Now Accepting 2012 LVC Calander Entries!!!

Love the picture but your car suffers from the same problem mine does... The bottom part of that bumper... Get some zip ties, get under your car & zip tie those loose ends to the car then re-take that picture. I did it to mine. I have an 8 inch gap on mine & fixed it with zip ties.


Yeah I hate it too but now I just got into a accident not too long ago so Ill be getting a whole new bumper.
Good start. Eight entries already. Last year, had 35 entries. Keep them coming guys.:)
I'll give it a shot.

Mark VIII pictures.jpg
I noticed a great # of the ol' traditional Mark VIII members have vanished from the forum. That makes it more difficult to achieve good calendar pics.

I'm still here. :p I'll be entering mine again this year, just need to take some pics...
I just spoke w/2 members & they have granted my permission to post pictures of their cars. I took nice pictures of their cars for the film I created last month so I will be posting a couple pictures including a couple photo-shopped Calendar Group Pics
Here's the first idea for an album cover... Ofcourse this is only if LVC is giving us a thumbs up... I think they would love it.


Nice looking calander cover.

They gave us promission last year. Doubt if it will be a problem this year. I will PM them and make sure.
lol thats sweet alex, i saw my car at the end, and it took me a few minutes to even realize my engine was the background lmfao. i like it dude, i am cleaning the car real nice friday and going to drive around saturday for a little bit to try and get some really good pics with my camera and not my cell! good work man.
Test pic. taking more later today, got a Nikon D3100 camera. will try to get lower angles. I think the drivers side would be better.

It's quite simple... Park the car just as you did, turn the wheels to the left, take 5 steps to the right of where you took this picture, put the camera on the floor, angle it up a bit so that you don't take a picture of 60% floor & 40% car, in other words, look at the camera viewer & angle the camera until most of the floor has disappeared under the viewer. :)
Thanks guys... well... guess what? I spent another hour & vamped up that last one! I like it even MORE!!! ENJOY...

you have teh skills! me like.

It's quite simple... Park the car just as you did, turn the wheels to the left, take 5 steps to the right of where you took this picture, put the camera on the floor, angle it up a bit so that you don't take a picture of 60% floor & 40% car, in other words, look at the camera viewer & angle the camera until most of the floor has disappeared under the viewer. :)

thats a big deal. always make things look better.
If the weather is nice this weekend :shifty: i'll be taking a picture in front of "hanger 1", the Hindenburg hanger. It's 224 ft. tall, and the length of 3 football fields! Hoping it makes a good background.....:D
It's quite simple... Park the car just as you did, turn the wheels to the left, take 5 steps to the right of where you took this picture, put the camera on the floor, angle it up a bit so that you don't take a picture of 60% floor & 40% car, in other words, look at the camera viewer & angle the camera until most of the floor has disappeared under the viewer. :)

Thanks for the tip, but I think I'm going to have to wait till next year, the clear coat on the front of my hood is gone and is showing up on the pics. I'm going to have the car repainted.
If the weather is nice this weekend :shifty: i'll be taking a picture in front of "hanger 1", the Hindenburg hanger. It's 224 ft. tall, and the length of 3 football fields! Hoping it makes a good background.....:D

Lol... Yeah, umm... were not seeing any pictures from your car until next week buddy & maybe the hangar won't be there!:confused:

Thanks for the tip, but I think I going to have to wait till next year, the clear coat on the front of my hood is gone and is showing up on the pics. I'm going to have the car repainted.

No, no... Dude, your car looks sweet. No one had noticed anything until now that you mention it & honestly? We can't tell, especially if the pictures are from a lower angle where the hood isn't the main body panel being pictured! ;)

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