Obama..raise the retirement age and cut bennys

With a republican controlled house, the senate will NEVER see this bill.
It would be thrown out before it ever reached the house for debate.
Cheer up, only two more years of this a$$hole in the whitehouse.
Some hard choices have to be made when it comes to social security because, as currently structured, it is a Ponzi Scheme that is tipping into the red as we speak.

Raising the retirement age is one approach. Means testing is another. There are very few options as to how to deal with this, though. Paul Ryan's Roadmap is about the only feasible plan offered on this. Everyone else simply kicks the can down the road or ignores the problem altogether.
Ya, great plan to help with the budget, raise the retirement age and dont give cost of living raise for ss

Comrade you must work for state untill death

I'm not following the logic here.
NOT being supported by the state equates to working for the state?

As Shag just stated, we have some tough decisions before us.
We either will have to address them, despite the political discomfort now, or we'll have the issue thrust upon as as the systems collapse around us.

The reality is, 20th century "liberalism" (as most people identify it) is built on an unsustainable lie. It ignores the laws of economics and it requires an economy and population that is growing exponentially indefinitely. That's not possible. And now, we're going to have to pay for the mistakes of the past....
and it's not going to be easy.
And things that we thought were true or permanent in the past are going to be discovered to have been untrue.
I'm not following the logic here.
NOT being supported by the state equates to working for the state?
He might be referring to the fact that under that plan, we will all pay SS tax until we die, but never receive the check.
That sucks! I would retire at 39. I don't think political affiliation has anything to do with it. This is probably the only option he would consider, god forbid he cut government spending or reduce the size of government.
Another bitter truth-
S.S. was originally presented as that many people did pay into the program all their lives and died before collecting much, if any, return.

Even on the SS website there statistics, though presented in a positive way, reflect that:
I think that we are talking about the wrong cut. Why don't we ask both houses of congress to take a pay cut for doing such a piss poor job. Also, were are the oil revenues from the Iraqi war that should be paying for the cost of freeing them from Saddam. Let's start with stopping the giving SS to all of the people that don't pay into the system and the fraud.

That's all folks.
..were are the oil revenues from the Iraqi war that should be paying for the cost of freeing them from Saddam.

Who said there were going to be any such revenues?

Let's start with stopping the giving SS to all of the people that don't pay into the system and the fraud.

Unfortunately, once any system grows to the size that SS has, a certain level of fraud and misappropriation are unavoidable. Also, the incentives that these bureaucracies function under don't encourage frugality and efficiency; in fact they actually discourage those things. The ONLY way around that fact is to privatize.
Unfortunately, once any system grows to the size that SS has, a certain level of fraud and misappropriation are unavoidable. Also, the incentives that these bureaucracies function under don't encourage frugality and efficiency; in fact they actually discourage those things. The ONLY way around that fact is to privatize.[/QUOTE]

Privitize...que for Bill Weld for president!!!! It is too bad he could'nt get some of his programs in place as gov of Ma!!!!! he had some good ideas !
Stop feeding, housing, educating, and providing medical treatment to illegals, and that would certainly help to bring down government cost.
Now THAT would be a step in the righht direction.
Maybe I am "Young & Dumb", but I cannot allow myself to believe that Hillary would have made this decision.

Don't remember what she had to say about Bush's attempt to reform SS.

There was a bipartisan effort that did reform SS in the 1980's, but it has since become a partisan issue. Dem's don't seem to generally admit that there is a problem and demonize republicans as wanting to "privatize" SS.
Unfortunately, once any system grows to the size that SS has, a certain level of fraud and misappropriation are unavoidable. Also, the incentives that these bureaucracies function under don't encourage frugality and efficiency; in fact they actually discourage those things. The ONLY way around that fact is to privatize.


Oh, yes shag - Private business wouldn't think of defrauding the American public, or misappropriating funds...

Were you asleep in 2008?

Oh, yes shag - Private business wouldn't think of defrauding the American public, or misappropriating funds...

So, let me get this straight. We are not going to have a rational conversation on the problems of social security but a conversation dominated by sanctimonious outrage, snarkiness, condescension and obfuscation of the truth through simplistic (and discredited) anti-capitalist class warfare rhetoric, right?

If that is not your intention then could you please explain why you are setting that up and ruining any serious discourse on this subject?

lincolnx2, this is why the issue has become highly partisan.
I am all for privatizing, I for one am a strong believer that we should not pay anything for SS, we should be able to invest our money however we want. SS is just a waste, my financial advisor (grandad) told me not to even count on it when I hit the retirement age.
The problem right now is that there is an effort to not simple "privatize" social security- but to have the government invest in the stock market.

That would be catastrophic.

Any discussion of these things needs to establish what the ROLE of the government truly is.

Oh, yes shag - Private business wouldn't think of defrauding the American public, or misappropriating funds...

Were you asleep in 2008?
This is exactly the type of sarcastic, broad brush, open ended, red herring laden, baiting remark we would expect from a libtard like you who has no interest in having a real, substantive discussion on fiscal responsibility.

Were you asleep on Nov. 2? :rolleyes:
Stop feeding, housing, educating, and providing medical treatment to illegals, and that would certainly help to bring down government cost.
Now THAT would be a step in the righht direction.

..but we know it will never happen, so hows this ...just throwing it out there mind you.Since illegals are here to stay, why not set up a ss just for them,a ss that is fueled through taxing the illegals ..and then steal from it like they are doing to legal citizens :D

There is always going to be fraud in a system, no matter who runs it, private sector or the gov.A private company will be more on the ball about finding and stopping fraud waste and abuse!
..but we know it will never happen, so hows this ...just throwing it out there mind you.Since illegals are here to stay, why not set up a ss just for them,a ss that is fueled through taxing the illegals ..and then steal from it like they are doing to legal citizens :D

There is always going to be fraud in a system, no matter who runs it, private sector or the gov.A private company will be more on the ball about finding and stopping fraud waste and abuse!
And even if not, a corrupt company usually ends up getting what it deserves (see ENRON). Who in Congress has yet had to pay for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the CRA? *crickets*
Stop feeding, housing, educating, and providing medical treatment to illegals, and that would certainly help to bring down government cost.
Now THAT would be a step in the righht direction.
exactly, or how about the millionaire president forgo his salary, for one, to show his support for this country? Many rich politicians do it, take Bloomberg for instance.
exactly, or how about the millionaire president forgo his salary, for one, to show his support for this country? Many rich politicians do it, take Bloomberg for instance.
It's also fair to point out that Obama wasn't rich until he went into public office.

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