Obama and the military...

You've made your point, repeatedly- and apparently to the best of your ability. You don't like the world, you blame Bush, but you can't actually articulate anything past that point. You're work here is done.

Calabrio you don't deserve the best of my ability.
The only thing you will ever get from me is a drive by post.
I wouldn't waste my time with you.

You belittle and insult anyone who disagrees with you.
You pretend to know me and my view of the world.

You have no clue who I am or what I stand for, and never will.
You belittle and insult anyone who disagrees with you.

Isn't that what the Extremist Right Wings do when confronted with a point?

It was my understanding that is was just nature:) .
Calabrio you don't deserve the best of my ability.
The only thing you will ever get from me is a drive by post.
I wouldn't waste my time with you.
Then go away.
You contribute nothing.

Isn't it interesting how you have a problem with everyone that challenges the thoughtless crap you're so inclined to post?

Don't bother answer that.... it's best if you just don't post anything.

You belittle and insult anyone who disagrees with you.
You pretend to know me and my view of the world.
I don't pretend to know you, nor do I have any desire to.
I belittle no one and I engage all who disagree with me in thoughtful dialog.

I expect nothing more than an honest, intelligent conversation.
Too much to expect from you.

You have no clue who I am or what I stand for, and never will.
That's not my fault, merely the result of your obvious inability to develop and express a thought clearly.
Isn't that what the Extremist Right Wings do when confronted with a point?

It was my understanding that is was just nature:) .

I haven't seen that pattern demonstrated here, so I'm not sure what you're basing that on. I haven't seen any of the conservatives here fail to respond to a direct or thoughtful challenge.

...try to make a good point, let's see what happens.
Isn't this more a reflection of the employment picture? Historically when unemployment rises, especially in the 18 to 30 age range, enlistment numbers are stronger. And the 'quality' of recruits rises, as more people, with better credentials, are looking for work.

It ends up being a silly argument, because it's a "damn lies and statistics" argument.

My understanding is that they can exceed expectations, but they might start the year understating expectation and need at the start of the year. Or lower it over the course of the year.

It could also be indicative of a tighter job market, but that would be best reflected if the quality of the recruits was still high, and not merely an inflated number. Especially after they've changed some of the enlistment standards.

So every time recruitment figures are thrown around, I usually dismiss them because they never include enough information to actually make sense of them.

The confusion and uncertainty about Obama is pretty understandable. His campaign was thought to be very anti-war, anti-Iraq, anti-military. I know that Obama's statements while running in the general election often contradicted this, but that was the general impression amongst his base... his supporters also had a tendency to simply project all of their hopes and wishes on him, as though he were some kind of blank slate in an empty suit. Some of his appointments are in stark contrast to this perceived "bold, fresh" foreign policy that was anticipated and FEARED amongst the better informed military guys. NO ONE has any idea what to make or expect of the Obama administration. The concern is natural and understandable.

He'll soon be tested and we'll have our answers.
Yep, Cal-you are right there - numbers can often be whatever the stating party wants them to be.

I think Foss said something pretty telling about them (oh my goodness - I haven't even had any drinks yet, and I am quoting foss in a good way). That about the only thing you can get out of surveys or numbers like this are basic movements in trends.

Well it looks like the Israelis and Hamas are all set to go with trial by fire for Obama...
'Well it looks like the Israelis and Hamas are all set to go with trial by fire for Obama...'

God help us all....
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Then there is this motivational poster:

Then go away.
You contribute nothing.

Isn't it interesting how you have a problem with everyone that challenges the thoughtless crap you're so inclined to post?

Don't bother answer that.... it's best if you just don't post anything.

Would I be the first one to go away?
Is that your answer?

How about if you treat people the way you would like to be treated ?
I love the hypocrisy of the far right.
Would I be the first one to go away?
Is that your answer?

How about if you treat people the way you would like to be treated ?
I love the hypocrisy of the far right.

You're still here? If you're going to invest the energy to post, at least make a point. Do you have anything to contribute or would you like me to bring you a cone hat for your pity party?
You're still here? If you're going to invest the energy to post, at least make a point. Do you have anything to contribute or would you like me to bring you a cone hat for your pity party?

Yep still here, I have made my point.
Not going anywhere even though you would like me to.

Sure bring a cone hat, we can put it in a corner and you can sit on it.
Yep still here, I have made my point.
Not going anywhere even though you would like me to.
No, I don't want you to leave.
I just would prefer it if you'd contribute and not simply cry in every post about persecution.

Sure bring a cone hat, we can put it in a corner and you can sit on it.
Interesting, a normal person would have either thought of party hats or a dunce cap... you however made an anal association with it....
How about if you treat people the way you would like to be treated ?
I love the hypocrisy of the far right.

How is he being hypocritical? I don't see any double standard. Only you do, and you have an ability to see stuff that isn't there...

The problem here is the doubles standard of the left, which you buy into.

