track night tonight...kept getting them damn cels all over the place, on track, off track...wot, idle, in going to do the tps, because it seems to be the biggest value in the equation. i did the crank sensor, that was simplisticly easy...
oh and i tried to strap the motor down again, but i just cant find the room to rachet, i have to take out the hoses.
got to the track, sat for 1:30, went out and ran a 15.3 95mph, then a 15.4 94mph, cels all over, and the car chugging at low end. ugh...AND THE BAGS ARE GAY! stupid money. i have no problem replacing the parts anymore, i just need the cash. looks like no track for a few weeks for me
the redeming factor of the night was seeing kasper's 94 mk run low 7's and giving me a 8====D on as it flew past
btw about ponyin up, where were ya