Mark VIII people: Please vote for me!

Everyone, I am glad to see there are so many awesome people here. Nearly everyone I have ever spoken to through LVC has voted for me already, plus many who don't know me at all, that is truly awesome.

fastmark1993: Considering one of the contestants in group 2 is a best selling author who has traveled the world and has thousands of contacts, I don't think it would be cheating at all. She has a great cause, but boy am I glad I don't have to run against her! Alas, we must follow the rules, and for that consideration, in addition to your votes, I thank you.

Calabrio, lscf100 and blacklscgirl, Jamie, and any other FL people who vote: Thanks for pulling for me, it's awesome, and I thank you and look forward to meeting you all in person, win or lose, if you are at Jamies meet.

MediumD: I know its a pretty crazy (insert descriptive if you please) color combo but I want to get people's attention! I will tone it down once the newness of voting wears off, no reason to stick out like a sore thumb any more than neccessary.
voted for Mike also. My name is Mike and im also a big guy. Small world.

Good luck buddy
Thanks everyone.

Mookie86: Back in High School people used to cal me Mook, kinda funny. Small world indeed.
I am feeling the love, all warm and fuzzy inside. This is a perfect example of peeps pulling together for the greater cause of helping out. Even if it is only a click of a mouse. Best of luck Mike:D

When is the voting over and the results given to the winner?
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April 1st is when the winners are informed, voting stops 3/31. Thanks again for being involved!
Get in my belly!

Glad to know I am not the only fat basturd around here. :lol:
Yesterday I went to my doctor & he labeled me as morbidly obese!!! I weigh 290 & I'm 6'0"... Great, I'm a fat bastard myself & I didn't even know it! lol. In all seriousness, it's about our health! I wish you the best man. It's an amazing journey but one you will look back on & smile because you pulled through!!!
Well, thanks for the votes!

Ultimate: You aren't in my boat yet, but change for the better now so you don't have to. You'll get it all figured out. I hope I do too!
I voted again from another computer on another network and I will again tomorrow so that will be me voting three times!!!

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