MonsterMark Seafoam Tuneup.


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
MonsterMark SeaFoam Tuneup. (PS, make sure your wife is not around).

Hey, for $5.00 bucks and the smoke show, it's worth it. Wound up with a smoother 600 rpm idle and got rid of my WOT high rpm miss. A must for us guys running with the IMRCs that get totally carboned up. Part 2 was even better, but like I said, make sure the mrs. isn't around. LOL.
yeah I just did the seafoam treatment yesterday and I must say it did help a little. For the past month or so, after a long night of driving around, letting the car sit for about 10 mins., then starting it up again, it would stumble at idle and usually die. Well I did a lot of driving tonight and it didn't stumble at all after started it back up. Hopefully that problem is at least a little better. Mine didn't smoke quite as much as yours, but there was still a lot.
I made the car stall with a huge gulp. That way it would sit on the IMRC secondaries. So that is most of the smoke. I smoked for 3 blocks after running it out of the driveway. Even 3 miles later on the freeway, I blew a bunch out.
I stalled it as well. I just did what it said on one of the threads here, where you just let it run and do little bits at a time until the seafoam is almost gone, and then stall it at the end, let it sit, then rev the crap out of it. The guy at Autozone was like a Seafoam salesman, telling me how great it works. I was like "That's what I've been told. That's why I'm here buying it."
I did this about a month ago because I was having rough idle after WOT. Haven't had a problem since. I did the same thing, I let the vacume suck up a big gulp untill it died. Then I let it sit for about 15-20 min. Was kind of hard to start at first, and then the giant cloud of smoke. worked great
Did mine last week; scared the neighbors and everyone passing by.
Yeah when I did mine the parking lot of my apartment building was pretty smokey, and my girlfriend said that most of it found it's way into our apartment. Oops.
rmac694203 said:
Yeah when I did mine the parking lot of my apartment building was pretty smokey, and my girlfriend said that most of it found it's way into our apartment. Oops.
Stupid question. What is Sea Foam? and what does it do? I read alot about along the forums but,I still don't know what it is or what it's used for. I feel dumb not knowing what people are talking about. Either that or I'm just really nosey.
Jporter said:
Stupid question. What is Sea Foam? and what does it do? I read alot about along the forums but,I still don't know what it is or what it's used for. I feel dumb not knowing what people are talking about. Either that or I'm just really nosey.

It's an engine cleaner that will cost you $5 at Autozone. You can dump it in you fuel tank, PCV/ intake, or crankcase, and it breaks-down carbon build-ups, cleans gunk, and other crap that finds its way into you engine.

I've tried it several times and it works good...
I always see that stuff at the counter and was hesitant. Now I am going to go get some for all my cars. Thanks

evillally said:
It's an engine cleaner that will cost you $5 at Autozone. You can dump it in you fuel tank, PCV/ intake, or crankcase, and it breaks-down carbon build-ups, cleans gunk, and other crap that finds its way into you engine.

I've tried it several times and it works good...
Hey, if it doesn't work, you wasted only $5. But it works for sure, just watch the above video and look at the smoke!

If you decide to use it, buy two cans; dump one in the tank @ gasoline fill up. As for the other, use about 1/3 in the crankcase, and the other 2/3 through the PCV or vacum boost brake line. Let it suck it through until you have only a little left, then dump suck the rest in until the engine stalls or chokes.

Wait 20-30 minutes, then attempt to start the car. It will be difficult to start, but when it does, be sure you're in a well vented area. Rev the sh_t out of it, then drive like hell... :gr_devil:
evillally said:
It's an engine cleaner that will cost you $5 at Autozone. You can dump it in you fuel tank, PCV/ intake, or crankcase, and it breaks-down carbon build-ups, cleans gunk, and other crap that finds its way into you engine.

I've tried it several times and it works good...

Thanks. I don't have a problem now,but atleast I'll know what to do if I get one.
Tractionless said:
Wow great video. Bouncing it off the revlimiter without a load has to be good for it lol
Like I said, 2nd half was better. The 'no-load' rev limiter being set at 4000 rpm is a tad low on the 2nd Gens if you ask me. By the time you get the imrc's to open you're already bouncing off. From 3200 to 4000 is not much of a range. I guess they didn't want grandmas foot to get stuck under the accelerator pedal.

