Obama..raise the retirement age and cut bennys

“I’d rather be doing this than in some stuffy political office. I’d rather be out here being free.” - Sarah Palin

This is from one of the teasers on the show...

That is fine - good for her - let her stay in Alaska and enjoy the outdoors. ;)

That was political suicide to say that...

But, I do agree with Cal - cut the staffs in DC and move them to home states. The reps become isolated enough, how about at least making sure their staffs have an idea of what is going on 'at home'.
“I’d rather be doing this than in some stuffy political office. I’d rather be out here being free.” - Sarah Palin

This is from one of the teasers on the show...

That is fine - good for her - let her stay in Alaska and enjoy the outdoors. ;)

That was political suicide to say that...

But, I do agree with Cal - cut the staffs in DC and move them to home states. The reps become isolated enough, how about at least making sure their staffs have an idea of what is going on 'at home'.
But wait, didn't you state unequivocally that she was definitely running for President?
“I’d rather be doing this than in some stuffy political office. I’d rather be out here being free.” - Sarah Palin

That was political suicide to say that...

Combined with her quitting the governor's job any opposing campaign would love to have a statement like that handed to them on the silver platter of reality TV.

So...because it can be spun against her, it is "political suicide"?

Maybe the right shouldn't constantly let themselves be defined by the left. Palin is the last person to do that, especially since the lessons learned in the 2008 election and the MSM's hostile treatment of her and her family. With Palin, non-leftists tend to like her when they hear her and not like her when they hear about her (typically through highly biased and filtered sources). The more exposure she has, the better.
So...because it can be spun against her, it is "political suicide"?

Maybe the right shouldn't constantly let themselves be defined by the left. Palin is the last person to do that, especially since the lessons learned in the 2008 election and the MSM's hostile treatment of her and her family. With Palin, non-leftists tend to like her when they hear her and not like her when they hear about her (typically through highly biased and filtered sources). The more exposure she has, the better.

It won't be the left that brings her down...

And I will agree with you wholeheartedly... "The more exposure she has, the better."
Yes I'm sure you're vastly openminded about her. Just goes to show you that even supposedly smart people can get snowed by what they see on the 'News.' :rolleyes:

I agree with her on global warming but you know my views on the seperation of church and state protecting us from religious tyranny (like Islam for instance) at the barrel of a gun.
I'm leery of people who want to mix more religion into politics and not leave it in it's IMO proper place.
This was the basis for my dislike of Bush, this religious certitude he had about his actions because it helped him quit drinking.
A brilliant guy like you may be impressed with Palin's intellect :rolleyes: but I think she still a work in progress...
And you can't fool all of the people all the time.
If Palin is going to be another (idealization of) Reagan it will show and her negatives for POTUS will go down regardless of the media who don't hold her in high esteem.
Right now she's just hurtling other people's superlatives.
I'll be impressed when she makes up some of her own.
I agree with her on global warming but you know my views on the seperation of church and state protecting us from religious tyranny (like Islam for instance) at the barrel of a gun.
I'm leery of people who want to mix more religion into politics and not leave it in it's IMO proper place.
This was the basis for my dislike of Bush, this religious certitude he had about his actions because it helped him quit drinking.
We've had this discussion before. Please show me where Palin wants to mix religion with government, and don't just blather platitudes. There's nothing wrong with a President who believes in God, or even puts his/her faith in God. You seem to prefer a President who lies about religion (Obama) if and when it's politically expedient. I find it fascinating that you'd prefer a dishonest President to a religious one.

If you could step away from your very personal disdain for Christianity or religion in general, maybe you could be objective about this. So far, you're not.
We've had this discussion before. Please show me where Palin wants to mix religion with government, and don't just blather platitudes. There's nothing wrong with a President who believes in God, or even puts his/her faith in God. You seem to prefer a President who lies about religion (Obama) if and when it's politically expedient. I find it fascinating that you'd prefer a dishonest President to a religious one.

If you could step away from your very personal disdain for Christianity or religion in general, maybe you could be objective about this. So far, you're not.


