Is Suffering Part of God's Plan?

Natural selection isn't random at all - it is very specific - the 'best' survive.

However, isn't the way that natural selection gets 'choices' is through random mutation? The DNA doesn't just go - "bing, we need to create less melanoma now that we are living further north". It is just that some people randomly have lighter skin - and those then get chosen through natural selection (not randomly) to be the ones that will survive and then pass down the lighter skin gene. The ones with darker skin aren't mating, and therefore their genes become a dead end.

I really thought that this is how this works. Otherwise - how do the genes get that 'input' that tells them a certain trait is needed?
Correct! Well said, fox.
Correct! Well said, fox.

Why do you agree with me over here - and not on the other thread? It is random mutation that works with natural selection when you are talking about Darwinism Evolution...

ID believes that the mutations aren't random but directed - correct?
Why do you agree with me over here - and not on the other thread? It is random mutation that works with natural selection when you are talking about Darwinism Evolution...

ID believes that the mutations aren't random but directed - correct?
Creation doesn't support mutation into higher forms of life or different species. I don't speak for ID - I support Creationism.

I agreed with your statement here because it is different than what you said in the other thread. You said new information isn't created. Sorry for agreeing with you - I won't do it again. I'm sure it made you uncomfortable.:rolleyes:
I think I see what you mean here. I'm basically substituting leap of faith with assuming/believing, which you see faith as a different entity.

Not exactly. I am saying that it depends on the rationale; on the context. What matters is if the conclusion is logically derived from the first leap of faith, the logical proofs and/or the evidence given. If it is not logically draw from those three factors; if there is a logical leap in the rationale, then there is a possible second leap of faith. What matters is the specific rationale; the context.

There is a huge overlap between faith and assuming/believing. I simply look for any rationale that would meet that definition of faith that I gave.

A conclusion that is rooted in faith is not necessarily, in and of itself, a leap of faith. The leap of faith can happen earlier in the rationale.

For instance, the assumption of methodological naturalism can be viewed as a leap of faith in and of itself, or it can be viewed (as I do) as a logical consequence of the assumption of materialism.
Adaption and natural selection are proven facts however Darwin's premise of creatures evolving into new different ones is still only a theory.

Something somehow has to add information to create something new.

In the case of man it could have been the results of a catastrophic comet collision that Jupiters gravity didn't protect us from (Earth's guardian angel) entering different elements into the equation or perhaps even extraterrestrials
adding genetic material to the lower primates, purposely or by accident.
There are all these mysterious aligned with the stars pyramid structures and such in various parts of the world that seem to suggest alien visitors.
Adaption and natural selection are proven facts however Darwin's premise of creatures evolving into new different ones is still only a theory.

Something somehow has to add information to create something new.

In the case of man it could have been the results of a catastrophic comet collision that Jupiters gravity didn't protect us from (Earth's guardian angel) entering different elements into the equation or perhaps even extraterrestrials
adding genetic material to the lower primates, purposely or by accident.
There are all these mysterious aligned with the stars pyramid structures and such in various parts of the world that seem to suggest alien visitors.

Actually on that subject.... I will assume you know how genetically similar we are to lower primates. We do not really have an appreciable amount of additional genetic information from a lower primate, and this information honestly does not have to come from an outside source. For the most part, the difference between us and lower primates is which genes are dominant and which are dormant. It isn't like children receive exact copies of their parent's DNA.... it is synthesized by chromosome pairs that are passed on to the child. I can't help but wonder how this debate got stuck on the WRONG idea that reproduction is nothing more than a matter of copy-paste.
I can't help but wonder how this debate got stuck on the WRONG idea that reproduction is nothing more than a matter of copy-paste.


Where do you get that?

Didn't Darwin talk about "decent with modification"?

Where do you get that?

Didn't Darwin talk about "decent with modification"?

Sorry if that was unclear. I was referring to the part of the discussion that centers on the idea that new information cannot be encoded into genetics by a natural process.
Tell me Pete, what is the success rate of embryotic stem cell research vs. adult stem cell research?

the fact that with adult stem cell you get left overs...and I dislike leftovers..doesn't cook or taste as good as when you first prepare it. Plus babies are untampered with as far as STDs and other diseases that plague adults :-D

so babies for the win, yummy yummy yummy...little baby in my tummy
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Pete, what types of medication are you on? I mean this in a serious way. I don't think you have a firm grasp on reality and you need to get your head examined. You can't just play an alter ego on the internet and expect for people to think you are sane. For the past year or whatever, I've been trying to figure out what makes you tick. I don't know if you have a hard time expressing yourself and thats why you use those stupid demotivational posters, or you use them to piggyback on their success because you need attention from a community of people that you'll most likely never meet. Don't assume this is one of those "hater" type relationships. I don't envy your persona in any way. The only thing I'll say is that for some unknown reason, I'm perplexed that you can live in your skewed reality and assume nothing is wrong. Why can't you just act how you would in real life?
Actually on that subject.... I will assume you know how genetically similar we are to lower primates. We do not really have an appreciable amount of additional genetic information from a lower primate, and this information honestly does not have to come from an outside source. For the most part, the difference between us and lower primates is which genes are dominant and which are dormant. It isn't like children receive exact copies of their parent's DNA.... it is synthesized by chromosome pairs that are passed on to the child. I can't help but wonder how this debate got stuck on the WRONG idea that reproduction is nothing more than a matter of copy-paste.

