Obama military welcome in Iraq revealed

What does it matter why we went to war? Its our job. You saying you wouldnt mind if there were WMD's? Were they not harboring terrorists?
i expect to go to wars that aren't based on lies, what did you do while you were in the military?
You believe a lie. The entire "Bush lied" canard is false, and has been thoroughly debunked. But keep on deluding yourself, while Obama cuts the military right out from under you.
You believe a lie. The entire "Bush lied" canard is false, and has been thoroughly debunked. But keep on deluding yourself, while Obama cuts the military right out from under you.

Dude I have been in Iraq a total of 39 months, I have never seen a single WMD. Where did they go?
Dude I have been in Iraq a total of 39 months, I have never seen a single WMD. Where did they go?
Likely Syria. You missed the stories of the WMDs getting smuggled out before we went in. It's well proven that Saddam had WMDs, because he used them on the Kurds. Or didn't you know that?

Even so, how does that prove that Bush lied? It may indicate that intelligence was flawed, but that is an entirely different thing from proving that Bush deliberately misled an entire world.

You forget that the Brits had the same intel, Clinton had the same intel, Congress and the Senate were urging him to go to war on the SAME INTEL.

Open your eyes, bro.

And this still doesn't disprove my well-founded and well-documented assertion that Obama hates the military.
What does it matter why we went to war? Its our job. You saying you wouldnt mind if there were WMD's? Were they not harboring terrorists?

On the initial invasion where were the terrorist, they werent in Iraq! We invaded Afghanistan because thats where the terrorist cells were, in 03 and 04 we were being shot at by Saddams old army, but they would shoot and run. My second time over there 05-06 thats when the EFP's started popping up everywhere, mainly from Iran. Al qeada didnt show up unitil mid 04, think about it thats when they started really started using suicide bombers, and coordinating daisy chains and using out tactics.

So they were not harboring terrorist. The terrorist came when we came.
Likely Syria. You missed the stories of the WMDs getting smuggled out before we went in. It's well proven that Saddam had WMDs, because he used them on the Kurds. Or didn't you know that?

Even so, how does that prove that Bush lied? It may indicate that intelligence was flawed, but that is an entirely different thing from proving that Bush deliberately misled an entire world.

You forget that the Brits had the same intel, Clinton had the same intel, Congress and the Senate were urging him to go to war on the SAME INTEL.

Open your eyes, bro.

And this still doesn't disprove my well-founded and well-documented assertion that Obama hates the military.

Clinton had intel but didnt act, Brits (Tony Blair) had the same intel the Bush had, and ended up resigning, and the new prime minister decided to pull the British troops, just as Italy, Poland, and other countries did. Why are all these countries who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan with us pull their troops, and they pulled them in 05-06 time frame. This go
es back to my "Burning Bush" statement, Gen Franks retired when he realized they messed up, Colin Powell resigned when he realized, and Gen Shensenki retired the planning for the war was not going to work.
Likely Syria. You missed the stories of the WMDs getting smuggled out before we went in. It's well proven that Saddam had WMDs, because he used them on the Kurds. Or didn't you know that?

Even so, how does that prove that Bush lied? It may indicate that intelligence was flawed, but that is an entirely different thing from proving that Bush deliberately misled an entire world.

You forget that the Brits had the same intel, Clinton had the same intel, Congress and the Senate were urging him to go to war on the SAME INTEL.

Open your eyes, bro.

And this still doesn't disprove my well-founded and well-documented assertion that Obama hates the military.

SURE HE "HATES" THE MILITARY,,does that guy look like the kind of guy you'd feel safe asleep in a fox hole while he stands guard??? Those kinda guys never marry a FEMININE LOOKING WOMAN,,she looks like she's the one with the balls
Likely Syria. You missed the stories of the WMDs getting smuggled out before we went in. It's well proven that Saddam had WMDs, because he used them on the Kurds. Or didn't you know that?

Even so, how does that prove that Bush lied? It may indicate that intelligence was flawed, but that is an entirely different thing from proving that Bush deliberately misled an entire world.

You forget that the Brits had the same intel, Clinton had the same intel, Congress and the Senate were urging him to go to war on the SAME INTEL.

Open your eyes, bro.

And this still doesn't disprove my well-founded and well-documented assertion that Obama hates the military.

Yeah the UN gave SADDAM many many months to hide just about everything. We should never ask the UN sh**t. JUST DO IT!!
Likely Syria. You missed the stories of the WMDs getting smuggled out before we went in. It's well proven that Saddam had WMDs, because he used them on the Kurds. Or didn't you know that?

Even so, how does that prove that Bush lied? It may indicate that intelligence was flawed, but that is an entirely different thing from proving that Bush deliberately misled an entire world.

You forget that the Brits had the same intel, Clinton had the same intel, Congress and the Senate were urging him to go to war on the SAME INTEL.

Open your eyes, bro.

And this still doesn't disprove my well-founded and well-documented assertion that Obama hates the military.

