Please post a link were I called Bristol Palin a whore.
You mean like you back up your smears of people on this forum when asked to? Again, hypocracy.
I am sure Sara and Todd knew Bristol and Levi were playing slap and tickle.
If they didn't they didn't want to.
Instead she said
Don't do like that !
Bingo you have a teenage daughter with a big belly.
Another smear, which have been covered here, and that you choose to ignore.
As has been pointed out in this thread (and you are thus aware of), Palin has supported abstinence-only programs
in schools, and with good reason. regular school sex ed programs have been shown to not in
any way reduce teenage pregnancy and/or STD's. In fact, both of those factors have gone up since sex education has become the norm.
However, as has also been pointed out in this thread (and you are thus aware of), Palin has said that she has no problem with teaching her kids about using provalactics.
So you are assuming that she didn't teach her kids about "safe sex" but only abstinence, when the facts show different and that has been pointed out on this forum.
I do have a set of morals, I just choose not to force them on others.
...unless they are conservative, right?
Your "morals" seem to allow for dishonesty and lying; resulting in needlessly rude and insulting attacks. Forgive me if I don't think much of your morals...
Yet you have no problem preaching to me about being "rude" and "insulting".
"The truth is what one perceives it to be."
"There is no excuse for being rude."
"insults will drive this form into the ground."
"Part of it [insulting behavior] from you sticking your nose into threads that are no concern of yours."
How are those
not expressions of moral values; and in
the posts I got those from, you were
clearly trying impose those on me.
However, you are consistently (and needlessly; thus unjustifiably) rude when you mischaracterize arguments and smear. You constantly inject yourself into debates that "are no concern of yours" (to at least the same degree as the debates you are claim that I inject myself into). You have also claimed certian things as "fact" when you have disagreed with others. So your "morals" are selectively applied (hypocritical double standard) and only seem to be self-serving. It is highly unlikely, given your actions, that you actually hold any of those values, but are instead opportunisticly using them in an attempt to smear. Again, forgive me if I don't think much of your "morals"...
did imply Bristol Palin was a whore. I read the same posts fossten did, don't try backstep now...