LS Vs. Scion tC


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 10, 2005
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Well like most of my races(never really posted any on this board) I was coming home from work and I came up to Hwy 74 in the turning lane to go left up 74 and infront was a new silver Scion tC and in the lane acrossed from it was a '02-'04 v6 mustang v6 convert. w/ two girls in it w/ the driver of the tc(guy) talking to the girls(must of known them). Anyway I had the stereo up all the way blasting Crossbreed(Industrial-ish metal band :dj: ) and the passenger in the mustang turned around and took a look at what car was making the racket(I than turned it down to be nice) and she looks at her friend and says something, then she turns to look and yells "woooo, hot car!"

The guy in the tC turns real quick and started to laugh and said something to the girls and they smiled and I hear him through a couple of revs, so I immediately started laughing(I've test drove a tC, they are nice, only 160HP) then I see him give me the finger and the girls are giggling so I give a smile and nod at the chicks.

So the light goes green and the mustang goes real slow(no one behind them) and the tC takes off sort of quick, so I'm right on him just waiting to see was lane he chooses and he chose the left so I whip into the right. Now he is on it and straightened out about 2 seconds before me so he has a slight advantage but I straighten and hit the gas alittle more than halfway and the LS takes off and I start pulling on him immediately and get beside looking straight ahead and I grab my pepsi and take a chug and am gone. I looked in the rear view and he was back a good bit and I see his noise "drop" which indicated to me he gave up :waving: .

So I spanked the lil' bastard of course but I bet he goes and tells the girls when he see's them again that he toasted me but whatever, he can dream.
Beamer said:
Well like most of my races(never really posted any on this board) I was coming home from work and I came up to Hwy 74 in the turning lane to go left up 74 and infront was a new silver Scion tC and in the lane acrossed from it was a '02-'04 v6 mustang v6 convert. w/ two girls in it w/ the driver of the tc(guy) talking to the girls(must of known them). Anyway I had the stereo up all the way blasting Crossbreed(Industrial-ish metal band :dj: ) and the passenger in the mustang turned around and took a look at what car was making the racket(I than turned it down to be nice) and she looks at her friend and says something, then she turns to look and yells "woooo, hot car!"

The guy in the tC turns real quick and started to laugh and said something to the girls and they smiled and I hear him through a couple of revs, so I immediately started laughing(I've test drove a tC, they are nice, only 160HP) then I see him give me the finger and the girls are giggling so I give a smile and nod at the chicks.

So the light goes green and the mustang goes real slow(no one behind them) and the tC takes off sort of quick, so I'm right on him just waiting to see was lane he chooses and he chose the left so I whip into the right. Now he is on it and straightened out about 2 seconds before me so he has a slight advantage but I straighten and hit the gas alittle more than halfway and the LS takes off and I start pulling on him immediately and get beside looking straight ahead and I grab my pepsi and take a chug and am gone. I looked in the rear view and he was back a good bit and I see his noise "drop" which indicated to me he gave up :waving: .

So I spanked the lil' bastard of course but I bet he goes and tells the girls when he see's them again that he toasted me but whatever, he can dream.

Lol, my friend has a TC of the exact discription he thinks its so fast dumb retard, cant wait to smoke his ars with my mark :Beer
I do like the tC's, they are nice for the price. I almost got one but the one I test drove was an auto and I wanted a stick so I said I would come back when they called and said they had one in but a day or two later I was buying the LS. The interior in them is nice and pleasant, has a good amount of options too standard. Would of been cheaper than the LS let me tell you but I'm happier w/ the Lincoln.
who the fuk would even consider buying a scion. I'd rather ride a fukin moped.
how could a person with an ls even look at a scion. i wouldnt wipe my ass with that car its such a piece of :q:q:q:q.
I was looking at it BEFORE I got the LS. Before the LS the best car I had was my '03 cavalier. Which I regret trading for the LS actually. Cheaper payment, cheaper at the pump, cheaper parts and a fun car w/ huge potential. But I still like the LS. And the tC is the only Scion/toyota I'd buy, the xA and xB are just nasty. Atleast if I got the tC I'd have a panarama sunroof(s), 6 disc cd, MANUAL and a bunch of other goodies for about $17K.

I feel I'm the only one on here that doesn't hate on anything below a Lincoln. I guess its the fact that I'm open to almost anything because I have not had stuff handed to me and what not.

If I could get rid of the LS for another car that'd be cheaper I'd be looking at a new Civic SI or an '04-'05 Civic EX w/ kit, than next on the list is a Hyundai Tiburon SE-loaded and 6-speed, than there is a Subaru WRX, SRT-4.
i hate those rat boxes, ever since they started making those "ricer" commericals i am on a mission to destroy them all!
Beamer said:
I was looking at it BEFORE I got the LS. Before the LS the best car I had was my '03 cavalier. Which I regret trading for the LS actually. Cheaper payment, cheaper at the pump, cheaper parts and a fun car w/ huge potential. But I still like the LS. And the tC is the only Scion/toyota I'd buy, the xA and xB are just nasty. Atleast if I got the tC I'd have a panarama sunroof(s), 6 disc cd, MANUAL and a bunch of other goodies for about $17K.

I feel I'm the only one on here that doesn't hate on anything below a Lincoln. I guess its the fact that I'm open to almost anything because I have not had stuff handed to me and what not.