Haven't any of you ever noticed "NO BODY MESSES WITH RUSSIA". "THE BEAR" wouldn't ask the UN diddley they'd just GO BLASTING IN,,PROBLEM SOLVED!!!
Yeah the UN gave SADDAM many many months to hide just about everything. We should never ask the UN sh**t. JUST DO IT!!

We have Saddams former highest ranking general working at the Defense Language Institute, and he isn't the only one of Saddam's big wigs we gave a new life, in exchange they gave us information, no one knows where the weapons are. Saddam drove the truck to Syria himself?
We have Saddams former highest ranking general working at the Defense Language Institute, and he isn't the only one of Saddam's big wigs we gave a new life, in exchange they gave us information, no one knows where the weapons are. Saddam drove the truck to Syria himself?
That same general said that he saw the planes leave Iraq with the weapons.
That same general said that he saw the planes leave Iraq with the weapons.

So where did these planes go? I have never heard that one before. Why didn't we invaded Syria? and Bush said he saw WMD being transported by convoy.

So i did some research! Saddam didn't have WMD he had the capability, just as we do. VP Dick Cheney said that also, I am looking for the footage now.
So where did these planes go? I have never heard that one before. Why didn't we invaded Syria? and Bush said he saw WMD being transported by convoy.

So i did some research! Saddam didn't have WMD he had the capability, just as we do. VP Dick Cheney said that also, I am looking for the footage now.
You're confusing NUCLEAR WEAPONS with WMDs in general. Do some research. Google Saddam gas Kurds.

Are you serious about Syria? You want us to invade everybody? Were we at war with Syria?

Nice job finding a clip from Keith Olbermann. Yeah, that's an objective source.
You're confusing NUCLEAR WEAPONS with WMDs in general. Do some research. Google Saddam gas Kurds.

Are you serious about Syria? You want us to invade everybody? Were we at war with Syria?

Nice job finding a clip from Keith Olbermann. Yeah, that's an objective source.

I know of Saddam gasing kurds and chaldeans because he felt they were planning an uprise, 39 months in Iraq, dont forget!

And please explain the difference between WMD and Nuclear Weapons, are Nuclear weapons not considered WMD's?

I thought Kieth Olberman would be better than Rush "the racist, pill junkie" Limbaugh.
I know of Saddam gasing kurds and chaldeans because he felt they were planning an uprise, 39 months in Iraq, dont forget!

And please explain the difference between WMD and Nuclear Weapons, are Nuclear weapons not considered WMD's?

I thought Kieth Olberman would be better than Rush "the racist, pill junkie" Limbaugh.
You have it backwards. Nuclear weapons are one form of Weapons of Mass Destruction. So are gas canisters.

I guess you're okay with Obama "the cokehead who went to the racist God Damn America church," though, right?:rolleyes: Oh yeah, because he's black.

Rush was addicted to pain pills due to back pain. Obama greedily snorted coke for fun in college.

I think we know who the real racist here is.
You have it backwards. Nuclear weapons are one form of Weapons of Mass Destruction. So are gas canisters.

I guess you're okay with Obama "the cokehead who went to the racist God Damn America church," though, right?:rolleyes: Oh yeah, because he's black.

Rush was addicted to pain pills due to back pain. Obama greedily snorted coke for fun in college.

I think we know who the real racist here is.

Calm down princess, didnt mean to get the fairy all worked up. I would love for you to prove that Obama is a racist, better yet, prove Rush "the racist" Limbaugh isn't. Obama's was a member of that church for 20 years, he can't control everything the preacher says. Is he guilty by association? If so, then you are a racist, because I am sure you know someone that believes their race is above everyone else.

Oh yeah, I read the bill Obama tried to pass, it was cutting care for Service Members who got out of the Military, so that means Obama wasnt cutting Military healthcare. Where does his action show he hates the military?

You speak of gas canisters, but you failed to mention that the "gas canisters" have a shelf life, and guess what! They were expired! Where did the canisters come from? USA, Bush Sr and Reagan sent them !
I would love for you to prove that Obama is a racist, better yet, prove Rush "the racist" Limbaugh isn't.
It's fair to challenge him to demonstrate that Obama is a racist, but asking him to prove a negative concerning Rush is absurd.

Obama's was a member of that church for 20 years, he can't control everything the preacher says. Is he guilty by association? If so, then you are a racist, because I am sure you know someone that believes their race is above everyone else.
The logic here is quite flawed.
In your response, are you accepting that the Rev. Write is a racist? If so, then you're also saying that Obama knowingly remained a member of a racist church congregation. If you're recognizing Write as a racist, then you do have some very strong associations between Write and Obama. I'm sure you've heard them all before, stuff ranging from getting married before him to using a quote from Write as the title to his best selling book.

Does that make him racist, does it call into question his judgment, or was is entirely disingenuous political expediency? I don't know if there is an answer to that question that really reflects well upon Obama.

But to respond to your challenge, this isn't a matter of simply "knowing" a racist. The association, relationship, and political partnership here was far more than just friendly.

As for Limbaugh, he's not a racist. I can anticipate that you'll be inclined to defend your statement and you'll be compelled to post some contextless compilation of quotes posted on the internet by leftwing character assassins. We've seen them all before, we've all discussed them before. They are dishonest, deceptive, and untrue.