When John McCain announced that Sarah Palin would be his vice-presidential running mate for his presidential campaign, an unusual amount of scrutiny and criticism ensued. This is partly because Sarah Palin was an unexpected choice and partly because Sarah Palin comes with a lot of negative baggage — at least if you support secular government, reason, and science. For the conservative evangelicals, Palin's support for creationism, Christian Nationalism, and religious warfare are most welcome.
1. Sarah Palin's Religion: What Do Sarah Palin's Churches & Pastors Preach?

In principle, the sermons preached in a politician's church shouldn't be a political issue, but religious believers themselves insist on making their religion an issue so those sermons and teachings can't be ignored. If politicians are going to present their religion and religious beliefs to the voting public as part of their qualifications for office, then we should dissect everything taught by their religion and in their churches to see what constitutes the foundations of their worldview. What Do Sarah Palin's Churches & Pastors Preach?

2. Sarah Palin & Holy War, Religious Crusades

In a speech to high school kids at her church, Sarah Palin said: "Pray...that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [our military men and women] out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we are praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan." Do we need leaders who believe they are following God's plan when invading other nations, especially Muslim nations? Some say that Palin was merely expressing hope that politicians are following God's will, but shouldn't they follow the will of the people? Either way, Sarah Palin is a politician expressing more interest in obeying what she thinks her god wants than in serving the interests and will of the people she represents.
3. Sarah Palin Supports Censorship and Banning Books

According to former Wasilla mayor John Stein] says that she became mayor, Palin sought to inject her religious beliefs into her policy. For example, some conservative Christians in Wasilla objected to the language in some of the books in the public library, so she "asked the library how she could go about banning books." Librarian Mary Ellen Baker was aghast and apparently was unwilling to support Palin's censorship efforts because news reports from the time say that Palin had threatened to fire her for not giving "full support" to the mayor.
4. Sarah Palin & Creationism: Sarah Palin Supports Creationism, Intelligent Design

Can anyone rise to a position of power or influence within the Republican Party without first avowing opposition to basic science in the name of religious ideology and anti-intellectual superstition? That seems unlikely and Sarah Palin, vice-presidential nominee chosen by John McCain, reinforces this impression through her defense of creationism against evolution. Although Palin never had much of a chance to put her desires into practice, we have clear evidence of what she wanted. Sarah Palin Supports Creationism, Intelligent Design

5. Sarah Palin on Sex Education: Sarah Palin Pushes Abstinence-Only Education

Sarah Palin opposes schools teaching children anything about any form of contraception. In accordance with the 2008 Republican Party platform, she supports only teaching children abstaining from sexual activity, despite acknowledging the fact that "more than 3 million American teenagers contract sexually transmitted diseases" and the need "to help teens make healthy choices." John McCain agrees, voting to increase funding for abstinence-only programs and to cut funding for family planning and teen pregnancy prevention programs. If Sarah Palin wants America to live under abstinence-only rules, it's legitimate to ask how well that's worked out for her family. As it turns out, not so well.


<LI id=title>The Car Wreck that is Sarah Palin and the National Day of Prayer

The following is a slightly altered transcript of Rev. Gaddy’s commentary from an upcoming broadcast of State of Belief.
Originally, I intended to devote my commentary to tributes to Benjamin Hooks and to Dorothy Height, admired courageous civil rights leaders who died this past week. Each exemplified the best of efforts aimed at helping our nation move closer to a realization of the full promise of our Constitution. Dr. Height had marched against lynching as a teenager. As she developed as an activist, her vision of freedom was as large as all women, as well as all African Americans. She understood that in this democracy there should be no boundaries around freedom or hierarchies of privilege.
So my plans for today’s commentary changed. Frankly, following the news this past week gave me the sensation of watching a car wreck while holding my breath in anticipation of learning how many people had been, or would be found, injured by the crash.
Enter Sarah Palin, the driver at the wheel of a political vehicle that has catapulted out of control. Obviously Sarah Palin does not know enough about the road of democracy or the rules for driving it.

