LS Meet Update!!!

My 2003 V8 has chrome trim on the window.

Around the edge like this:


Or the B-pillar like this:

Well, no clue. Mine came with chrome B-pillars and quarter windows trim, and just regular black window trim. Maybe someone added the chrome after the fact.

It's not there now and that's all I really care about at this point. I always liked that understated sleeper look :)

I've also been told that Gen2's had a folding drivers side mirror. Mine does not fold back. Although I would like to take both mirrors off, sand down the plastic flash lines, and repaint. Would give it a much smoother look.
folding mirrors

I have a 2006 silver LS with the ultimate package. My mirrors also fold, but not electronically.
RollinLS, actually looked into the paint color i have and i guess its called "Light Tundra". Cant wait to get the dents fixed get tinted and repaint it.

Let me know, when you are ready. I will hook you up with my buddies number. He will take care of those dents.:)
This year was a real learning experience. Anyone with suggestions or tips. PM me. Making plans for next year already. Going step up the action factor for next year. Going to try to get Spec Clutches to show up for sure.
I didn't know the mirrors folded electronically, thought they were manual.
Automatic folding mirrors give me a boner. I wish the LS had those!

I still get out and fold both my mirrors if I am parked in a small lot/high foot traffic lot.
Yeh someone thought that on here. It would be primo if as you exit the vehicle the mirrors folded. #mirrorboner I'm going to start using them. #idgaf
Let me know, when you are ready. I will hook you up with my buddies number. He will take care of those dents.:)

Will do is there anyway i could get a rough estimation? Or he pretty much will have to see it all first. You can PM me about it if you like.
So after my car got Howie'd this is what it looks like now:


Notice the amazing lack of b-pillar and quarter-window chrome :)

Mr. Howie is the man. He figured out more things with my car in 15 minutes then 3 dealerships have in 2.5 years. Now if only my new favorite mechanic wasn't 18-hours away.

The car looks really good!!! That made a huge difference.

More pictures of the St.Louis meet tomorrow!!!

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