If I could get rid of the LS for another car that'd be cheaper I'd be looking at a new Civic SI or an '04-'05 Civic EX w/ kit, than next on the list is a Hyundai Tiburon SE-loaded and 6-speed, than there is a Subaru WRX, SRT-4.

Vent on
What...........and you think everyone else has had things handed down to them? To be quite honest, I resent you making that implication on behalf of everyone on this site who works hard and doesn't get things handed down to them.......i'm sure there are a few, but more often than not it is people who work for what they have.

I'm taking a full load of classes at the University of Iowa to finish my degrees and I am working full time at a car dealership to pay rent and tuition and car payment. I guess you could say I have things handed down to me because I hate POS cars such as honda, toyota, scion, and any other ricer-wannabe such as the cav and sunbird and any other econobox. And let us get this straight..........we aren't hating on anything below a Lincoln......its just that we have a little class and sophistication so our tastes are a little bit more mature and refined than those younger folk. Another word of advice would be to check through the previous threads to get the ages of people who are on this wouldn't be saying people had things handed down to them if you noticed a lot of them were twice your age.

Vent off
I agree with you dl everyone thinks if you drive an LS its handed to you WTF.....I work my arss off for this car and I agree that the RICE is out of control They need to stop thinking there damn cars are fast they should include a list on the streeting wheel "this car is slow you will only beat the following cars"
Small children on bikes
mail man (walking or in truck)
thats it!!!!!!
my car was not a hand me down, I have a 7 year relationship with the credit union

please don't try to compare the LS to cheap rice, or american economy cars. those are disposable cars that should not be mentioned in the same breath as the LS.
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DLS8K said:
Vent on
What...........and you think everyone else has had things handed down to them? To be quite honest, I resent you making that implication on behalf of everyone on this site who works hard and doesn't get things handed down to them.......i'm sure there are a few, but more often than not it is people who work for what they have.

I'm taking a full load of classes at the University of Iowa to finish my degrees and I am working full time at a car dealership to pay rent and tuition and car payment. I guess you could say I have things handed down to me because I hate POS cars such as honda, toyota, scion, and any other ricer-wannabe such as the cav and sunbird and any other econobox. And let us get this straight..........we aren't hating on anything below a Lincoln......its just that we have a little class and sophistication so our tastes are a little bit more mature and refined than those younger folk. Another word of advice would be to check through the previous threads to get the ages of people who are on this wouldn't be saying people had things handed down to them if you noticed a lot of them were twice your age.

Vent off


I am 24 y/o, been in the military 7 years E-6, involved in two major wars/conflicts. I have earned my keep every step of the way. I do find it kind of funny to hear the whole handed down speech, like some sort of old fella, from someone who just became legal to drink not long ago. I find that somewhat condescending.
Well, I dont like them because every one who drives one thinks hes in a porsche gemballa gtr.. Stupid Fast and the Furious movies, they should of never come out, all they did is convert the potential muscle car community into pos ricers that drive their rice buZZzzing all over the freeway. should have let the TC speed off while you hit on their friends.

I mean, way to put that Scion in it's place but all you did was run away from the women.
MarkOfDeath said:
you drink pepsi, man thats gay

Did I miss something??? I got the other fella's dry humor but I think I missd something here. lol...
JoeyLincolnMK8 said:
i hate those rat boxes, ever since they started making those "ricer" commericals i am on a mission to destroy them all!

:I and :iconcur: I can't hate too much on the ricer part to much cause I just recently bought a 94 honda prelude...had to get a second car!! I still have the LS 8 NOTHING will ever replace my baby!!
BIG CELO said:
:I and :iconcur: I can't hate too much on the ricer part to much cause I just recently bought a 94 honda prelude...had to get a second car!! I still have the LS 8 NOTHING will ever replace my baby!!

Hey nothing wrong with a 4 banger car. It is when people think that their 4 banger pushing 140 hp is fast and try to race everyone. That is when it is "ricer".
Hello, I just thought I would include my opinion on worst hated cars. Let me know if you agree or disagree. All comments are welcome.

Here is my list of most disliked cars, let me know if anyone agrees.

Chevrolet Avalanche (Transformer, Robot in Disguise)
Honda Element
Pontiac Aztec
Honda Ridgeline
PT Cruiser
Ford Mustang (Sorry I am a Vette man, plus it is turning into a female car)
Mitsubishi Eclipse (Females thinking there so hot in their cars)

Thank you John

Check out the 2001 Lincoln LS at:

Check out 1984 Corvette at:
I agree on the aztec. ugliest car ever.

Eclipses used to be quite nice back when they had the 2.0L turbo motor(although MILDLY feminine). I had one that I ran low twelves in, even once ran an 11.84. just over $2K in mods to do that....mine was FWD and I could spin the tires with clutch fully engaged at ~65 when getting on the highway. front end would bounce so bad my windshield wipers would turn on and my radio face would snap off. remember detachable face radios???
rocket5979 said:
Hey nothing wrong with a 4 banger car. It is when people think that their 4 banger pushing 140 hp is fast and try to race everyone. That is when it is "ricer".[/QUOTE

I in no way think i can take cars on when im in the prelude, now when im in the LS that's a different story lol but i don't race I just love knowing if i wanted to push the LS8 the power is there with the handling to whip someone out like i.e. a tC!! It's funny the person that I purchased the prelude from made it look like a "ricer", car with the body kit and the muffler..I CAN"T stand the muffler, I have to get it changed ASAP.. :L :L:L:L

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