John McCain Supports Hatred Against Catholics and Jews

I read by your response that you acknowledge being unemployed.

My response never acknowledged unemployment Mr. Fossten (rather, Mr. Fraud). IPlease continue to donate your money to the fraudulent Reverend John Hagee. Maybe if you weren't so busy being a fraud, you would develop these critical thinking skills you're braying everywhere.
My response never acknowledge that I was unemployed Mr. Fossten (rather, Mr. Fraud). It was simply a "none of the above" to the choices you presented. Please continue to donate your money to the fraudulent Reverend John Hagee.
Oh, but it did, just as Mac's responses supposedly acknowledged that he claimed to be an attorney. You cannot have it both ways. Keep it up, amateur. :rolleyes:
Oh, but it did, just as Mac's responses supposedly acknowledged that he claimed to be an attorney. You cannot have it both ways. Keep it up, amateur. :rolleyes:

Amateur is what you are. You type away because you're an angry, white coward, incapable of debate. I debate for hire. No sir, that is not the definition of an amateur. This Mac of yours claimed to be an attorney, was asked to verify, and ran away like a coward because he knew he would be facing serious penalties for fraudulently claiming to be an attorney.
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I work for no one. :rolleyes:

A sole practitioner because no one will hire you. It's obvious by your attitude that you couldn't handle working for a firm because you have an ego the size of the entire state of New York. I know your type--can't stand to be told you're wrong, like to criticize others, must have it your way, etc. Just a regular weekend warrior--the proverbial legend in his own mind! :rolleyes:
Amateur is what you are. You type away because you're an angry, white coward, incapable of debate. I debate for hire. No sir, that is not the definition of an amateur. This Mac of yours claimed to be an attorney, was asked to verify, and ran away like a coward because he knew he would be facing serious penalties for fraudulently claiming to be an attorney.
PENALTIES??? You have got to be the biggest idiot that has ever walked the earth. You are no attorney. :bowrofl:

First of all, please show me the quote where he claimed to be an attorney.

Second, you still have not demonstrated any facts to PROVE that I am a fraud.

Shall I start the Jeopardy music? :rolleyes:

And what's the big deal about my color, hmmm Mr. Racist?

Keep it up, you're doing great, troll.
PENALTIES??? You have got to be the biggest idiot that has ever walked the earth. You are no attorney. :bowrofl:

Go ahead, hold yourself out as an attorney. Try it. The penalties incurred will be far more severe than the mind numbing penalties of reading your drivel.
Go ahead, hold yourself out as an attorney. Try it. The penalties incurred will be far more severe than the mind numbing penalties of reading your drivel.
I'm still waiting to be exposed as a fraud. And I'm still waiting for proof that you're an attorney. The very fact that you won't produce it proves that you are a coward and a fraud, based on your logic - which wouldn't get you a 3-digit score on the LSAT.
You are a fraud for perpetuating a fraud. You sir are a disgrace to this country.
Boring and inscrutable. Unlike you, I am employed, and I have to get up and go to work tomorrow, so I shall retire for sleep.

I guess you'll probably be up at the crack of noon, ready for more keyboard warrioring. :rolleyes: Cheers!
Boring and inscrutable. Unlike you, I am employed, and I have to get up and go to work tomorrow, so I shall retire for sleep.

I guess you'll probably be up at the crack of noon, ready for more keyboard warrioring. :rolleyes: Cheers!

I suppose your employer, or the person who employs the company or wherever you work (the owner let's say) is unemployed. Haven't quite gotten a grasp on English it seems, the very language you want to be the official language of our nation. Well I'm going to tell you what you tell every immigrant: Learn to speak English. Believe it or not, words have meanings. Attorneys are attorneys, Catholics are Christians, and frauds are frauds. Rest well, your employer will be waiting for you to punch in your time card on time or you're fired.
Amateur is what you are. You type away because you're an angry, white coward, incapable of debate. I debate for hire. No sir, that is not the definition of an amateur. This Mac of yours claimed to be an attorney, was asked to verify, and ran away like a coward because he knew he would be facing serious penalties for fraudulently claiming to be an attorney.

You have no clue! :D
Go ahead, hold yourself out as an attorney. Try it. The penalties incurred will be far more severe than the mind numbing penalties of reading your drivel.

You have no clue! In Arizona, for example, even if one holds himself/herself out to be an attorney that does not necessarily constitute unlawful practice of law--Put your thinking cap on now. :D And generally speaking, state law varies somewhat and usually a person must falsely represent oneself to be an attorney, seek a fee for unlawful services, and/or falsely represent oneself to be an attorney before an adjudicative body. As for paralegals and those working law firm or legal department, the standard is to have these individuals supervised by a licensed attorney. Even prison inmates can draw-up legal documents for another inmate and it's allowed.
Well, I am not an attorney. But I've been sitting here surfing the net and checking out this forum off and on for a couple of hours and honestly there has been little if any progress. So really, what does being an attorney have to do with the discussion? Most of the guys on this site aren't mechanics, but that doesn't mean they don't know a thing or two about cars.
Well, I am not an attorney. But I've been sitting here surfing the net and checking out this forum off and on for a couple of hours and honestly there has been little if any progress. So really, what does being an attorney have to do with the discussion? Most of the guys on this site aren't mechanics, but that doesn't mean they don't know a thing or two about cars.

Sorry, couldn't resist.:D

Sorry, couldn't resist.:D
LOL! Just to set the record straight, I'm not a mechanic either. I enjoy my knuckles too much.
Wow, did I just waste time.:rolleyes:

For the record, MAC1 never said he was an attorney.

But if you would like, I can point you to the comment where he said he has friends that are attorneys.

Heck, I am not an attorney, but I have 2 brothers that are. Personally, 1 in the family is enough.:eek:

Will there be anything substantive written here?

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