Nation still more conservative then liberal, despite the election.

Sorry Pep, he is. He won't take a position on anything. He is nothing but a cowardly troll in this particular section of the forum.

No rich is not a coward. Fossten why do you resort to calling people names ?
Sorry Pep, he is. He won't take a position on anything. He is nothing but a cowardly troll in this particular section of the forum.

Your the troll fossten.

If you not trolling your cheerleading put the pom poms down it makes you look like a puss.

I will never understand how you kiss Calabrio a$$ when just a few months ago he was calling you the kook in the corner.
Because all you do is take sarcastic potshots from the cheap seats instead of actually trying to make an argument or state an actual opinion, you are nothing but a coward.

Deal with it.

Thanks for clearing that up for me... Hey Obama won deal with..

Not all of us are gods like you who can just tell everyone that they are wrong just because that's what you think.. or the rest of your side kicks... yes I'm a coward... but big words.. thanks..

sarcastic you bet.. why not. the BS in this forum is so fun to read.. to believe that there are people who actually believe like you do.. makes me feel so much better.

So have you and the rest of your buddies figured out a way to off the Prez yet. You on the phone with Bryan.. I figure he'll be in a straight jacket soon LOL...

Thanks for all this entertainment.. that's all I get from this... entertainment.

All we thought was Bush sucked... and phuck up a lot.. we didn't flip all out over it... but thanks for the entertainment...

No Matter how much you and shaggy and Monster think you are so smart that's about all it is you think you are.. the rest of us really don't give a damn about your opinion or wait your logic.. because that's all it is logic that follows only your way of thinking nothing else.. get a life.. unless being a comedian is your life.. then hell your group does a great job.


Oh and I'll save you the trouble... this is a worthless post by a dumb ignorant liberal person.. I agree with you because you are right..
Mespock, you're acting like a disagreeable child who can't think of anything intelligent to say, instead you're just going to start trouble and hope that you'll fool someone into thinking you are clever.

If you have an opinion that you'd like to express and support, then why don't you just do so? Is it for fear or worry that someone might respond to it or challenge it?

You've singled out names, made snide comments about them, but you've failed to acknowledge that those people have a considerable interest and have invested a great deal of time learning about the subjects being discussed. The dominant conservative posters here, and a couple of the liberal ones, aren't just repeating mantras. The sense of "being right" isn't something that's presumed automatically, it's the result of deep consideration and having been challenged- or seeking out challenges.

You probably don't understand that, you probably think all opinions are feeling based and equal. They aren't. Especially when dealing with issues of policy and government.

But if you don't want to actually discuss anything, then just stop agitating, the ill-will and hostility is unbecoming on you.
Well once in a while I like to come and see what's happening in this forum...

For the most part all I see is the Division that is in our country today. Two sides who seem to have no clue about the other side. They just disagree because it's not their philosophy. Plus they refuse to accept the fact the there is merit on both sides.

The right or the left is not more intelligent than the other, the right or the left is not more decent than the other, and neither side is right or more logical.

If you really sit back and read these thread you see the problem that we have in American Government .. two sides who only want their way and refuse to look for the merit on either side. For those of us in the middle it's a farce.

I see with this election a chance for the two sides to come together. I felt that way with the nomination of John McCain (although is choice of running mate moved me away from him) but I saw two men who I feel could bring change to Washington.

Because of his age and ambition ( which has no logic ) I feel that Obama can bring the hope we need to get America moving in a better direction.

We were stuck ... with same old same old. I don't like having one party holding all the power as we did for 6 of Bush's Presidency and 2 years of Clinton's. We need the ballance of power, because both sides have to work together to support the needs of both the left and the right. We are not one sided and we are not going to be one sided.

The Right may feel this nation sees thing their way and same for the left.. but this nation sees things on both sides. No matter what 66% of the population will fall between a little more left and a little more right balancing in the middle, whether you want to believe it or not it does ... and it will teeter back and forth on which side it leans a bit more.

But as for which side is more articulate or the better debaters this is a joke...

Both lose on this forum ... and I'm sorry but the self-proclaimed best debaters... I won't list the quote again LOL.. but it's a joke ... both sides in this forum bash the other, they just use different tactics. Neither is better than the other.

My mistake is that I popped in to see the ridiculous thread that was recently started. I was disappointed to learn that nothing new has happened only the power has switched hands.

I thought that the self-proclaimed correct side would not have started such a dumb thread as the one about the mug shots .. so I just felt the urge to push the thorn in a bit more, it wasn't hard to do..

But until the two sides finally can work together to solve American's needs we'll continue to fall.

Well as usual I expect the master-debaters to lash away .. I'm not debating ... I'm just telling it as I see it, and really don't care what people in this forum think about me. I know who I am and what I stand for. Proud of it and a Proud American.

I lean more left than right, and stand by the areas were I'm more conservative, and more liberal.

But if I was to say what I am I'm Central and Proud of it But I'm not ashamed of leaning liberal... Liberal is not a bad word... you won't go to hell for it, and doesn't make you un-American.
I lean more left than right.

koolaid (300 x 286).jpg
You must be driving you wife crazy... I feel for the poor lady... how are you kids doing ... they still know who their dad is... LOL... Spend more time with them... they need you.. Turn off you tv turn off you computer... life will continue as usual unless you fell into the traps set before the OBAMA administration LOL...
You must be driving your wife crazy...No I'm driving Obomobots crazy... I feel for the poor lady... I feel her almost everyday, even after 15 are you kids doing ... kids are great, b-ball in full swing...they still know who their dad is... Yep...LOL... Spend more time with them... I'm there when they wake up, there when they go to bed. Make them dinner. Do school work...they need you...Like a hole in the head... Turn off your tv...Don't watch TV, not even Fox, only MMA and can't get enough... turn off you computer... NO way. It is how I make my living will continue as usual unless you fell into the traps set before the OBAMA administration...Rich, you are going to be shocked and will turn against Obama if the media even comes close to reporting what will be truly going on in his administration. Trust me. LOL...And FWIW, I was a little annoyed at the straitjacket comment re: me. I hate Obama's politics but I don't want harm to come to the man. ANd yes, he is our President. If he respects the office, I'll respect him. Two-way street there, imho..
You do your kids schoolwork!! ...

