John Kerry, the Traitor

Huffington's article is a joke. Phil, why don't you try doing your own research. I actually heard what was said, and she's a liar. Kerry actually SAID "terrorizing." If that doesn't mean terrorism, WHAT DOES? And Kerry actually said Iraqis need to be doing the terrorizing! Rush never endorsed it, in fact, he disputed that the soldiers are actually doing it! And Kerry claimed something he has no evidence of. He was simply mischaracterizing our troops' actions.

What a bunch of scumbags. Figures you'd come to their defense. You don't even know what you're doing.
Dean and Kerry 'Pearl Harbor' Our Troops
Michael Reagan
Thursday, Dec. 8, 2005

Sixty-four years ago today, December 7, the United States was stabbed in the back and 2,338 Americans were killed in a sneak attack at Pearl Harbor.

Last week, American servicemen and women serving in Iraq, and those here at home recovering from terrible wounds were also stabbed in the back.

In 1941 it was the Japanese wielding the knife; last week it was Howard Dean and John Kerry and fellow members of the dominant left wing of the Democrat Party who plunged the dagger in America's back.

Dean wielded the knife during a Texas radio interview when he had the gall to declare that the "idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong," thereby telling the parents of those brave men and women who were killed fighting for the country, or the American troops now facing death every day in Iraq, that it was all a waste of time.

In my book that's just plain treason and I told my radio listeners that Dean should be arrested and hung for treason, or put in a hole until the end of the Iraq war.

But Dean wasn't finished. He went on to say: "This is the same situation we had in Vietnam. Everybody then kept saying, 'just another year, just stay the course, we'll have a victory.' Well, we didn't have a victory, and this policy cost the lives of an additional 25,000 troops because we were too stubborn to recognize what was happening."

Aside from the fact that Dean's arithmetic is off - some 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, not 25,000 - we didn't lose a war we were winning on the battlefield because we were stubborn. We lost it because members of Dean's party in Congress de-funded the war effort and demanded that we do what he and his defeatist party are once again demanding – that the United States cut and run.

I have a suggestion for Howard Dean. He should do what I did a week ago – visit the amputees at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He can try to tell them that the limbs they sacrificed on the field of battle were sacrificed in vain – thrown away in a war that we cannot win. I also suggest that when he does so he had better do what he wants the U.S. to do – cut and run for his life.

Then we have the junior Senator from Massachusetts, Sen. John F. Kerry, who is becoming a serial backstabber.

Kerry, you will remember, stabbed his Vietnam comrades in the back when he accused them of committing atrocities during that war. Well, he just did it again on CBS Sunday, telling Bob Schieffer of "Face the Nation" there was no reason for U.S. soldiers to continue "terrorizing" Iraqi children, and saying: "And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the – of – the historical customs, religious customs."

He then suggested that it should be the Iraqi soldiers doing the terrorism: "Whether you like it or not," he said, "Iraqis should be doing that."

Perhaps the Senator from Hanoi should take one of those senatorial junkets to Iraq and tell our courageous men and women over there, facing death and dismemberment every day, that they aren't really there to help guarantee the Iraqi people freedom, but to commit acts of terrorism.

Then we have the Nancy Pelosis and Barbara Boxers and the rest of the bug-out-of-Iraq brigade sending a clear message to the suicide bombers and other terrorist thugs to just bide their time and wait until their party manages to sabotage the war effort and the U.S. withdraws with the job half done. Then they can come in and show the world the real meaning of terrorism as they enslave and brutalize the Iraqi people.

What these people are doing is undermining the morale of our troops and giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war. There's a word for that – it's called treason.

© 2005 Mike Reagan.
97Silverlsc Copied:

Here's another take on that interview:
Rush "Ass Cyst" Limbaugh Attacks Vietnam Vet, Calls For Radical Change in Military Policy

Sometimes you just have to just laugh at Rush Limbaugh. Here's a guy who dodged the Vietnam War draft by citing a cyst on his ass (no joke), and yet who accuses Vietnam War heroes essentially of treason. Today, Limbaugh's attack is on Sen. John Kerry (D-MA). You remember him – he's that guy who actually went over and served in Vietnam, while Limbaugh sat home, dropped his pants, and pointed his draft board to a cyst on his own ass in order to avoid serving his country.

There is no way that you could possibly believe that John Kerry is a war hero. Just because he was cited (due to his own recolection of events that are not proven), does not mean that he is a hero. Maybe Rush Limbaugh is not theright person to be making comments about traitors, but the facts seem to prove that Kerry is in no position to make any comments about our forces in the middle east. He was a coward then, he is a coward now.
bufordtpisser said:
Maybe Rush Limbaugh is not the right person to be making comments about traitors...

