I agree with sending your kids to private schools 100%. I've never been to a publis school, and can say that for many reasons I am happy for it. Now, that's not to say that public education is bad, but the fact that the curriculum is based on what some guy/girl/board thinks will be good makes me never want to send my kids to one. The only problem is now where am I going to get the minimum $11,000 a year per kid to send them through school?? OI VE, it gives me a heart attack. But even at this price I think the value of a private education is greater than most public schools.
And as far as NCLB goes, I'm not sure if it works or not, but yes, atleast it is something. I'm tired of politicians and "journalists"(I really can't stand most journalists these days, even on FOX News and I'm a conservative republican) just crying about what's wrong and not offering any way of improving things. It's always easier to point the finger instead of lending a hand(hey that sounds good, did I get that from somewhere else?). Now, since I'm long out of school, I don't know much about NCLB, but it seems to me like dealing with education is like building a castle. If you have good building engineering, but the defenses suck, are you going to tear down the whole castle, or just the parts that suck and IMPROVE on them. I'm not defending Bush's program(which out of character for me, but like I said, I don't know anything about it) but I wish anybody who has something bad to say would just add in at the end of their diatribe some advice to make things better. And that goes for both sides of the fence, and for policies from the left and the right. No Political profiling with that statement.
PS. I love these political debates, they really add something to my day that I have been missing. You guys from both sides keep up the repartee, because it keeps me on my toes!! :soapbox: :dancefool