

Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 9, 2009
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Just want to say what Bull_Sh!t it is.. its a good site but the mod has a stick up his a$$... I posted a link to my original post here and I just got kicked and banned after being a member for 2 years... what a farce!
Damn sorry for the mod.

Feeling the need to rebel!






that "sculpture by TJ" guy lives down the road from my house. I see that sculpture of the Hudson sitting in his back yard. saw that green Mark VIII at a car show in Holland
People go missing on that site all the time. Nothing new.

I noticed that zmt325 has had his account disabled, too. :lol:

Edit: Man, those skirt things aren't a good look. :yuck:
:q:q:q:q that site, getting kicked off and banned was the best thing that ever happend to me cal can sit back and watch his site go to :q:q:q:q like it already has. all the good people have moved here anyway, :q:q:q:q the org.
You guys are talking about the
Yes a couple of years ago when I posted how fast My car is they disabled my account.:confused:
Maybe because I posted that I did it with out a Roll Cage.:D
What a Joke.
That site is still around? WTF! Small penis asian guy who owns a Porsche was running it.
Well I have not seen it. But he is asian! And is not discrimination if its true.

Definitions of discrimination on the Web:
unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice

See if its fact, its not prejudice. :)
but how are you getting the facts to make that not prejudice...from he say she say? or have you seen all the asian penises in the world to consider it fact???
First I should ban you for posting that damn Yellow Mark VIII ...

But join the many on here who have been banned from .org ... I lasted about 1 post ... LOL
First I should ban you for posting that damn Yellow Mark VIII ...

But join the many on here who have been banned from .org ... I lasted about 1 post ... LOL

See I knew I would get a response from you MESPOCK... :D:D I just couldnt resist the Rebel in me...

:q:q:q:q Cal and I'm still a member there lol. I don't post :q:q:q:q on that site and haven't in a long long time. There are members here that are still members there but are too scared to speak out about that mother:q:q:q:qer with the small dick (so I heard) that wakes up everyday, just looking for a reason to ban someone.

LVC is heaven compared to that pile of :q:q:q:q site.

Cal, if you read this. :q:q:q:q YOU!

I had a bad day but now I feel better. Thank you OP

Anyone that's still there and posting and coming here and posting is a pussy. Just my opinion because, you have to "pussy post" on the .org site in order not to be banned. You know it and I know it. Hell, now I wanna go over there and post something just to get banned. Three words into my post and the ban button will be hit. Like I give a :q:q:q:q. I might go to youporn and post a video of an Asian with a little dick trying to pump it in and out an inch and a 1/2

Ok, now I feel better
I will say that it is nice how the technical section is subdivided into electrical, suspension, drivetrain, etc...
I was banned there when I had my 95 up for sale because my signature had one too many characters. Now if that isn't some bullsh*t, I dunno what is. :lol:

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