lms maf IN!

You can install it now then add the Icebox later.

If that is the case then i would like to order it today but one question that i have is what will hold it in place because i think using the stock are box would be defeating the purpose unless there is an other way. SCHOOL ME PLEASE :D
Why not just call me up and order the proper sized balance tube?
And what happens when it doesnt work? I have the money, but im unsure on if I want to buy it or not. 21 shipped, right? The sample tube that is on mine right now is gigantic. If you want, I could post some pictures of it. Maybe you would be able to identify which tube it is.
Would there be any benefit for me, considering I already have a cone filter and modified maf? Its only modified so that a cone filter will fit on it.(no actual flow improvement modifications)
mespock said:
I don't have the 94 home yet, it's still at Mike's (94m5). What is the size of the opening. Scott didn't have the K&N filter with the MAF so I still need to pick one up.

It's a K&N RE-0870.
MarkVIII93 said:
And what happens when it doesnt work? I have the money, but im unsure on if I want to buy it or not. 21 shipped, right? The sample tube that is on mine right now is gigantic. If you want, I could post some pictures of it. Maybe you would be able to identify which tube it is.

If it's GIGANTIC hen it is way wrong for sure. I have the proper ones sitting here. It will work fine.
So last night i got a code for faulty coil pack opperation, and today iv been getting many many cel's i havent checked them out yet, but im guessing its prolly either more of the same, or that i need to clock the maf?
MarkVIII93 said:
Would there be any benefit for me, considering I already have a cone filter and modified maf? Its only modified so that a cone filter will fit on it.(no actual flow improvement modifications)

It will sound cool and have a small impact on performance but nothing significant.
MrWilson said:
So last night i got a code for faulty coil pack opperation, and today iv been getting many many cel's i havent checked them out yet, but im guessing its prolly either more of the same, or that i need to clock the maf?

Tell me the codes.
JoeyGood said:
If that is the case then i would like to order it today but one question that i have is what will hold it in place because i think using the stock are box would be defeating the purpose unless there is an other way. SCHOOL ME PLEASE :D

We will have the Icebox cold air kit soon, this will enclose the unit and filter.
We will have the Icebox cold air kit soon, this will enclose the unit and filter.

OK guess I'll wait. you had me all excited there for a sec. :D
Again there is no reason to wait. They are NOT reliant on each other to work.

Umm OK maybe i didn't phrase the question the correct way. My question is would i use the stock air box to hold it in place at the filter and MAF till the icebox comes in? Sorry if i wasn't clear before
Ok, i got 5 codes... code 43 (O2 sensor voltage too lean@wot) 66 (Maf voltage too low) 32 (egr not opperating properly) 53 (TPS voltage too high and 21, the one you were waiting for geno....("problem" with theCrank sensor)
It eliminates the box completely. It looks like this installed.

MrWilson said:
Ok, i got 5 codes... code 43 (O2 sensor voltage too lean@wot) 66 (Maf voltage too low) 32 (egr not opperating properly) 53 (TPS voltage too high and 21, the one you were waiting for geno....("problem" with theCrank sensor)

YeeHaww were onto something Hoss. You know what to grab from Pep's!!
It eliminates the box completely. It looks like this installed.


OK great, I'll PM you with my info so you can calculate the shipping and I'll PP the payment oh and add the LMS window decals set.

You just made my day :D
YeeHaww were onto something Hoss. You know what to grab from Pep's!!

i will do that one for sure before the track...but now that i finally AM getting that damned 02 sensor code, idk if i will be able to do it in time...i get off of work at 5, not enough time to drop the exhaust.
MrWilson said:
i will do that one for sure before the track...but now that i finally AM getting that damned 02 sensor code, idk if i will be able to do it in time...i get off of work at 5, not enough time to drop the exhaust.

You do not have to drop the exhaust. Know anyone with small hands. If Phil can squeeze is bigazz Gorilla hands and replace both I am sure you can find someone to do it.
Man!!! 61 bucks from summit for that filter!!! I bought a little cheapo parts store filter. It comes with these adapter rings to fit the filter to smaller and bigger tb tubes, maf housing, etc. I just took both rings out and put the filter on the maf, then used the rings on the opposite side to go into the tb tube.
Oh yeah! Heres what the sample tube looks like.... It doesnt have any markings on it or anything so you could determine what tube it is. To me..... It looks BIG. It must be at least 3mm bigger than the stocker.... Which explains why it runs so lean.



By the rubber accordian hose which is attached to the tb tube. Been like this since 1997 never had an inkling of an issue.
You do not have to drop the exhaust. Know anyone with small hands. If Phil can squeeze is bigazz Gorilla hands and replace both I am sure you can find someone to do it.

the question is...do i know anyone with small hands that knows what they are doing and will do it for free!

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