I didn't mean to offend anyone. I was not directly talking to anyone's response so I don't know what that was all about. What i'm trying to say is don't replace them with 20 dollar shocks just because they are old and you want something new. Just because something is worn doesn'mean any new part you buy will be better. If you're going to replace them to get a better ride like you're suggesting for "handling" then buying those monroes isn't going to perform better.
Secondly, I don't know why you are attacking me. Did you not comprehend my post? I'll give you the whole story about why I bought new shocks when I get home and not typing thru a phone. Just trying to help no need to get hostile.
"Also if your testing of shocks works so well why did you buy new shocks in the first place?"
Bought the car when i was 15 and my brother drove over a pothole and seized the shock... had it done by a mechanic because I didn't know any better. Got gabriels... couple of years later I started to learn more about racing and suspension work. Bought monroes from the suggestions on here thinking that would solve it... nope it didn't. Long story short I finally bought konis. That is why I bought new shocks, hopefully that was clear enough. But I still don't fully understand your question.
Here is my simple test to see which shock I would have for best control because I can't take you for a drive:
First is my White 97 ~ 176k with original yes original motorcraft shocks
Second is my Silver 98 ~79k(Went easy on this one) with motorcraft branded/monroe sensa tracs(not yellow). They were spanking new when I bought it and I haven't replaced them because it doesn't get driven.
Third is my Ivory 97 ~105k with again original motorcraft shocks
Last is my Silver 93 with konis I bought one year ago. This is the car that has been my control that I personally have installed countless shock pairs. So you can decide for yourself which shocks you would prefer on your car, the old original shocks or the new monroe shocks. My point is that replacing them just because it's old and worn with anything new is wrong. He obviously doesn't want to spend upwards of $50 so I'm saying just stick with what you have unless you have a blown shock. So if you want to call me an ass and my 1970 methods wrong I'm fine, i'm not gonna start getting aggressive. It's your car i'm just trying to help with the experience I've gain from these years experimenting with these shocks. And i'm willing to bet I know more about the suspension of a mark viii than most.