Mlara1129's C-List Finds

I'm curious to email this person just to get pics

Here it is.





^ when looking at the drivers side doesn't it look like the rear door is A different color than the rest of the car?

I've seen that a lot on the silver cars, mine included.

It's only noticable at a certain angle

I was curious if this was a common thing?? I've seen people point it out on other silver cars in the Picture thread as well.

Oddly enough, I notice it on some of my pics of my Silver Frost Metallic as well.
Yet in real life, you can't see any color differances. My registration for the car with the Ministry of Transportation, says it's Gray.
I just give up on it. It's an LS and it starts when you turn the key, goes Vroooom when you press on the Go pedal.

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