Somebody has to teach them. Lord knows it ain't the teachers that will make them rocket scientists.

Rich, FYI, our Phy-Ed teachers in the public high schools here pull down over $100K/year.
Somebody has to teach them. Lord knows it ain't the teachers that will make them rocket scientists.

Rich, FYI, our Phy-Ed teachers in the public high schools here pull down over $100K/year.

Damn I need to get hired near you... we get no where near that..

Good thing your community members take good care of their children's education... I commend your area poplulation...
Well once in a while I like to come and see what's happening in this forum...

For the most part all I see is the Division that is in our country today. Two sides who seem to have no clue about the other side. They just disagree because it's not their philosophy. Plus they refuse to accept the fact the there is merit on both sides.

The right or the left is not more intelligent than the other, the right or the left is not more decent than the other, and neither side is right or more logical.

If you really sit back and read these thread you see the problem that we have in American Government .. two sides who only want their way and refuse to look for the merit on either side. For those of us in the middle it's a farce.

I see with this election a chance for the two sides to come together. I felt that way with the nomination of John McCain (although is choice of running mate moved me away from him) but I saw two men who I feel could bring change to Washington.

Because of his age and ambition ( which has no logic ) I feel that Obama can bring the hope we need to get America moving in a better direction.

We were stuck ... with same old same old. I don't like having one party holding all the power as we did for 6 of Bush's Presidency and 2 years of Clinton's. We need the ballance of power, because both sides have to work together to support the needs of both the left and the right. We are not one sided and we are not going to be one sided.

The Right may feel this nation sees thing their way and same for the left.. but this nation sees things on both sides. No matter what 66% of the population will fall between a little more left and a little more right balancing in the middle, whether you want to believe it or not it does ... and it will teeter back and forth on which side it leans a bit more.

But as for which side is more articulate or the better debaters this is a joke...

Both lose on this forum ... and I'm sorry but the self-proclaimed best debaters... I won't list the quote again LOL.. but it's a joke ... both sides in this forum bash the other, they just use different tactics. Neither is better than the other.

My mistake is that I popped in to see the ridiculous thread that was recently started. I was disappointed to learn that nothing new has happened only the power has switched hands.

I thought that the self-proclaimed correct side would not have started such a dumb thread as the one about the mug shots .. so I just felt the urge to push the thorn in a bit more, it wasn't hard to do..

But until the two sides finally can work together to solve American's needs we'll continue to fall.

Well as usual I expect the master-debaters to lash away .. I'm not debating ... I'm just telling it as I see it, and really don't care what people in this forum think about me. I know who I am and what I stand for. Proud of it and a Proud American.

I lean more left than right, and stand by the areas were I'm more conservative, and more liberal.

But if I was to say what I am I'm Central and Proud of it But I'm not ashamed of leaning liberal... Liberal is not a bad word... you won't go to hell for it, and doesn't make you un-American.

Very well said Rich. :cool:
Your the troll fossten.

If you not trolling your cheerleading put the pom poms down it makes you look like a puss.

I will never understand how you kiss Calabrio a$$ when just a few months ago he was calling you the kook in the corner.
Because unlike you, I can applaud truth when I hear it and don't hold grudges.

You'll never understand because you're [edit], and you expect everyone else to act the same way.
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I can applaud truth when I hear it and don't hold grudges.You'll never understand because you're [edit], and you expect everyone else to act the same way.

yeah, right.
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It's an accurate description of his behavior.


But that is just your opinion when I read it I see flaming. Whether you want to agree or not that what I see. Your method of flaming is just different. You may not be as direct or you may use a more poetic way of flaming but you still do it. You flame whether you agree or not.

There is no argument .... only opinion...
But that is just your opinion when I read it I see flaming. Whether you want to agree or not that what I see. Your method of flaming is just different. You may not be as direct or you may use a more poetic way of flaming but you still do it. You flame whether you agree or not.

There is no argument .... only opinion...
Your opinion has never been exposed in this forum.

Thus, what you say is irrelevant.
What people have to say is NOT irrelevant Fossten, whether you agree with it or not!!!
Pep, I have no quarrel with you, but can you at least back up your blind assertions with, say, a reason or an argument? Just you saying "nuh-uh" doesn't make you correct.

Or are you and Rich good ol' buds and you get butt-hurt when somebody talks crossly to him?
Three words describe certain conservatives on this forum: Obama derangement syndrome.
Max, if you were to make the effort to find out what O-D-S actually is, you'd discover that it's entirely an illness of the Left/Secular Progressives. O-D-S was first recognized by Charles Krauthammer. One of the most common symptoms is an exclamation that Obama is just so darn wonderful that "I could just...(and then you insert the appropriate activity---'cry', 'Sh it', 'barf'---or what have you.) Since most of those of a conservative bent recognize a self-seeking politician who's mostly an 'empty suit', we are unlikely to use 'Obama' and 'wonderful' in any sort of juxtaposition.
Just so uou know!

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