Lawsuit Over Prayer Is Settled

Many people believe in the big bang theory. But believing in the big bang takes faith. A huge explosion would eventually produce entropy, yet here we are. And what was before the bing bang? Believing that the universe expands, then contracts back to a point, then explodes again is ridiculous, on par with believing the world is flat.
Exactly right. This is known as hoisting him with his own petard.
It only takes one fulfilled prophecy for the Bible to have a supernatural nature, yet the fact is that twenty five percent of the Bible contains fulfilled prophecy. This is documented and is beyond dispute. That's proof enough, and to reject that evidence is to live in denial and self-deception.

That's just your opinion. It means nothing.
I never said I was right or anything I said was the dead truth, I'm saying that you can't know for sure so Agnosticism and morality is the most sensible out of any of them. You can't say that the big bang theory is just as vague or whatever you mean as the Bible and then go preaching the Bible is correct. As far as fulfilled prophecy, elaborate. Gambling can do the same thing.
Kbob said:
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Here here on the religious tolerance statement. I'm arguing against the suppression of that tolerance, and in particular the absolute seperation of church and state,

Yeah as long as the religion being tolerated is your own and not someone elses. :rolleyes:
I stand by my statement that the absolute seperation of church and state (or any religion or philosophy and any govt.) is an impossibility in a free society. These other points being raised are not relevant to that.
I stand by my statement that the absolute seperation of church and state (or any religion or philosophy and any govt.) is an impossibility in a free society. These other points being raised are not relevant to that.

Separation of Church and State means that the government will not establish a state religion, no religious oath or test will be required to hold a public job, and laws must be neutral and not advance or discriminate against a person's choice to be religious or nonreligious what part of the Constitution can't you understand?
I never said I was right or anything I said was the dead truth, I'm saying that you can't know for sure so Agnosticism and morality is the most sensible out of any of them. You can't say that the big bang theory is just as vague or whatever you mean as the Bible and then go preaching the Bible is correct. As far as fulfilled prophecy, elaborate. Gambling can do the same thing.
You have your point of view (agnosticism and morality) and I have mine (Biblical). BTW, agnostic literally means without knowledge.
Separation of Church and State means that the government will not establish a state religion, no religious oath or test will be required to hold a public job, and laws must be neutral and not advance or discriminate against a person's choice to be religious or nonreligious what part of the Constitution can't you understand?
I understand it perfectly. Read this entire thread please. I don't desire, nor do I have the time to rehash what's already been discussed.
You have your point of view (agnosticism and morality) and I have mine (Biblical). BTW, agnostic literally means without knowledge.

I hope that wasn't an undermining of my intelligence. Gnosticism likewise means "to know." Do you KNOW God exists, or do you have faith? Obviously taking the Latin route of a word doesn't exactly transcribe into our Western vocabulary perfectly, just like the Cardinals actually mean door hinges.

I'm not here to knock anyones beliefs, I just don't like when people tell me that my theory doesn't hold any water yet theirs is just as farfetched and they continue to think it's the truth. I think you can now see what I meant by religious tolerance.
I hope that wasn't an undermining of my intelligence.
Not your intelligence. I've just always thought that was humorous.

To all. I have no wish to make enemies. It's been said that 2 subjects to avoid is politics and religion. Here we have managed to mingle them both. I realize these are touchy subjects and I'm doing my best to stay above the diatribe.
Not your intelligence. I've just always thought that was humorous.

To all. I have no wish to make enemies. It's been said that 2 subjects to avoid is politics and religion. Here we have managed to mingle them both. I realize these are touchy subjects and I'm doing my best to stay above the diatribe.

Hey KBob I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with you either I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on certain matter. :)
No it was him performing a semantics tapdance.
Max, I apologize if I've insulted you somehow unknowingly. But this is an internet community of car enthusiasts. I hope you can look at me in that light. :Beer
Hey KBob I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with you either I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on certain matter. :)
And THAT is the beauty of this country. I sincerely appreciate the comment. :Beer
As far as the existence of God and all that, it's a toss up for me. I don't believe in any organized religion or the Bible, Koran, Torah, etc. There's no way to prove that through divine intervention they wrote those books. You also cannot simply quote things from something that depends on what you are trying to prove. That is a circular argument, which is why I hate people arguing through the Bible texts.

It depends on the context of the argument. If someone is trying to prove God through the bible, then yes that can be circular logic, depending on the argument. If they are using the Bible to define what God is (and what needs to be proven) then that isn't circular logic. The Bible is also a relevant document to cite when it comes to many political ideas that grew into parts of this nation, as the Framers (and many political thinkers of the time) drew from that to develop and/or justify their ideas and theories.

The Bible can be (and is) used as a document of historical record.

They also believed we lived in a geocentric world and that it was flat.

That belief was more due to the scientific knowledge we had at the time (or didn't have); not due to religion.

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