Frightened people looking for a quick fix for their fears and alleviation of their anxieties are being hurt by a distorted version of American history and a perverted vision of the future. This past week in Louisville, Kentucky, the former governor of Alaska told a crowd, in response to a federal court ruling that a government celebrated National Day of Prayer was unconstitutional, that “America needs to get back to its Christian roots.”
Sadly, Sarah Palin cannot distinguish between fanciful images of revisionist historians and actual facts documentable in the chronicles of the nation’s archives. She has turned a deaf ear to George Washington who asserted that “The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion,” and to his successor John Adams—who knew the Constitution better than Ms. Palin—when, after signing a treaty with a mostly Muslim nation, repeated Washington’s comment almost verbatim.
I suppose the popular speaker would have us establish one religion over all others—hers, of course—and subject our nation to the possibility of the kind of violent political wars that were averted here because of the wisdom of our founders. But, of course, she seems to consider guns more friend than weapon as she shouts, “Reload.”
Palin has thrown what we used to call in West Tennessee “a conniption fit” over the federal judge’s decision that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional. While many of us applauded a judge who seems to understand the First Amendment’s religion clauses, some political pontificators and bandwagon religionists rushed to microphones to decry the further moral ruination of the nation.
Setting aside all Constitutional arguments for a moment, I am always suspicious of people who seem not to understand the theology of prayer and who seem preoccupied with support only for prayers that attract public attention rather than prayers offered to God in solitude. Palin said she finds a ruling such as this “mind-boggling.” That is precisely the reaction I have to her alarmist rhetoric that seems sensitive to nothing more than grabbing another headline in her next high-paying talk.
Palin did get one thing right in her Louisville speech. She said the Founding Fathers were believers. That is a true statement. Many of them were deists, but few of them were Christians by Palin’s narrow evangelical definition. However, the larger truth is that these were people, regardless of their religious identity, who had witnessed the abuse and violence that emerge when institutions of religion and government became entangled.
Palin and her followers represent danger to religion and government. They understand neither the freedom for everybody at the heart of real religion nor the religious freedom assured by the Constitution.
The American people do not need the President of the United States to tell them when to pray or what to pray for. By definition prayer is personal and volitional. But neither do the American people need Sarah Palin stirring a revolt to get rid of the very principles that have assured efforts to guarantee civil rights to everybody and made our nation great.
It is, indeed, like watching a car wreck that has just happened or is about to happen. It is time for more of us to scream, “Watch out!”


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Less bright people shouldn't be taken seriously just because they are religious.
Religion doesn't make them any smarter in fact less smart would be more accurate.
What does Obama's pastor preach?

"God d*mn America!"

What Obama's preacher preached is not the same as Obama preaching it.
It's second hand.
Palin's comments and views are first hand.

I'm not comfortable with the level of religion Palin puts forth as part of her credentials for running for office instead of her intellect, like somehow that
is an equivalent or more valuable or something.

The success of this country is based on the triumph of reason, not the Bible.
What Obama's preacher preached is not the same as Obama preaching it.
It's second hand.
Palin's comments and views are first hand.

I'm not comfortable with the level of religion Palin puts forth as part of her credentials for running for office instead of her intellect, like somehow that
is an equivalent or more valuable or something.
Obama's comments and views are not first hand? Open your eyes...

I'd like to see you use sources that aren't considered Christian-HATE sites.

Out of curiosity, how many Christian laws did she pass while governor of Alaska? Where are all the stories of her pushing her religion on Alaskans? In other words, where's your proof?

On the other hand, you can see Rev. Wright's influence in Obama's style of governing. Can you say "The police acted stupidly?"

Once again, you are comfortable with a pathological liar with questionable citizenship as President, but not an outspoken Christian woman, wife, and mother.

Got it.
Obama's comments and views are not first hand? Open your eyes...

I'd like to see you use sources that aren't considered Christian-HATE sites.

Out of curiosity, how many Christian laws did she pass while governor of Alaska? Where are all the stories of her pushing her religion on Alaskans? In other words, where's your proof?

On the other hand, you can see Rev. Wright's influence in Obama's style of governing. Can you say "The police acted stupidly?"

Once again, you are comfortable with a pathological liar with questionable citizenship as President, but not an outspoken Christian woman, wife, and mother.

Got it.

Smart and intellectually curious beats Christian and average as a qualification for president.
This country's success is IMO founded on the principle of seperation of church and state and Palin does not firmly grasp that.
Obama has been put in check by the recent elections.
His shmoozing skills leave much to be desired.
He hasn't been as effective as he could have been.
The success of this country is based on the triumph of reason, not the Bible.

Those are not opposites as you present them. Reason and Christianity (specifically in regards to how this country was founded) are very closely tied together.
Smart and intellectually curious beats Christian and average as a qualification for president.

