Obama..raise the retirement age and cut bennys

Ever heard of Global Warming and Cap and Trade? How about Eugenics?

Science exploited becomes unreasonable in far worse ways.

Global Warming and Cap and Trade haven't gotten very far and eugenics died with the Nazis.
No, now you're backtracking and trying to change the subject because I exposed how ridiculous you sound. You cannot deny, now that your posts are out there, that your main issue with Palin as evidenced by this thread is that she is a Christian.

And, nor is being a Christian a DISqualifier, as much as you'd like it to be.

Religion should be a personal matter and not something to tout for political office.
Sounds like you want to live under a theocracy.

there is a huge gap between having religion inform debate in the arena of ideas and a theocracy. The former does not automatically lead to the latter.

In fact, I don't think you will find one conservative on this forum that would not agree with you on how abhorrent a theocracy is. However, we don't go so far as claiming there needs to be a wall of separation between church and state, or that religion has to be completely removed from the public square.

We have talked about the framer's views concerning religion (specifically Christianity) it's roll in the ideas that shaped the nation and it's roll in maintaining a civil society.

There is also a trade off in any civil society (which the Framers took to heart). A civil (and free) society can only be maintain by a virtuous populace. The less internal (personal) checks on the evils of man, the more it becomes necessary for external checks (restrictions of freedom) in order to maintain that civil society. This trade off is what paleo-conservatism stresses.

However, I have yet to see any paleo-conservative justification for why such a restrictive society is worth maintaining. It may be a civil society, but it is just as much a dystopia as anything Orwell conjured up or any soft tyranny that Tocqueville spoke of.
Nazism can be construed as a state religion.

That was preciesly what Nazism and Fascism set out to do; co-opt religion and turn their own ideology into a religion that is accepted as dogma without critical examination. It stems from the influence that Georges Sorel's syndicalism had on both movements.
Religion should be a personal matter and not something to tout for political office.

Someone's religious views influence their world views. It is no coincidence that most Atheist's tend to be leftists and most religious people (at least here in the U.S. ) tend to be more conservative.

Those core views lead logically to the basic views of human nature upon which all worldviews and ideology is based.
we don't go so far as claiming there needs to be a wall of separation between church and state, or that religion has to be completely removed from the public square

Well not a wall but how about religion should be a part of government about as much as it is mentioned in the constitution.:cool:
This would reflect the document honestly(one of your favorite words;))could be a strict interpretation:p and you guys like that:D when it comes to talking about the constitution.
The communists couldn't crush religion and it's not going away anytime soon.
Religion is a part of human life.
But nobody should tout that they are doing God's work if they are running for public office.
If they want to do God's work they should keep it to the churches and other worship places where it belongs.
This brings to mind the homage to pay Ceasar that which is Ceasar's.
Religion should stay in it's own territory and not try to move in on Ceasar's (the government) territory.
But nobody should tout that they are doing God's work if they are running for public office.
If they want to do God's work they should keep it to the churches and other worship places where it belongs.
That's exactly what Obama did.
Well not a wall but how about religion should be a part of government about as much as it is mentioned in the constitution.:cool:

How about simply no religious tyranny. Anything else is acceptable but has to be able to compete in the arena of ideas that political discourse should be.
Look, 04, you might feel better if you know where I stand on this.

I want no theocracy. I don't support the Constitution Party for the very reason that their platform involves Biblical governing. Freedom of religion is so important, and tyranny is tyranny. I'd rather support the Libertarians than the CP.

That said, there's no evidence to support that a Christian President has ever or would ever try to force people to conform to a religion. Christianity doesn't teach that - that's a muslim precept.
Look, 04, you might feel better if you know where I stand on this.

I want no theocracy. I don't support the Constitution Party for the very reason that their platform involves Biblical governing. Freedom of religion is so important, and tyranny is tyranny. I'd rather support the Libertarians than the CP.

That said, there's no evidence to support that a Christian President has ever or would ever try to force people to conform to a religion. Christianity doesn't teach that - that's a muslim precept.

We're still unofficially a Christian country but the government shouldn't be promoting that or recruiting the favored religious people for positions like Bush did, just because they are religious.
And as to your comment about forcing people to conform to a religion, this whole seperation of church and state concept started with Henry VIII, not a muslim or one of our presidents but a leader of the english speaking world at his time.

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