There's no reason to say that. Truth is truth, and anyone can point it out. Don't fall for Huffington's BS accusations. Everything she says has very little truth in it.
I don't fall for any of her BS

Believe me when I say that I am in agreement with a lot of what Rush Limbaugh say's and none of what Huffington says. My only point is that after being excused for whatever reason from military service, Rush may not be the perfect person to be saying anything about Kerry. But Rush speaks the truth about Kerry and I can therefore forgive his lack of service in this instance. As a matter of fact, I can forgive anybody for speaking against that traitor. Kerry is at the very top of my list of the most despised and despicable people on earth, closey followed by either of the Clintons.
John McCain, war hero turned traitor

John McCain: U.S. Still Torturing Terrorists

Sen. John McCain claimed Wednesday that the U.S. is still torturing terrorist detainees, even as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visits with European leaders to assure them that the practice is banned under U.S. law.

"We've got to stop this torture," McCain told radio host Don Imus.

"If you torture somebody, they're going to tell you what they think you want to know in order to make the pain stop," he complained.

The Republican maverick said the U.S. can't win the propaganda war "if people believe throughout the world that you are practicing cruel, inhuman, degrading mistreatment or torture on the people that you capture."

"Right now," McCain complained, "we have prisons, apparently, set up in different places in the world where we're keeping people for years."
His comments come as Dr. Rice meets with European leaders to assure them that claims about ongoing torture are baseless.

"The United States does not condone torture," she told a German audience on Tuesday. "It is against U.S. law to be involved in torture or conspiracy to commit torture. And it is also against U.S. international obligations and the President has made it very clear that U.S. personnel will operate within U.S. law and within our international obligations."

Rice also indicated, however, that interrogations conducted in the foreign prisons referenced by McCain have been productive, telling reporters, "The intelligence we gathered has helped to stop terrorist attacks and saved innocent lives in Europe - as well as in the United States and other countries."

This man needs to be muzzled. He has no evidence, only supposition. His statements are emboldening terrorists and hurting our troops.
fossten said:
This man needs to be muzzled. He has no evidence, only supposition. His statements are emboldening terrorists and hurting our troops.[/COLOR][/B]
He might as well run as a Democrat because he doesn't stand a chance as a Repub now.
fossten said:
This man needs to be muzzled. He has no evidence, only supposition. His statements are emboldening terrorists and hurting our troops.[/COLOR]

Lol... It's safe to say if anyone speaks out, no matter who they are, what credentials they have, they'll basically be labeled a traitor.
95DevilleNS said:
Lol... It's safe to say if anyone speaks out, no matter who they are, what credentials they have, they'll basically be labeled a traitor.
Not correct. All we are asking for is proof. If you are going to make an accusation, back it up. If you read what McCain said, he said 'apparently' we are holding people. OK, if that is 'apparently' the case; places, names, pictures, ala Abu Graib would be appreciated.

Is Mccain hurting or helping our War on Terror. I would argue he is hurting it. Maybe he doesn't even realize it. His problem is he doesn't if he is conservative or liberal. He sail swings whichever way the wind blows. He would make a terrible C.I.C.
...We live in a media age.

When "statesmen" go public and make claims that damage the image of our country, they are immediately picked up by the foreign media and used for propoganda purposes. These people need to be very careful when stating things in public and take into account the positives and negatives associated with any comment. This is especially true during periods of war.

And while most American's don't feel like we're in a War, we are. Not just in Iraq, but around the world right now.
if wishes where horses beggers would ride. non veitnam vet 62 to 65. have yet to see the wounded of any war treated right by this or any adminestration of this era. if bush didn't want to secure the oil we would and could fight those that want to do us harm . a hell of a lot better and not make new ones of the people that live thru what is going on in iraq and a:q:q:qanstan. i am very pro military and belive that give them the equipment and freedom to use it right and let god seperate the good and bad. jd
JDS353 said:
if wishes where horses beggers would ride. non veitnam vet 62 to 65. have yet to see the wounded of any war treated right by this or any adminestration of this era. if bush didn't want to secure the oil we would and could fight those that want to do us harm . a hell of a lot better and not make new ones of the people that live thru what is going on in iraq and a:q:q:qanstan. i am very pro military and belive that give them the equipment and freedom to use it right and let god seperate the good and bad. jd

So, what exactly is your point,
That the military has their hands tied?

And how would the Iraqi infastructure be able to redevelop if it's oil wells and refineries were allowed to be destroyed by terrorists? I guess then we could have Haliburton rebuild them all. :N
JDS353 said:
if wishes where horses beggers would ride. non veitnam vet 62 to 65. have yet to see the wounded of any war treated right by this or any adminestration of this era. if bush didn't want to secure the oil we would and could fight those that want to do us harm . a hell of a lot better and not make new ones of the people that live thru what is going on in iraq and a:q:q:qanstan. i am very pro military and belive that give them the equipment and freedom to use it right and let god seperate the good and bad. jd

Dude, you just admitted you're a traitor. You dare imply that Bush has special interest foremost in mind and that securing America is not the main reason we're in this war!? You're crazy, Bush has secured America, his contract with America say's so, we can't be attacked the borders are closed etc etc. <---Sarcasm
how many years has this been going on ? and how many grunt lifes are you willing to supply for this operation? why not fight the damm invasion of this country and the drugs that are here now. jd
95DevilleNS said:
Dude, you just admitted you're a traitor. You dare imply that Bush has special interest foremost in mind and that securing America is not the main reason we're in this war!? You're crazy, Bush has secured America, his contract with America say's so, we can't be attacked the borders are closed etc etc. <---Sarcasm
The increasingly exagerated sarcasm is usually a sign of intellectual exhaustion and defeat. Unable to develop an argument that actually can withstand scutiny or be defended, now you just make "sarcastic" statements that can't be directly debated.