You can disagree with Limbaugh, you can attack him on a personal level for being fat or for having developed the dependency to pain medication after a bad back surgery (something that is so common that I'm sure you know several people who have displayed similar addictions), but it's wrong to call him a racist.

Oh yeah, I read the bill Obama tried to pass, it was cutting care for Service Members who got out of the Military, so that means Obama wasnt cutting Military healthcare. Where does his action show he hates the military?
He was planning to cut the veteran benefits to people that had sustained injuries during their service, he wanted to see the private insurance charged instead of having the Dept of Vet Affairs pay it.

You speak of gas canisters, but you failed to mention that the "gas canisters" have a shelf life, and guess what! They were expired! Where did the canisters come from? USA, Bush Sr and Reagan sent them !
No, those were Russian canisters.
Calm down princess, didnt mean to get the fairy all worked up. I would love for you to prove that Obama is a racist, better yet, prove Rush "the racist" Limbaugh isn't. Obama's was a member of that church for 20 years, he can't control everything the preacher says. Is he guilty by association? If so, then you are a racist, because I am sure you know someone that believes their race is above everyone else.

You made a stupid, ad hominem attack on Rush Limbaugh that was not only off topic, but crude. It doesn't advance the conversation and it is an old, tired talking point that needed to be answered.

I've never attended a church that said things about blacks like Obama's pastor said about whites. In fact, I've never used the phrase, "typical black person." Obama used the phrase "typical white person" in his book. Even in context, the comment is racist.

Oh yeah, I read the bill Obama tried to pass, it was cutting care for Service Members who got out of the Military, so that means Obama wasnt cutting Military healthcare. Where does his action show he hates the military?

You can swim in denial all you want, but it will get you nowhere. You hate on vets, you hate the military. Period.
You're confusing NUCLEAR WEAPONS with WMDs in general. Do some research. Google Saddam gas Kurds.

Are you serious about Syria? You want us to invade everybody? Were we at war with Syria?

Nice job finding a clip from Keith Olbermann. Yeah, that's an objective source.

saddam HAD weapons. let's see. gassed kurds 1988.
iraq invades kuwait 1990. america made sure he had no wmd's left at this time, and the united nations till thier dismissal. but you keep believing bushes lie's.
saddam HAD weapons. let's see. gassed kurds 1988.
iraq invades kuwait 1990. america made sure he had no wmd's left at this time, and the united nations till thier dismissal. but you keep believing bushes lie's.

You seem to be only capable of lies, irrational thinking and mischaracterizations.

I already pointed out to you in another thread what the head weapons inspector during the 1990's, Richard Butler, said. Here are a few quotes from different sources:
The fundamental problem with Iraq remains the nature of the regime itself: Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction...

It would be foolish in the extreme not to assume that [Saddam Hussein] is developing long-range missile capabilities, at work again on building nuclear weapons and adding to the chemical and biological warfare weapons he concealed during the UNSCOM inspection period...

Iraq never kept its side of the bargain by: not making honest disclosure statements of its prohibited weapons and weapons capability; unilaterally destroying weapons in order to ensure that the Commission would never know the full nature and scope of what it had held and this, under circumstances where the law required that all destruction be conducted under international supervision; and, through the pursuit of an active policy and practice of concealing weapons and proscribed components from the Commission...
So, to claim that, "america made sure he had no wmd's left at this time, and the united nations till thier dismissal" is an absurd assumption on your part that is not at all logically backed up with any evidence and intentionally ignores evidence that I have presented to you in other threads.

In short, you are either lying, or willfully deceiving yourself. Given your history in this forum, neither would be surprising.

In addition to those quotes, we have these facts:
  • This article cites deputy undersecretary of defense, John A. Shaw (the man responsible for tracking Hussein's weapons programs before and after the '03 invasion), who said, "The Russians brought in [to Iraq], just before the war got started, a whole series of military units...Their main job was to shred all evidence of any of the contractual arrangements they had with the Iraqis. The others were transportation units."
  • There is also this article from June 2006 where a declassified report shows that coalition forces recovered chemical WMD's
  • Then there is what Hussein's former General, Georges Sada said:
    The point is that when Saddam finally grasped the fact that it was just a matter of time until Iraq would be invaded by American and coalition forces, he knew he would have to take special measures to destroy, hide, or at least disguise his stashes of biological and chemical weapons, along with the laboratories, equipment, and plans associated with nuclear weapons development. But then, much to his good fortune, a natural disaster in neighboring Syria provided the perfect cover story for moving a larg number of those things out of the country.​

Now, you have shown a long time ago that you have a very blatant political prejudice. You have an opinion and look for any excuse to justify it. When one excuse fails, you look for another excuse. The logical nature of the excuse is irrelevant, as is it's consistency with previous excuses. This leads to a use of fallacious arguments, insults and otherwise dishonest and deceptive methods to rationalize and support a conclusion that you clearly didn't reach rationally.

You have already tried derision and mischaracterization in your last post. Now that you have been called on that, what is next; your "wall 'o' text" posts? Maybe some circular reasoning? :rolleyes:

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