Nation still more conservative then liberal, despite the election.

Max, if you were to make the effort to find out what O-D-S actually is, you'd discover that it's entirely an illness of the Left/Secular Progressives. O-D-S was first recognized by Charles Krauthammer. One of the most common symptoms is an exclamation that Obama is just so darn wonderful that "I could just...(and then you insert the appropriate activity---'cry', 'Sh it', 'barf'---or what have you.) Since most of those of a conservative bent recognize a self-seeking politician who's mostly an 'empty suit', we are unlikely to use 'Obama' and 'wonderful' in any sort of juxtaposition.
Just so uou know!


quod erat demonstrandum

Oh.... Latin, I feel so wiggly!!!! Thank you Max... ;)

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