:q:q:q:q Cal and I'm still a member there lol. I don't post :q:q:q:q on that site and haven't in a long long time. There are members here that are still members there but are too scared to speak out about that mother:q:q:q:qer with the small dick (so I heard) that wakes up everyday, just looking for a reason to ban someone.
LVC is heaven compared to that pile of :q:q:q:q site.
Cal, if you read this. :q:q:q:q YOU!
I had a bad day but now I feel better. Thank you OP
Anyone that's still there and posting and coming here and posting is a pussy. Just my opinion because, you have to "pussy post" on the .org site in order not to be banned. You know it and I know it. Hell, now I wanna go over there and post something just to get banned. Three words into my post and the ban button will be hit. Like I give a :q:q:q:q. I might go to youporn and post a video of an Asian with a little dick trying to pump it in and out an inch and a 1/2
Ok, now I feel better