If that is what he was trying to say, that would just make him wrong-
not a traitor.

Bush had nothing to do with the Contract With America. I don't even think he had run for office when that was developed by Newt Gingrich.
JDS353 said:
how many years has this been going on ? and how many grunt lifes are you willing to supply for this operation? why not fight the damm invasion of this country and the drugs that are here now. jd

So you think that we should pursue an isolationist policy? You think we can make ourself safe by simply putting a fence along the Southern border?
negative. but we have to get our house in order before we lose what we have. then are not able to help others and it isn't far off. but bush can't and won't act like it is happening . could it be that those in real power won't let him ? a serious question to ponder. but some people can't read the writing on the wall until it falls on them. over and out. jd
Calabrio said:
The increasingly exagerated sarcasm is usually a sign of intellectual exhaustion and defeat. Unable to develop an argument that actually can withstand scutiny or be defended, now you just make "sarcastic" statements that can't be directly debated.

If that is what he was trying to say, that would just make him wrong-
not a traitor.

Bush had nothing to do with the Contract With America. I don't even think he had run for office when that was developed by Newt Gingrich.

Sarcasm is all I have left, even when the rights hypocrisy is laid out plainly for all to see, I'm (or any 'left minded person' in here) still the lying jerk somehow.
JDS353 said:
negative. but we have to get our house in order before we lose what we have. then are not able to help others and it isn't far off. but bush can't and won't act like it is happening . could it be that those in real power won't let him ? a serious question to ponder. but some people can't read the writing on the wall until it falls on them. over and out. jd

Can you be a little more specific, because I don't want to presume to know exactly what you're saying.

I do agree, it iis critical that we do get our house in order. But that doesn't mean we have the luxury of waiting to act on other fronts before that happens. Ideally, through the perceived "peace" of the 90s, the government would have been reorganizing itself to address the gathering threats. But, sadly, no one was interested doing that.
95DevilleNS said:
Sarcasm is all I have left, even when the rights hypocrisy is laid out plainly for all to see, I'm (or any 'left minded person' in here) still the lying jerk somehow.

Well, I personally haven't called you a liar or a jerk.
I just think you're often wrong.

Big difference.
JDS353 said:
good republican come back to lay the blame some where and on someone else. jd done and gone

And what a lame, thoughtless comeback from the guy who speaks in cliches.
The problem I had with Kerry was that, after listening to all his speeches and reading all the interviews, he came off as a total phoney. He said one thing during the campaign, but his voting record told a totally different story.

Limbaugh picked up on this a few weeks ago, and it's something I've been saying for a long time: to a large extent, liberal politicians at the national level don't want people to know they're liberal because if people knew they were liberal, no one would vote for them. Its total dishonesty. So, they have to make stuff up or embellish or use "nuance", like Kerry did.

The most honest liberals out there today are probably Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich. They're against the war, for a complete and immediate pull-out, higher taxes, more social welfare programs, etc. And they let people know it. I think that's great because its their honest position -- they're being truthful. If you agree with them, fine, you can support them, and if you don't you don't (fortunately, most people disagree with them). Folks like Kerry or Hillary are really against the war, but they dare not say it publically, which leads to my charge of dishonesty. Say whatever you like about Bush, but he tells you his honest position on issues. Unlike a lot of the liberal politicians, he doesn't use a poll to tell him what his position should be.
ToddG said:
The problem I had with Kerry was that, after listening to all his speeches and reading all the interviews, he came off as a total phoney. He said one thing during the campaign, but his voting record told a totally different story.

Limbaugh picked up on this a few weeks ago, and it's something I've been saying for a long time: to a large extent, liberal politicians at the national level don't want people to know they're liberal because if people knew they were liberal, no one would vote for them. Its total dishonesty. So, they have to make stuff up or embellish or use "nuance", like Kerry did.

The most honest liberals out there today are probably Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich. They're against the war, for a complete and immediate pull-out, higher taxes, more social welfare programs, etc. And they let people know it. I think that's great because its their honest position -- they're being truthful. If you agree with them, fine, you can support them, and if you don't you don't (fortunately, most people disagree with them). Folks like Kerry or Hillary are really against the war, but they dare not say it publically, which leads to my charge of dishonesty. Say whatever you like about Bush, but he tells you his honest position on issues. Unlike a lot of the liberal politicians, he doesn't use a poll to tell him what his position should be.

Well said.

See, Deville, HE didn't use sarcasm.

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