There are certainly some Christians who are not intellectually curious, but that is nothing unique to Christianity. The smartest and most intellectually curious people I personally know are also the most devote Christians. Also, the most dogmatic people I personally know are Atheists.

I think you are attaching certain intellectual traits to Christianity that are not inherent in Christianity (however, they are more often emphasized in many outlets when a Christian demonstrates them).
Those are not opposites as you present them. Reason and Christianity (specifically in regards to how this country was founded) are very closely tied together.

Yes but religion invokes the mysterious and supernatural and has been used as a tool of tyrants in the past.

Religion exploited can quickly become unreasonable.
Smart and intellectually curious beats Christian and average as a qualification for president.
This country's success is IMO founded on the principle of seperation of church and state and Palin does not firmly grasp that.
Obama has been put in check by the recent elections.
His shmoozing skills leave much to be desired.
He hasn't been as effective as he could have been.

I believe you very often offer comments that should be regarded as 'tongue-in-cheek' but---

Nothing beats Christian!

There is a giant difference between the idea of a 'state' religion, which was the original founding idea, and the horribly confused mess we now, due to secular meddling, find ourselves saddled with.

Hopefully, obummer HAS been put in check.

Yes but religion invokes the mysterious and supernatural and has been used as a tool of tyrants in the past.

Religion exploited can quickly become unreasonable.

Agreed, but so can science and the notion of a society organized by science/reason. In fact, almost every tyranny that rose up in the 20th century came from that "Fatal Conceit" as Hayek called it.

That notion of a rationally organized society is the impetus behind the Progressive movement. Essentially, think "directed" progress. It is as much a religion as anything rooted in the bible and just as prone to dogmatic adherents.

There is a reason leftists view conservatives as standing in the way of "progress" while conservatives/libertarians look at liberals as standing in the way of prosperity. The language used gives it all away.
I believe you very often offer comments that should be regarded as 'tongue-in-cheek' but---

Nothing beats Christian!

There is a giant difference between the idea of a 'state' religion, which was the original founding idea, and the horribly confused mess we now, due to secular meddling, find ourselves saddled with.

Hopefully, obummer HAS been put in check.


Well I do like to speak with some wit to be entertaining.

Sounds like you want to live under a theocracy.
Other than the dumb luck of having oil found on their land by us
the Muslim countries are doing great no :rolleyes:

Maybe you might want to try living in a Muslim country to experience that state religion seeing as your opinion above?
Smart and intellectually curious beats Christian and average as a qualification for president.
This country's success is IMO founded on the principle of seperation of church and state and Palin does not firmly grasp that.
Obama has been put in check by the recent elections.
His shmoozing skills leave much to be desired.
He hasn't been as effective as he could have been.
You don't want to answer my post.

Got it.
Well I do like to speak with some wit to be entertaining.

Sounds like you want to live under a theocracy.
Other than the dumb luck of having oil found on their land by us
the Muslim countries are doing great no :rolleyes:

Maybe you might want to try living in a Muslim country to experience that state religion seeing as your opinion above?
This post is absurd on its face, considering the USA was founded under Christian principles. Nevertheless, we have freedom of religion here. Sounds like you want to deny Christians the right to run for President. Elitist much?

We don't have beheadings of atheists or circumcision of females. Sorry, you fail.
Yes but religion invokes the mysterious and supernatural and has been used as a tool of tyrants in the past.

Religion exploited can quickly become unreasonable.
Ever heard of Global Warming and Cap and Trade? How about Eugenics?

Science exploited becomes unreasonable in far worse ways.
This post is absurd on its face, considering the USA was founded under Christian principles. Nevertheless, we have freedom of religion here. Sounds like you want to deny Christians the right to run for President. Elitist much?

We don't have beheadings of atheists or circumcision of females. Sorry, you fail.

Now you're getting silly.
I want qualified people to run.
Just being a Christian is not in and of itself a qualification.
Now you're getting silly.
I want qualified people to run.
Just being a Christian is not in and of itself a qualification.
No, now you're backtracking and trying to change the subject because I exposed how ridiculous you sound. You cannot deny, now that your posts are out there, that your main issue with Palin as evidenced by this thread is that she is a Christian.

And, nor is being a Christian a DISqualifier, as much as you'd like it to be.

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