My lil brother,the concrete contractor says:


Jan 14, 2014
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JUST talked to him....... He's put over 100,000 miles on the 3500 Extended Chevy van he runs loaded and pulling trailers,and going down into excavated roads where you wouldn't take a car. Pouring basements,sawing dusty concrete pads he's poured,idling the van all night,baby-sitting a slow setting slab in all kinds of weather.
GUESS WHAT? I'd forgotten he also runs Unpressurized. Just another Unpressurized cooling system success story with thousands of tough miles behind it. LOL!
You purists taking notes? don-ohio :)^)
there are also people who run without seat belts, or run with +/- 10psi in tires, trucks with tailgates down on the highway, and drivers who only put 87 oct in their 91+ cars.... people who go 60 in the fast/passing lane and text on their phones when driving....

Hundreds of thousands of people do this day in and day out, for millions of miles with no problems whatsoever... I still wont be following any of them... So your "lesson" isn't worth the +91 octane receipt id write it on...
there are also people who run without seat belts, or run with +/- 10psi in tires, trucks with tailgates down on the highway, and drivers who only put 87 oct in their 91+ cars.... people who go 60 in the fast/passing lane and text on their phones when driving....

Hundreds of thousands of people do this day in and day out, for millions of miles with no problems whatsoever... I still wont be following any of them... So your "lesson" isn't worth the +91 octane receipt id write it on...

Well ****...
HaHaHaaaa! Just tryin to save the sum total of you LS owners from blowin up those De-gas bottles and weak plastic parts. Some people can't be helped,though.
Hard evidence can't be denied. LOL! don-ohio :)^)
so you're saying that your buddy runs his coolant system unpressurized ? does he keep the cap loose, or what...?
My brother.......he's my buddy too! He loosens the pressure cap and runs a 60/40 mix(That's 60% antifreeze to 40% water). No problems,and he works that thing hard. Smart guy. Genius on small engines. don-ohio :)^)

so you're saying that your buddy runs his coolant system unpressurized ? does he keep the cap loose, or what...?
HaHaHaaaa! Just tryin to save the sum total of you LS owners from blowin up those De-gas bottles and weak plastic parts. Some people can't be helped,though.
Hard evidence can't be denied. LOL! don-ohio :)^)

My LS has 170k on it, all original cooling system... your argument is invalid to me.

glad your having fun... so am I, but spouting off one is better than the other because "you did it" is unfair to unknowing members... NOW if you did a fatigue study on our grade plastic and replicated real world conditions...Id "take notes"

I work in a EU GMP lab... showing it does work, doesn't prove its true... (Unless you agree with B.O.B. on the whole "the world is flat" thing)...

(and yes) there's not enough wood around me to knock on for my cooling failure statement...
What? The world's NOT flat? Well beat me with a broken De-gas bottle! LOL! don-ohio :)^)
Typical 'ignorant reply...........`I work in a EU GMP lab... showing it does work, doesn't prove its true... '

SHOWING it DOES WORK,MEANS that it WORKS! LOL! That's how we prove things. You just keep workin in tht Lab.I'll work in MINE.....the REAL WORLD without blown Degases and hoses and plastic parts.don-ohio :)^)
Typical 'ignorant reply...........`I work in a EU GMP lab... showing it does work, doesn't prove its true... '

SHOWING it DOES WORK,MEANS that it WORKS! LOL! That's how we prove things. You just keep workin in tht Lab.I'll work I MINE.....the REAL WORLD without blown Degases and hoses and plastic parts.don-ohio :)^)

well that's uncalled for... what happened to having fun?!?!

I agree that it probably does "work" you've proven that (as you say)... But working vs better is to separate things.

AND to be fair... by definition, technically YOUR statement is the ignorant one "SHOWING it DOES WORK,MEANS that it WORKS"....

Honestly, you've made your have many of us. I hope anyone willing to try this understands the risks that are "POSSIBLE"... BUT, that fact you're on your third thread about this, shows your more interested in arguing about it, and less ...whatever you think your doing.

Good Luck, I hope the whole "Ohio" family has years of well cooled travels...
Quote Grell: `Good Luck, I hope the whole "Ohio" family has years of well cooled travels... '

Thanks,Grell.....we have and we will. don-ohio :)^)
Part of your quote Grell: `My LS has 170k on it, all original cooling system... your argument is invalid to me.'

You CAN'T be telling the truth! BigRig says you can't do it! LOL! don-ohio :)^)
... You CAN'T be telling the truth! BigRig says you can't do it! LOL! don-ohio :)^)

Once again ... you are an idiot! Just looking to be a pain in the ass in as many threads as possible.
I've got this one simple hack to get inifnite gas mileage out of your LS. All you do is turn the engine off! I've been doing it for years. Soon as I get somewhere that I'm not going to be moving or driving for a while, I turn it off. Gas mileage sky-rockets! It's like it's hardly used ANY gas the next time I start it back up!

Now I know all you engine running zealots out there are going to tell me that i'm crazy and full of it, but all you have to do is try it. Yeah some "guy on the internet" is going to tell you that the exothermic reaction of an oxidizer and a fuel are what is needed in order to generate pressure and drive a piston down but that's just self-perpetuating garbage. Back in the 1800's they didn't even HAVE gas and people still managed to build cities, roads, cruise ships, trains, etc. The only way I figured out that turning the engine off was good for gas consumption was because I first noticed that when my lawn mower doesn't have the engine running the gas stays the same. If it works for a lawn mower, it'll work for a car!!!

Now i'm going to go smoke a stogie and drink a snifter of brandy while I wait for the army of cronies to come in and tell me how I'm wrong. BUT IF IT WORKS, THEN IT WORKS!
Part of your quote Grell: `My LS has 170k on it, all original cooling system... your argument is invalid to me.'