But not to worry. I also gave it 3 opportunities to shift at WOT under 'load'. Think that helped too? LOL
MonsterMark said:
Like I said, 2nd half was better. The 'no-load' rev limiter being set at 4000 rpm is a tad low on the 2nd Gens if you ask me. By the time you get the imrc's to open you're already bouncing off. From 3200 to 4000 is not much of a range. I guess they didn't want grandmas foot to get stuck under the accelerator pedal.

But not to worry. I also gave it 3 opportunities to shift at WOT under 'load'. Think that helped too? LOL

With the Powermaxx chip, I don't think I'll encounter this Rev Limiter issue...
Bryan any video of exactly what hose to pull and such...

Jamler3 said:
With the Powermaxx chip, I don't think I'll encounter this Rev Limiter issue...
Bryan any video of exactly what hose to pull and such...

We are talking about 2 different rev-limiters. Not the red-line limiter. We are talking about, at least I am, the high rpm rev-limiter that kicks in at about 4000 rpm when the car is in neutral or park. I don't know if the chip takes care of this 'no-load' high rpm rev limiter or not.

I'll take some pictures today for you Jim. You certainly don't want to crack a hose fitting and then have a vaccum leak.
MonsterMark said:
We are talking about 2 different rev-limiters. Not the red-line limiter. We are talking about, at least I am, the high rpm rev-limiter that kicks in at about 4000 rpm when the car is in neutral or park. I don't know if the chip takes care of this 'no-load' high rpm rev limiter or not.

It takes it out. Didn't you see him revving his car in our commercial.
Bmetzger8 said:
What does "IMRC" stand for? What are they? Where are they in the engine?

Intake Manifold Runner Control.

They are small butterflies that block off one of the 2 intake valves per cylinder until 3000 rpms.

they are located below the upper intake manifold, between the intake and the head itself.

since they remain closed during low rpm use, they can get corroded, and caked with carbon since all that atomized fuel and air passes over them.
BlackIceLSC said:
Intake Manifold Runner Control.

They are small butterflies that block off one of the 2 intake valves per cylinder until 3000 rpms.

they are located below the upper intake manifold, between the intake and the head itself.

since they remain closed during low rpm use, they can get corroded, and caked with carbon since all that atomized fuel and air passes over them.
Correction there Craig. Actually, only the air passes over them. The fuel injector is located next to the primary intake port and inject directly into the cylinder. But there is always 'back pressure' so some of the atomized air/fuel mixture along with burnt carbon, etc gets deposited onto the runners by backing up into the intake tract. The primary is the rectangular hole and the secondary with the butterfly is the oval hole. Talk about having a nice obstruction in the intake. The orange o-ring things are the injectors.

The SeaFoam tuneup is a 'must have' as far as I am concerned. Especially with the way our intake system is set up. I bet there is at least 10 horsepower crapped up in there.

IMRC Bottom View.jpg

IMRC Top View.jpg


BlackIceLSC said:
Intake Manifold Runner Control.

They are small butterflies that block off one of the 2 intake valves per cylinder until 3000 rpms.

they are located below the upper intake manifold, between the intake and the head itself.

since they remain closed during low rpm use, they can get corroded, and caked with carbon since all that atomized fuel and air passes over them.

Thank you.
Jamler3 said:
Bryan any video of exactly what hose to pull and such...
1) Locate the EGR (edit: PCV) on the drivers head in the back. (Its Grey)
2) Pull it from the valve cover.
3) Rotate it to break the seal and pull it from the black rubber hose
4) Gently pull (untangle) the black rigid tube and free it to hang loose.
5) Put the seafoam in a bucket so you can control the amount of volume being slurped in. As previously posted, a little at a time to about 1/3 left and then slug the rest down to get the motor to die, if it doesn't choke off. Turn it off immediately. Let it sit.
6) last pic. On the 2nd gen, we have 2 of these heat recirculation tubes going in to the intake to help with cold starts and warmup. I'm too lazy to pull the cover on the 1st Gen to take pics of whats there for you guys. Someone else will have to do. Everything happens on the passenger side on a Gen 1.





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