by a family friend mechanic who last worked on it with my brother. It's leaking oil into the engine slowly causing it to stall out when idling. Like if I'm sitting in a drive through or sometimes as a stop light it willl stall and I need to restart it. I've heard this will cost me about $1000
2. It has no heat. None at all. I've been told to try a reverse flush first before replacing the heater core. Again I've heard about $1000 to replace the heater core if it needs it because the dash needs to be taken out to get to it.
3. The driver seat is stuck in the forward most position. Which make it hard for a guy like me (6' 1") to drive it. It's either getting no power to that seat at all or some kind of electrical problem? The passanger seat works fine, including the seat heating. But nothing works on the driver seat.
4. The automatic gas latch is broke. You can hear it clicking to unlock but doesn't spring open, so someone has to stand there with a key wedged in it while a second person hits the button. Even then you have to get it wedged in there just right. Super annoying and inconvenient when you're alone.
5. Other electrical issues like the driver side window controls being able to roll down the passnager side window but no roll it up. The back passenger side door not working with the auto locks. The moonroof won't open or close all the way with a single slide of the switch, it will only go a few inches and then you have to let up and do it again, sometimes working and sometimes not working. I'm afraid of getting it stuck open and not being able to close it.
6. The alarm is now randomly going off. it started doing this just before the battery drained all the way and did it again a couple times after I jumped it and drove it around a bit. So i don't know if this is just a signal to say the battery is low or if it's just another of many little electrical problems.
One of the headlights is out and I can't figure out how to even get to it to change it. I also need to replace the back passenger side tire and wipers. Typical car things.
Again I would love to fix this car up and drive it full time. I could defintiely use a second car, and would love to make it my main car. But I can't drop thousands into it to get it to perfect conditon. I can maybe drop a couple thousand into it.
Any suggestions or maybe advice on solutions to the problems it seems to have?

It sat most of the winter because the heat doesn't work. Although I did drive it around a little bit while my Civic was in the shop and here and there just to make sure it didn't sit constantly. But it has numerous issues. Even so I would like to fix it up because I think it's a beautiful car and fits my personality. Sporty but refined lol. Plus I could really use a "grown up" car compared to my beat up old '98 Civic with 252K miles, which I'm not confident will make it through another Michigan winter.
Some of the problems with the lincoln, starting with the bigger ones:
1. Needs a new exhaust manifold gasket? - At least I think that's what I was told by a family friend mechanic who last worked on it with my brother. It's leaking oil into the engine slowly causing it to stall out when idling. Like if I'm sitting in a drive through or sometimes as a stop light it willl stall and I need to restart it. I've heard this will cost me about $1000
2. It has no heat. None at all. I've been told to try a reverse flush first before replacing the heater core. Again I've heard about $1000 to replace the heater core if it needs it because the dash needs to be taken out to get to it.
3. The driver seat is stuck in the forward most position. Which make it hard for a guy like me (6' 1") to drive it. It's either getting no power to that seat at all or some kind of electrical problem? The passanger seat works fine, including the seat heating. But nothing works on the driver seat.
4. The automatic gas latch is broke. You can hear it clicking to unlock but doesn't spring open, so someone has to stand there with a key wedged in it while a second person hits the button. Even then you have to get it wedged in there just right. Super annoying and inconvenient when you're alone.
5. Other electrical issues like the driver side window controls being able to roll down the passnager side window but no roll it up. The back passenger side door not working with the auto locks. The moonroof won't open or close all the way with a single slide of the switch, it will only go a few inches and then you have to let up and do it again, sometimes working and sometimes not working. I'm afraid of getting it stuck open and not being able to close it.
6. The alarm is now randomly going off. it started doing this just before the battery drained all the way and did it again a couple times after I jumped it and drove it around a bit. So i don't know if this is just a signal to say the battery is low or if it's just another of many little electrical problems.
One of the headlights is out and I can't figure out how to even get to it to change it. I also need to replace the back passenger side tire and wipers. Typical car things.
Again I would love to fix this car up and drive it full time. I could defintiely use a second car, and would love to make it my main car. But I can't drop thousands into it to get it to perfect conditon. I can maybe drop a couple thousand into it.
Any suggestions or maybe advice on solutions to the problems it seems to have?