My lil brother,the concrete contractor says:

I'd actually wonder how well your brother's Chevy is doing with air in the system if you didn't take the orange coolant out, and I do mean ALL of it. Air plus the orange crap makes an acidic sludge which eats gaskets and etches heads. This is what happens when air and Deathcool get together.

Oh,Tom probably runs the Green stuff. I haven't asked. As far as damage to anything....NONE. He is at 280K miles with it,and no cooling system problems Unpressurized,of course .
He called me yesterday for some advice on 100 cu.yds.,4000 psi concrete he had poured and a critical pour in a high front-end loader use area. Two heads(educated in subject of course) are better than one.
He's using his Chevy everyday...usually pulling a trailer as yesterday and today. don-ohio :)^)
Yeah,Kumba,try that and report back.LOL! don-ohio :)^)

Search threads on here. People have run their LS in reduced power mode after the evil demon spawn that is pressure has single-handedly decimated their plastic cooling system parts. Drove them for miles. If it works, it works!

And I always like "Can Hear Every Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips"
HaHaHaaaa! Yeah,that is good too,Kumba.LOL!
You got THAT RIGHT on èvil demon spawn that IS pressure'. don-ohio :)^)

Search threads on here. People have run their LS in reduced power mode after the evil demon spawn that is pressure has single-handedly decimated their plastic cooling system parts. Drove them for miles. If it works, it works!

And I always like "Can Hear Every Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips"
And I always like "Can Hear Every Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips"

this POS cavalier I drive to work and back makes tons of terrible noises, but I'll be dammed if it doesn't fire right up and run with no problems. for the last 80k or so (its got about 170k in it now) the only thing it needs is fuel, oil changes, wiper fluid, and brake pads.

EDIT: it did need a thermostat back around 140-150...
Yes,they weren't a bad car for runnin constantly. Not very comfortable though. My brother had about 300K on one when it blew up in Charleston,WV on his way down south. don-ohio :)^)

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