Lincoln LS Detail

I agree about the Mothers. I bought it cause it was basically all tey had at the parts store in clay. I will stand by one simple product from them however and thats the Mag and aluminum polish. I have used that since I was a kid on bike parts and what not and that works dreams for what its need to do.

I figured the guy was BSing I just thought I would share it. He did sound pretty anal about his reasoning and called it "boutique shop hype".

I'm off to search the webs for some of those clay brands and see if I can find some good readings for comparison.

Thanks again.
Boutique style hype is better than consumer line hype any day. People who shop at Boutiques usually at least have some notion of what they are talking about. Half of the consumer line stuff is mislabeled. Sign up on, you'll like the site. It's very friendly site and a good amount of traffic.
PLUS one :D detailingbliss is an awesome forum.

I just found an auto body supply shop about 30 minutes from me. Has all the Meg's professional/mirror glaze stuff I've wanted. polishing pads, polishes, etc. Also has 3M stuff, which I'm excited to try Ultrafina :D

Kyle, have you ever seen the meg's wheel brush? Looks a lot like the EZ detail brush.

The only bad things I've heard about poorboy's is some people don't like their compounds/polishes. I have SSR3 and 2. I really only use the 3, then follow with Menzerna PO106FF. I think some people aren't impressed with the work time of poorboy's.
Right, but it's such a versatile product you have to have it on hand.
It was really f*cking dumb. One of the complaints was the smell it produces. He also did one whole wheel at a time doing one side with NXT and one with poorboys. Then he complained about the amount of effort it took to remove it. Like I said, BS! I just wanted to share.

Thanks for the invite! If I join which I'm sure I will by the end of the day I'll make sure you get credited for it given they have a referral system or something.
I love the stuff :D I'm getting the itch to try Einzett Proline though... Or Prima. Prima is about the same price as poorboy's, but I've heard it works excellent with the PC7424.
Oh, are you talking about Poorboy's Wheel Sealant? Then that guy put on too much product. Most all products work better THIN. Otherwise it's more work, and you're wasting product to boot. When I do Poorboy's wheel sealant, I do 2 coats, one right after the other, to ensure coverage. Then wait a day, and do a third thin coat. This nets awesome protection :D
Probably did put it on to thick. He was also complaining about the size of the container. Probably didn't realize it don't take much of the stuff.
Really? I wouldn't put it in an "expensive" category at all.

but I suppose, if he's only used to OTC products...

See, the difference between "Boutique" and "Consumer Line" products is HUGE. With a consumer line product, their main priority is lowest price. Quality of product becomes secondary.

With a Boutique product, the primary concern is making a product that performs. Price is secondary.

I figure it a waste of money to buy something that doesn't perform well.

Good f****cking..... Satin thats a lot of cash!!
Thin FTW. I think the free polish (about 6oz) that detailersdomain gave me might be proline. It came in a different bottle so I have to investigate further but I'm away from home right now.
That forum is pretty cool. Intimidating as well!

I wish I could get my hands on some of those samples:D
Yea I'm always afraid to recommend or say the wrong thing over I do it here! J/K, it's so easy to learn over there, look at Pete. He probably knows more than I do now.
I noticed,.. its kind of become Kyle and Pete's detailing thread!

Hey, how is the consitency of that PoorBoys? I was watching that video clip of the guy on using his hands to apply wax. I really like that idea, I have seen it a few times before and I like how it lets you get the feel of the wax as you apply it.
There's no real benefit to applying wax by hand, acting marring can occur if your hands are rough. Consistency of Poorboy's as far as what?
I'd just use an applicator. Othewise, you need a harder wax to apply it by hand. At least that's what I've gathered.

On second thought, maybe it's not that you need the harder wax. Maybe it's because it's more difficult to apply a harder wax with an applicator. I've heard that warming an applicator would help with the harder waxes, actually.
What Poorboy's product are you talking about?

The wheel sealant is very soft.
Well both nattys red and wheel sealant.

I know it wont do anything special but I just wanted to give it a shot.

I used some crapy Mothers carnuba that I had left ( the real hard stuff ) and it actually was harder to try to rub it on my hands. From what I saw a pasty like wax seems as if it would work best but I really did like how it went on by using my hands especially since I could get a feel of where it was going in the spokes of my wheels. Like I said, its just something I want to try. I did order the wool ball anyway so I'm sure I will use applicators more so often.

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