If a liberal is rude, insulting and intolerant in there attempts to decive, obfuscate and marginalize through smearing, if not outright ban from talking when they have the power (that is the typical arguing tactic of the left, BTW), us conservatives are expected to tolerate it.

If we try to walk away from that debate, we are belittled and you guys declare "victory" when there is no. Is we decided not to tolerate those shameful arguing tactics and be honest in pointing them out, we are more directly smeared (usually do to obvious vindictiveness) and attacked for being "rude", "insulting" and/or "intolerant".

There is rudeness coming from both sides, but the difference always has been that the rudeness from the conservative side is in reaction to that coming from the left and is justifiable (due to being based in honesty), while the rudeness coming from the left is not justifiable (due to being based in an attempt to decieve and and smear).

According to the standard you have laid out (due to your whining and inability to refrain from engaging in, or even acknowledging the dishonest and decietful behavior of the left), us conservatives are not allowed to be in any way "rude" or "insulting" but are expected to tolerate that behavior from the left. We have to simply tolerate their dishonestly, decietfulness and lies about us, but cannot, under any circumstances, call them on it. Apparently, this general standard does not apply to the left though, in your view.

If you are so upset about us "belittling" and "insulting" you, then why don't you fix the cause; start making honest arguments and not attempting to smear and marginalize.
Would I be the first one to go away?
Is that your answer?

How about if you treat people the way you would like to be treated ?
I love the hypocrisy of the far right.
This is yet another example of the moral vacuum of the left. Instead of adhering to your own set of standards, because you have none, you wait until you see a perceived example of hypocrisy in others who try to live by a moral code, such as Sarah Palin's daughter whom you virtually called a whore, and Sarah Palin, whom you mocked for hypocrisy.

It's the only thing you can cling to.

Go find yourself a set of morals before you poke at others.
This is yet another example of the moral vacuum of the left. Instead of adhering to your own set of standards, because you have none, you wait until you see a perceived example of hypocrisy in others who try to live by a moral code, such as Sarah Palin's daughter whom you virtually called a whore, and Sarah Palin, whom you mocked for hypocrisy.

It's the only thing you can cling to.

Go find yourself a set of morals before you poke at others.

Please post a link were I called Bristol Palin a whore.
If I remember right I said I felt sorry for her because her parents failed miserably for her, and I told you I was sorry if you took it that way.
Palin should have known they were going to fu@k and got her daughter ready for her big day.

I am sure Sara and Todd knew Bristol and Levi were playing slap and tickle.
If they didn't they didn't want to.
Instead she said Don't do like that !
Bingo you have a teenage daughter with a big belly.

I do have a set of morals, I just choose not to force them on others.
I do have a set of morals, I just choose not to force them on others.
No, you don't. I've never seen you post ONE THING in here about your viewpoint on right and wrong. 99% of your posts are mocking others for "hypocrisy."

And I made it clear that you IMPLIED that Bristol was a whore.

And you did.
Please post a link were I called Bristol Palin a whore.

You mean like you back up your smears of people on this forum when asked to? Again, hypocracy.

I am sure Sara and Todd knew Bristol and Levi were playing slap and tickle.
If they didn't they didn't want to.
Instead she said Don't do like that !
Bingo you have a teenage daughter with a big belly.

Another smear, which have been covered here, and that you choose to ignore.

As has been pointed out in this thread (and you are thus aware of), Palin has supported abstinence-only programs in schools, and with good reason. regular school sex ed programs have been shown to not in any way reduce teenage pregnancy and/or STD's. In fact, both of those factors have gone up since sex education has become the norm.

However, as has also been pointed out in this thread (and you are thus aware of), Palin has said that she has no problem with teaching her kids about using provalactics.

So you are assuming that she didn't teach her kids about "safe sex" but only abstinence, when the facts show different and that has been pointed out on this forum.

I do have a set of morals, I just choose not to force them on others.

...unless they are conservative, right?:rolleyes:

Your "morals" seem to allow for dishonesty and lying; resulting in needlessly rude and insulting attacks. Forgive me if I don't think much of your morals...

Yet you have no problem preaching to me about being "rude" and "insulting".
"The truth is what one perceives it to be."
"There is no excuse for being rude."
"insults will drive this form into the ground."
"Part of it [insulting behavior] from you sticking your nose into threads that are no concern of yours."

How are those not expressions of moral values; and in the posts I got those from, you were clearly trying impose those on me.

However, you are consistently (and needlessly; thus unjustifiably) rude when you mischaracterize arguments and smear. You constantly inject yourself into debates that "are no concern of yours" (to at least the same degree as the debates you are claim that I inject myself into). You have also claimed certian things as "fact" when you have disagreed with others. So your "morals" are selectively applied (hypocritical double standard) and only seem to be self-serving. It is highly unlikely, given your actions, that you actually hold any of those values, but are instead opportunisticly using them in an attempt to smear. Again, forgive me if I don't think much of your "morals"...

And, BTW...you did imply Bristol Palin was a whore. I read the same posts fossten did, don't try backstep now...

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