You CAN'T be telling the truth! BigRig says you can't do it! LOL! don-ohio :)^)

Well Hite's done ALL my work since owning it (If you want to call it that)... I did buy it with 70k in 08 (IIRC) so its possible something failed before that, but i doubt it... It had all its dealer service work with it, If the guy kept every tire rotation, Id bet we would have kept major cooling repairs...

Just bled the whole system last fall (including opening up the 170k tstat housing... no issues).

Trust me, If i was to replace a degas bottle, it would be with the aluminum one Hite has on is shelf in the garage!!! :p:shifty: shhh, dont tell him I said anything about it...

To be fair, your expecting US to believe you've had no issues too, including your concrete pouring brother/ uncle, small engine expert, who YOU say also did it to his econo van... :shifty:

...guess i'll keep rolling the dice with my lid on...
We can keep disagreeing with this old man until the cows come home. Let him spread his tales. Those that have deteriorating plastic cooling components will have poor results fixing that with a 60/40 mix and loosening the degas bottle cap. Aging deteriorating overheating plastic cooling system parts which have seen 10+ yrs of excessive heat cycling are not going to be fixed by his advise.

Personally I'm done with this idiot!

did nobody else pick up on that this brother is a "Genius on small engines"?

what like with two strokes?

anybody can be a genius on an engine with 5 moving parts...

that is like saying my brother is an expert gas pumper, or a professional fry scooper, or that he can clean dog sh!t up like no one else...

I dont get it...... My 15 year old original system well maintained by the previous owner with regular fluid services just under went a complete pressure stress test by dealership. I guarantee they looked hard for more parts to charge for, and only could find the Tstat housing. Even that leak was around the outlet gasket, probably due to improper service in the past. So for 46 bucks, that part is now replaced - in aluminum yet. And even still, the degas bottle would have been 70 ish. Why such a concern? Really, if your at the point a piece of plastic needs replaced, do it, and your good another 10+ years maybe?
Only a TRUE village idiot,or extremely ignorant would say something like this. Small ENGINES are just THAT.....small 4-strokes AND 2-strokes. It takes savvy to tune them and keep them optimum when you're running them everyday troweling floors,running power buggies,concrete saws,blowers,and different types of subgrade compactors.He knows these machines,upkeeps them and repairs them on the job if a rental breaks during a pour.
You see.ignorant Loud,that when your job is pouring concrete you have a finite amount of time to do it right.EVER seen concrete SET under a hot sun? EVER got what's called a `hot load' that's just ready to set up as soon as it hits the ground? You just tried to defame one of the noblest professional people in the world. So we definitely couldn't have an ignoramus like you touching even one of or machines.
Grow up! Lose your arrogant attitude. You can't carry lil bro's drinking water. LOL! don-ohio :)^)

did nobody else pick up on that this brother is a "Genius on small engines"?

what like with two strokes?

anybody can be a genius on an engine with 5 moving parts...

that is like saying my brother is an expert gas pumper, or a professional fry scooper, or that he can clean dog sh!t up like no one else...
The feeling is mutual,Big Sourpuss. Go back to being the trash-talk trucker you have proven yourself to be. don-ohio :)^I

We can keep disagreeing with this old man until the cows come home. Let him spread his tales. Those that have deteriorating plastic heating components will have poor results fixing that with a 60/40 mix and loosening the degas bottle cap. Aging deteriorating overheating plastic cooling system parts which have seen 10+ yrs of excessive heat cycling are not going to be fixed by his advise.

Personally I'm done with this idiot!
Well,see,that's the same with me..................I can't account for any repairs on the 04 in it's first 77K,or the 03 in it's first 65K. I know the parts I've seen pics of on this site don't resemble my 03 part I pulled,the thermostat housing,and I could see the plastic behind it and it looked just fine. I bought a new one of these and threw it and the old thermostat housing in the trunk,along with the old fill lid.
Since I take long trips in my LSes ,I bought a new part, a new thermostat housing and thermostat from Ford,and installed it with a new Ford cap. The old cap is perfectly fine and only needed a new O-ring.
I'm a cautious guy.I don't risk having to wait for FORD parts to come while my car has been towed to some motel waiting on it.
Since I run Unpressurized,I don't worry about exploding components. But when I saw some of those parts that definitely had deteriorated,I believe exascerbated by 16 psi, I thought,what the heck?.....100 dollars in parts in the trunk by the spare? What's that compared to the tow,if farther than 200 miles,I believe with my AAA plan, and the wait for parts? I can cobble up most problems to reach shelter. I always carry a full set of 2 toolboxes,testers,cables,antifreeze,oil,etc. I also carry these if anyone needs a little help that I've met along the way.
I wouldn't use the aluminum one,since mine is fine and I want to see the level.
As far as believing me on anything about my beloved brother,I'll tell you I fear God and will not lie intentionally. I have a good conscience.If you look back thru my posts you will not find a curse word or any ** ** terms. don-ohio :)^)

Well Hite's done ALL my work since owning it (If you want to call it that)... I did buy it with 70k in 08 (IIRC) so its possible something failed before that, but i doubt it... It had all its dealer service work with it, If the guy kept every tire rotation, Id bet we would have kept major cooling repairs...

Just bled the whole system last fall (including opening up the 170k tstat housing... no issues).

Trust me, If i was to replace a degas bottle, it would be with the aluminum one Hite has on is shelf in the garage!!! :p:shifty: shhh, dont tell him I said anything about it...

To be fair, your expecting US to believe you've had no issues too, including your concrete pouring brother/ uncle, small engine expert, who YOU say also did it to his econo van... :shifty:

...guess i'll keep rolling the dice with my lid on...

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