Well I haven't seen any experiments to try and make humans out of monkey or Ape DNA but I can see how people might feel that some of us have started reverting back to monkeys albeit talking ones in a kind of reverse darwinism:p:D

So when do you think the current apes will make the leap and become some kind of humans?
Next comet collision or extraterrestrial visit?
And will all the other creatures move up the chain too.
After all if evolution in the darwin sense is going on all the time then it seems creatures are changing all the time.
Why haven't cockroaches changed much over billions of years.
Darwinism only has some of the answers.
Pete, what types of medication are you on? I mean this in a serious way. I don't think you have a firm grasp on reality and you need to get your head examined. You can't just play an alter ego on the internet and expect for people to think you are sane. For the past year or whatever, I've been trying to figure out what makes you tick. I don't know if you have a hard time expressing yourself and thats why you use those stupid demotivational posters, or you use them to piggyback on their success because you need attention from a community of people that you'll most likely never meet. Don't assume this is one of those "hater" type relationships. I don't envy your persona in any way. The only thing I'll say is that for some unknown reason, I'm perplexed that you can live in your skewed reality and assume nothing is wrong. Why can't you just act how you would in real life?

'cause I'm a goof. I enjoy dropping a domino and see the chain reaction. Think of me as a God....a mortal one......with a strange sense of humor :p
Well I haven't seen any experiments to try and make humans out of monkey or Ape DNA but I can see how people might feel that some of us have started reverting back to monkeys albeit talking ones in a kind of reverse darwinism:p:D

So when do you think the current apes will make the leap and become some kind of humans?
Next comet collision or extraterrestrial visit?
And will all the other creatures move up the chain too.
After all if evolution in the darwin sense is going on all the time then it seems creatures are changing all the time.
Why haven't cockroaches changed much over billions of years.
Darwinism only has some of the answers.

Well, they are difficult questions to answer in a short space.....

Given the current environment, I see no reason for apes to evolve. Humans supposedly evolved due to climate change and the loss of habitat. Monkeys on the savanna instead of in the jungle.

While I am as excited to be anally probed by aliens as the next guy, there is certainly theoretical basis to state that comet collision or extraterrestrial visit could have effected evolution, as either of those could change habitat or the like, or introduce new things a person needs to adapt to.

Creatures are changing over time, the changes are just so slow and small, they are nearly unobservable. Plus, with the enormous human population, human evolution should be at a near standstill. There is no survival of the fittest in human society really, and any genetic adaptations that any one person may form would be nearly impossible to spread amongst the entire population of humans. Plus with so many competing genetic differences, many of these types of traits are washed out. As I mentioned before however, look at native americans prior to the arrival of the europeans. They lacked resistance to the diseases of the white man. Now they have the same resistances, even if they have never interbred with other races. This is evolutionary adaptation. There are other examples. The average height of humans has increased over the years, and other minor differences.

As far as cockroaches go.... well, they are nearly perfect organisms like most insects. They have adapted incredibly well and can survive in nearly any environment. Their method of reproduction limits genetic variation and limits genetic competition.

Of course, any evolutionary theory is going to have SOME holes in it that are difficult to fill with anything more than theory, because it is a difficult science to test and find empirical evidence, but we can make sound theory by testing in similar areas and applying other known science. As I said, microbial research is a good field to apply to the study of genetics, because adaptation and evolution of germs and microbes happens VERY fast, as they are very simple organisms. We can apply many things we learn from that to complex organisms as long as we use fossil evidence and any other evidence surrounding us in the natural world.
Well, they are difficult questions to answer in a short space.....

Given the current environment, I see no reason for apes to evolve. Humans supposedly evolved due to climate change and the loss of habitat. Monkeys on the savanna instead of in the jungle.

While I am as excited to be anally probed by aliens as the next guy, there is certainly theoretical basis to state that comet collision or extraterrestrial visit could have effected evolution, as either of those could change habitat or the like, or introduce new things a person needs to adapt to.

Creatures are changing over time, the changes are just so slow and small, they are nearly unobservable. Plus, with the enormous human population, human evolution should be at a near standstill. There is no survival of the fittest in human society really, and any genetic adaptations that any one person may form would be nearly impossible to spread amongst the entire population of humans. Plus with so many competing genetic differences, many of these types of traits are washed out. As I mentioned before however, look at native americans prior to the arrival of the europeans. They lacked resistance to the diseases of the white man. Now they have the same resistances, even if they have never interbred with other races. This is evolutionary adaptation. There are other examples. The average height of humans has increased over the years, and other minor differences.

