No Child Left Behind

fossten said:
Funny. I've seen the exact opposite. First hand.

I will look on my other computer for some of his reports , thier quite inpressive.
this kids is doing home work from 4:30pm till 10-11 pm almost every nite. He even has math home work for the summer.
Almost never watches kids show , he likes CSI , reno 911,
Kenny Vs Spenny , Nascar

he was kinda pissed at me cuz I didn't tell him that I was buying the Mark VIII. But he loves it now, but best of all he love helping me work on the car.

YET my older son I never see him doing homework, He's in all AP classes but he gets b's and c's

Thanks MonsterMark , but he'd kick my ass if he knew I was talking about him on the internet.
MAllen82 said:
PS. KBOB, do you change MonsterMark's diapers too??
No, I'm not licensed to use a bull dozer and I lack the appropriate haz-mat training. (sorry Bryan, he gave it to me and I had to take it)

buddylee said:
I will look on my other computer for some of his reports , thier quite inpressive.
this kids is doing home work from 4:30pm till 10-11 pm almost every nite. He even has math home work for the summer.

Wow. That IS a lot of work. What grade's he in?
Ignorance anyone who Supports NCLB!

Sorry, say what you want but you have no clue on this. But if it makes you feel smarter, I'll just sit back and watch the ignorance!

Sorry You haven't a clue!
mespock said:
Ignorance anyone who Supports NCLB!

Sorry, say what you want but you have no clue on this. But if it makes you feel smarter, I'll just sit back and watch the ignorance!

Sorry You haven't a clue!
Sorry Rich, I know this is right up your alley but it is the liberals in coersion with the teacher's unions that has systematically destroyed the public educational system in this country. Why do you think school choice is making such huge strides all around the country.

You are too close to the forest to see the trees. You need to visit a religious school and see the other side of the educational system, the side that is working.
MonsterMark said:
Sorry Rich, I know this is right up your alley but it is the liberals in coersion with the teacher's unions that has systematically destroyed the public educational system in this country. Why do you think school choice is making such huge strides all around the country.

You are too close to the forest to see the trees. You need to visit a religious school and see the other side of the educational system, the side that is working.

I went to Parochial K-12 system... So I do know!! Also a Christian College..

Bryan you have to get way from this liberal generalization you make and get closer to the center...

You use the same blame every time liberal liberal liberal... it doesn't work... Neither side works when you are pointing fingers and that seems to be all that each side does...Those in the middle are getting sick of it..

If you were inside the School system you would see what NCLB doesn't do... Even the administrator don't like it because it doesn't work... And the administrators are usually as far right as you are...
mespock said:
You use the same blame every time liberal liberal liberal... it doesn't work... Neither side works when you are pointing fingers and that seems to be all that each side does...Those in the middle are getting sick of it..

If you were inside the School system you would see what NCLB doesn't do... Even the administrator don't like it because it doesn't work... And the administrators are usually as far right as you are...

:eek: What???!!! I use the liberal blame game because the liberals have been in charge of our educational system for 50 years? That's why. Our high schools and colleges are infested with them. And to say that administrators are far right! Where. I don't know any far right administrators (conservatives) that advocate spending and spending and spending, instead of teaching and teaching and teaching. And it certainly doesn't surprise me that teachers (public) don't embrace NCLB. After all, these same teachers are now being held to a higher standard. Heck, they may even have to teach kids something. Imagine that. Forcing teachers to teach reading, writing, math, and science. You know the crap that has been taught. All social experiments. Get the kids back in the classroom. Put a school uniform on them. Crack-em upside the head when they get out of line. Call their mommies and daddies and make the parents responsible for their kids education. Start there. Right now public schools are nothing more than a glorified child-care centers. Let's get back to the basics.
I totally agree with the last part but I disagree that the tests help raise the level of education. I believe it lowers the average because the teachers are forced to teach to the average. How does that help? It seems to me to raise the lower level and lower the upper level students. I believe that was the young ladie's complaint.

Surely you can see the logic in that. IMHO, In effect, the tests are creating better educated McDonald's workers and hampering our best and brightest. Truly, that's where we need to focus, wouldn't you agree? Isn't that the level that made America what it is?
barry2952 said:
I totally agree with the last part but I disagree that the tests help raise the level of education. I believe it lowers the average because the teachers are forced to teach to the average. How does that help? It seems to me to raise the lower level and lower the upper level students. I believe that was the young ladie's complaint.

Surely you can see the logic in that. IMHO, In effect, the tests are creating better educated McDonald's workers and hampering our best and brightest. Truly, that's where we need to focus, wouldn't you agree?

No I don't.

<Rant On> I think every kid is 'entitled' to be able to read and write. Remember when we stopped giving out A's,B's,C's,D's and F's because we didn't want to hurt little Johhnys feelings? And now we don't keep score in games because we don't want the kids to feel like losers.? I had to laugh last year when a parent asked what the final score was in a 4th grade baseball game. No parent had a clue because nobody was keeping score. But all the KIDS KNEW. The kids that won blurted it out. We are systematically destroying what made this country great. Competition did it. Competition in school. Competition in grades. Competition in having the best looking girl friend. Competition in having the highest gpa. It taught us how to compete in life. Now every other country is teaching their kids to compete. They read, write, add and subtract a hell of a lot better than our kids do so that when our kids get out into the real world, they can't compete and will end up living at mommies and daddies house until they are 50! Is that what we want? The smart kids will do just fine. They'll get there on their own. I worry about the kids that can't make change or read the newspaper. Instead of being productive members of society, they become a drag on it. And guess which political party they will give life-long support to?

<Rant Off>
How are the smart kids going to excell if the material isn't presented. The problem is that there isn't time to teach the important stuff. How is a bright kid in a poor environment going to excell if the opportunity isn't there.

Hypothetically, let's say two of your boys were twins. One is exceptionally gifted and the other is below average intelligence. They are in the same grade and in the same classroom. The teacher, by mandate, has to teach the specifics of a test that 95% of all children have to take. The test is geared toward the average student.

Is it fair to the bright son that the teacher has to spend a disproportional amount of time with the dumb son? That's really what this all boils down to.

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