you creating an arguement that isn't there makes you look dishonest.
No, I just understand your argument better then you do. Actually, you are proving something I have said; most atheists will not confront the materialism they take on faith.
You can't even admit to yourself that your view is rooted in materialism.
The fact is that without materialism, you can not conclude that there is no God. It is not logical in any way.
The best you can do is explicitly rejecting the premise while still implicitly assuming the premise.
yes, it is possible. but then why the many different designs. if it was 1 god, where did all the polytheistic gods come from? that is your flaw. you assume a 1 god view.
No, it is not a
flaw in my argument it is
incidental to my argument and a factor which I accounted for in post #120. It doesn't matter if it is
one God,
multiple gods, a Judeo-Christian God, an Islamic god, or whatever. It is still possible that whatever diety(s) could reveal themselves to society in some fashion. The same is true about your point concerning Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. It is all incidental and irrelevant to my argument; a red herring.
We all know you will next try and say that my objections to your argument are also incidental but that is wrong. Weather you assume a Judeo-Christian God or, or multiple deity(s), the rationale behind my objection stays the same; the logic stays the same. However, if you remove the materialism presumption from your argument, the rationale behind your argument falls apart.
and no, it's still not materialism. there is no basis for it if you lived in such a scenario.
I already covered this in post #120. Materialism does not stem from science or religion but from philosophy.
It is pretty clear that you were simply opportunistic and dishonest in your claim that I am misrepresenting your argument because you are confirming everything I said about your argument in post #120. In fact, here you are confirming the 1st point I made in that thread:
[your argument] demonstrates an utter ignorance of the ideas it attempts to remove from the equation in the argument. This is mainly shown in two areas:
- The argument assumes away all preconceptions of science and religion, but that does not remove from the argument the notion of metaphysics and materialism, which is what the argument is ultimately attempting to overcome. This is because, while the ideas of metaphysics and materialism have profound implications for science and religion, they arise from PHILOSOPHY. In fact, the ideas can arguably be traced as far back as Aristotle and his Analogy of the Cave.
- The argument is less then consistent with it's handling of the idea of materialism. Which leads me to my next point...
You clearly can not (or
will not) understand how materialism fits in the rationale for Atheism and how that rationale hinges on the presumption of materialism.
what is a typical athiest? many people have different reasons for not believing, just as numerous as the reasons FOR believing. are you going to hinge your arguement on "typical"?
This is nothing but a rather cheap dodge. It doesn't, in any way, challenge the rationale of my argument.
The fact that this is simply a petty dodge on your part is further reinforced by the fact that you articulated the same basic notion of how religion came about (and referred to it in this post):
it is an ancient way of explaining things that were not understood and not easily explained without the profound understanding we enjoy today.
Apparently you never made the connection between this notion and your argument against the notion of Atheism being rooted in materialism.
And before you try and find a way to us the fact that, "there are so many different beliefs" to try and delegitimize the conflict between the two arguments, I simply point out that it is an irrelevant factor. It doesn't matter weather one unifying belief is accepted across a society or not. What matters is that a belief system can rise up without any actual God.
your putting things as they have happened. this is what your stuck on. it is just as easy that somebody never worried about what happened and just lived life from day to day til their end.
So, you are now going to further abstract your argument from reality? That only serves to isolate it.
Yes it is possible that someone could live their life without any conception of God, but that is not what your argument is.
the jumps you speak of are only from a religious sided arguement.
atheism is natural. god must be learned.(or brainwashed)
Your argument is that religion cannot occur naturally, but can only be taught. However, the fact that religion has developed shows that to be flawed. Yes
some people could, in your original scenario, live their life without any conception of a god (or gods), but some people would develop a conception of a god (or gods) naturally as well (without it being "taught") and that latter fact flies in the face of your conclusion, showing the argument to be unsound.
The fact is the argument you made is weak and rooted in ignorance, as I pointed out in post #120. Instead of having the integrity to admit that, you latched on the FIND's misunderstanding of your argument as a means to smear me. However, the more you try to support your argument and claim I am misunderstanding it, the more you confirm everything I said in post #120 (when I was supposedly "misrepresenting" you).
In fact, you have yet to show that I, in any way misrepresented your argument. All you have shown is that you didn't originally fully understand the rationale behind your own argument and and don't have the integrity to admit that.
BTW, you still have yet to explain your line in post #111 which has been specifically pointed out three times. The fact that you continue to dodge that line instead of giving a rational explanation for it in your argument demonstrated that you are not being honest but are simply looking to make excuses to try and justify your sophomoric argument; further backing yourself into a rhetorical corner in the process.
it's not materialist. as i said, take away all ideals garnered from science and religion.
As usual, your actions in previous posts betray you.
I really see no reason to waste anymore time on your simplistic, irrational and ignorant argument and the cheap and desperate excuses you make to defend it. If you were to approach this honestly and objectively that would be one thing. But we all know that when it comes to the area of faith you are utterly incapable of honesty or objectivity. Your pattern in this thread proves that.
Stay classy.