As far as cockroaches go.... well, they are nearly perfect organisms like most insects. They have adapted incredibly well and can survive in nearly any environment. Their method of reproduction limits genetic variation and limits genetic competition.

Of course, any evolutionary theory is going to have SOME holes in it that are difficult to fill with anything more than theory, because it is a difficult science to test and find empirical evidence, but we can make sound theory by testing in similar areas and applying other known science. As I said, microbial research is a good field to apply to the study of genetics, because adaptation and evolution of germs and microbes happens VERY fast, as they are very simple organisms. We can apply many things we learn from that to complex organisms as long as we use fossil evidence and any other evidence surrounding us in the natural world.

So you're saying evolution on earth has reached a mature level due to volume and only very small changes occur.

The missing part is where a lower organism evolves into a higher one and why.
So you're saying evolution on earth has reached a mature level due to volume and only very small changes occur.

The missing part is where a lower organism evolves into a higher one and why.

Not so much that evolution has reached a mature level, just that population is so high, evolutionary change is difficult since any adaptive changes spread slowly. So even though humans have spread out FAR beyond the natural environments they evolved to cope with, we are at a point in population where it would be nearly impossible to spread the genetic material from one person to everyone on the planet. We have to go back hundreds of thousands of years to find a common ancestor for all of humanity, and we are taking into account that back then, human populations were INCREDIBLY small.

Next, as I said before, organisms change due to a drastic change in environment. Perhaps thousands of years from now, monkeys bred only in laboratories and zoos in the North American climate will have an appreciable difference from monkeys living in Africa. Their continual interaction and use by humans could very well lead to super-intelligent monkeys. Already most lab monkeys are naturally more intelligent and quicker to learn than monkeys born in the wild, or monkey born in captivity from monkeys born in the wild. Either way, as slow a process of adaptation as it is, who knows. Really difficult to give an affirmative answer for the definite cause for change, as it is a process that should span thousands or even millions of years, and even then, there is no proof against things like intelligent design or the influence of extra terrestrial life and events.

Oh well, you know what they say, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” So, I can accept not having all the answers.
Sorry if that was unclear. I was referring to the part of the discussion that centers on the idea that new information cannot be encoded into genetics by a natural process.

retroviruses are one example.
Here's a few points I'd like to add to the discussion. You cannot use reason to discuss things such as perfection, we have no idea or notion of what perfection is. We have not experienced it. Ideal and perfect are two different things. You can say the ''ideal'' world is one where everything runs smoothly with no suffering, but you cannot say that it is a perfect world. The world we live in may be perfect, or it may be not. We are subjects and have no knowledge of entire universe, its causes, its motivations, etc. Therefore saying such things as ''evil'' denotes imperfection, we cannot be certain.

Now we have the faith discussion. Taking an Atheists standpoint, or a Theist standpoint, both requires a leap of faith. Anything past that requires an additional leap of faith. Adding a dogma to a theist standpoint requires two leaps of faith. Adding a scientific explanation to an atheist standpoint requires two leaps of faith.


1.I believe in a God and the Bible is correct. Two jumps.

2.I don't believe in a God and the Big Bang Theory is correct. Two Jumps.

Causation is a huge issue for atheists, as well as theists.

This is why I'm strongly agnostic. We just flat out don't grasp the universe like we think we do. We may understand the present and try to use reason to explain it, but each is flawed in its own way. I think arguing from such certainty from whatever angle we choose is asinine. You are absolutely free to believe in whatever you want to believe in, just don't assert it as truth.

it doesn't take a jump to be athiest. take away everything you know of science and religion.
there still is no god.
the jumps you speak of are only from a religious sided arguement.
atheism is natural. god must be learned.(or brainwashed)
it doesn't take a jump to be athiest. Take away everything you know of science and religion.
There still is no god.
The jumps you speak of are only from a religious sided arguement.
Atheism is natural. god must be learned.(or brainwashed)

it doesn't take a jump to be athiest. take away everything you know of science and religion.
there still is no god.
the jumps you speak of are only from a religious sided arguement.
atheism is natural. god must be learned.(or brainwashed)

Still ignoring that materialist leap of faith, aren't you. When you are willing to approach this objectively and honestly, we'll talk.

The truth is that approaching this issue from a materialist perspective is approaching it from a very one-sided perspective. Not approaching it from a materialist perspective is simple neutrality; it is not a "religious sided argument" as you claim. But it would take an understanding of what materialism is (a concept you don't even seem to consider real, in any sense).

Self-delusion and projection hardly make for a credible argument. :rolleyes:
it's not materialist. as i said, take away all ideals garnered from science and religion.
god would not be known. and you would run around never knowing god.
to have a debate, you would need a god ideal first.
which has to be taught.
but i guess one wouldn't be atheist, as there would be no denial.

Self-delusion and projection hardly make for a credible argument.
but you do it so well.

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