Miami may see snow! (Unrelated but posting here anyway)

. When was the last time there was snow in Miami? Last ice age? lol

1977. We are already above our seasonal snow total and are at 26.5 inches for the season. Last year we had 6 and the year before 2.
That's right, stang - about 700 miles give or take.

Edit: Just 'mapquested' it. 640 miles.
Yeah, we lived in Brandon, on the outskirts of Tampa, for a few months.

I'm sure there quite a few LvC members down there, Terry, although the only forum guys I ever met down in FL were Psychostang, Jamie, Diesel Dan and a guy called Mike. (from Lincolnsonline)
I'm sure there quite a few LvC members down there

I'm telling you, there are NO Mark VIII owners down here in Miami, Marvin & I are the only LVC guys down here & in all honesty if there are more than 15 MARK VIII's in this city I'll change my name. Since I've owned my Mark (June 2009), I've seen one Mark 8 that is still parked/abandoned just 5 blocks from my house & 3 other Mark 8's all in not so good condition, usually sitting slammed from the rear or with pealing paint jobs. My mother did tell me she saw a black on black 1st gen by her house in immaculate condition. Other than that, you really DON'T see ANY of these cars down here.
Ya, I was talking about Florida in general - I've never been as far down as Miami.

Where I live now (Smithfield, North Carolina) I don't think there are any / many Mark VIII owners - haven't seen a single one in the year that I've lived here!
Ya, I was talking about Florida in general - I've never been as far down as Miami.

Where I live now (Smithfield, North Carolina) I don't think there are any / many Mark VIII owners - haven't seen a single one in the year that I've lived here!

See that's one thing I've learned, here on this forum we know how much these Mark VIII's are really worth but out on the street we can actually sell them waaayyyyy more expensive because they are becoming rarer by the day. This is why dealerships are asking upwards of $4,000 for any Mark VIII w/ less than 100,000 miles. They know that even if it takes a while, they will sell it.
2012 was a predicted pole shift due to melting of earths core causing loss of axis of rotation... And only way the world will end is if it occurs quickly.... We could probably just have all of our marks in a line wot to counteract this...

Say what? The earth's core is already molten. lol I think someone took too much faith in the 2012 movie!
When the earths core becomes solid is when things get interesting... your magnetic compasses won't work anymore... OMFG!!!!
All of this because it got cold in Miami, LMAO!!! Guys, there was ice everywhere this morning. Turns out last night is when we broke the all time low. We had no cloud coverage & IT WAS COLD!!! Please Earth's core, bring back my tropical weather!:)
I'm coming down there Fri or Sat and I think it's supposed to be back around the high 60's or 70's but I ain't staying long. Just coming to smack Jamie on his bald head and giving him some cash and taking a car away from his Lincoln lot.
Today I left my house at 7am and my Chevy Impala read 35degrees, and let me tall ya its the first time I see ice here in Miami. My rear window was full of ice.....just incredible.
I'm coming down there Fri or Sat and I think it's supposed to be back around the high 60's or 70's but I ain't staying long. Just coming to smack Jamie on his bald head and giving him some cash and taking a car away from his Lincoln lot.

Dude, completely unrelated but..... what's up with the rainbow smilies?
Just in a rainbow mood I guess. Been down for a few days since I blew up my ride and nearly burned the house down.

Dude I'm still in shock over your incident, a couple weeks ago we were talking about our transmissions & the upgrading to a 98 tranny, etc... today, it's just gone!:( Not to worry though. If you're buying Jamie's ride, you're getting something really nice. Not black on black like you want but nice nevertheless. :)

That's what's crazy, we are actually using our heaters for the first time in ages. My stepdad's into the A/C business, he's getting so many calls due to broken heaters that haven't been in use in decades. It's insane. Last time it was this cold down here was in 1979 when it snowed in Miami.

Have to correct you on that I WAS IN LAUDERDALE AND THAT WAS SPRING 1977
I'm telling you, there are NO Mark VIII owners down here in Miami, Marvin & I are the only LVC guys down here & in all honesty if there are more than 15 MARK VIII's in this city I'll change my name. Since I've owned my Mark (June 2009), I've seen one Mark 8 that is still parked/abandoned just 5 blocks from my house & 3 other Mark 8's all in not so good condition, usually sitting slammed from the rear or with pealing paint jobs. My mother did tell me she saw a black on black 1st gen by her house in immaculate condition. Other than that, you really DON'T see ANY of these cars down here.

But I'll bet there's a lot of FORD PICKUPS.

Yeah, there's quite a few, but it's mainly Chevy trucks / SUV's and Buick cars. Even the post delivery people use horrible Buicks! :yuck:

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