Obama the Muslim... Confirmed!

You said his father was (mostly) Arab, I commented that in the picture, he looks Negro.

Not sure how I made your point, I'm not standing on the grounds that a ethnicity = a religion.

His mother is Caucasian and his father looks very, very Negro. So not sure he's Arab simply because his grandmother is supposedly Arab. If he identifies as an African-American, then why should he embrace something else?
Not just Negro, but very very Negro, eh? I'll bet they all look the same to you.
Wow - talk about going racial --

Uh, Bryan - there are alot of non arab, non terrorist muslims. So even if true, my question is: So what?

I could care less about if he is muslim. Just like I dont buy into the McCain is really a 3rd Bush Term. I dont buy into any of this BS. Why? None of ity has anything to do with the ISSUES. Remember those? I dont care if the candidate is GREEN and from Mars.
Wow - talk about going racial --

Uh, Bryan - there are alot of non arab, non terrorist muslims. So even if true, my question is: So what?

I could care less about if he is muslim. Just like I dont buy into the McCain is really a 3rd Bush Term. I dont buy into any of this BS. Why? None of ity has anything to do with the ISSUES. Remember those? I dont care if the candidate is GREEN and from Mars.

There is the issue of character (which the Framer thought was the most important aspect in a president), judgment and integrity, as well. If, in trying to distance himself from the whole Muslim thing, Obama has intentionally misrepresented or out and out lied, it would definately be relevant.
I could care less about if he is muslim.
Then why is Obama running from it and lying about it? What is there to cover up?

As you know, most of these politicians suffer not from the infraction, but from the cover up.


You might also like to note that Obama 'LIED' about taking public financing in the general election. This guy's word is good for :q:q:q:q! At least Bush stood his ground, no matter how 'unpopular' the decision. This guy Obama has no spine.
If, in trying to distance himself from the whole Muslim thing, Obama has intentionally misrepresented or out and out lied, it would definately be relevant.
Don't worry. There are of whole bunch of us trying to nail this lying messiah.
I dont know that he is muslim. But at the same time Bryan, your psots aren't of the sort where your talking about the 'cover up' but are coming off alot more like prejudice.
I dont know that he is muslim. But at the same time Bryan, your psots aren't of the sort where your talking about the 'cover up' but are coming off alot more like prejudice.
I don't see any prejudice in his posts. Prejudice denotes "pre-judging." If Obama's a muslim, that's dangerous for this country because of the track record of nations run by muslims. Ever heard of shari'a law? Even in England they are having trouble with some shari'a law being adopted. If it happens here we're all sunk. Just google muslim head tax and see what comes up.
I don't see any prejudice in his posts. Prejudice denotes "pre-judging." If Obama's a muslim, that's dangerous for this country because of the track record of nations run by muslims.

Perfect example.

That statement right there is prejudging Obama due to his race/religion. (if it is in fact his race/religion)

If Obama is really african american, is that dangerous due to the track record of african americans and street crime?

Hmm.. McCain. Sounds Irish. That could be dangerous too. You know how the Irish are with drinking and hot tempers.

See my point?
Perfect example.

I'm not trying to prejudge Obama. I am forced to do (along with many others) what the media did not do. Which was to vet this guy. The media annointed him from the beginning and threw Hillary under the bus. They have given a pass to Obama on every issue and every comment he has made.

You don't get it. I don't care if he is Arab or a Muslim. If he is, let the chips fall where they may. Maybe we are not ready for an Arab/Muslim President, just like we are supposed to now be ready for an African/American President.

And absolutely not, I will not allow Barack to define himself as he sees fit. It is only political expediency this guy cares about. He is the most arrogant a-hole I have ever seen running for government and feels he is the one who is the messiah that can step in, rob the money from people who earn it and redistribute that money the way he sees fit. He is a Marxist. The fact you can't see that, or worse, don't care really bothers me.

It is troubling so many people want to put him on a pedestal when he stands for nothing and has a history of standing for nothing, except the desire to install a socialist solution to every issue in America.

The fact that this election will be close is a testament to the fact that the Democrats are complete and utter morons.

The media and the independents used the system to get McCain put in place. Had the Dems put up anybody that was close to the center, he would have won in a cakewalk. Repubs wouldn't have supported McCain. We would have settled for 4 years of Dems and tried again in 2012. The way it stands, we all have to hold our nose and vote for McCain. As Americans, we can't EVER afford to take a flier on our President like so many people want to do with Obama. Ever!

Instead the Dems nominate the least experienced guy with the most baggage. He is also the most liberal Senator and one of the most liberal candidates to have ever run for office. He is a danger to the American way of life and the very pillars of behavior that have made this Country great.

Muslim or not, he is racist crook from Illinois politics. Talk about a puppet! Who are the people pulling the strings for this incompetant?
"Once a Muslim, always a Muslim." very telling, Monster.


His father looks quite a bit Negro to me. Either way, why should it matter if he has 1 or 1,000 Arab ancestors?

I don't get that statement at all????? I know Puerto Rican's and Jamaicans with the same characteristics.....They don't put Negro as their nationality.
I guess my question is, what does "looks quite a bit Negro" mean?
I don't get that statement at all????? I know Puerto Rican's and Jamaicans with the same characteristics.....They don't put Negro as their nationality.
I guess my question is, what does "looks quite a bit Negro" mean?

The dark skin and facial features look Negro, just as McCain's light skin and facial features look Caucasian. My point was that if Obama's father is Arab or mostly Arab as some claim, he certainly doesn't look it.
Instead the Dems nominate the least experienced guy with the most baggage. He is also the most liberal Senator and one of the most liberal candidates to have ever run for office. He is a danger to the American way of life and the very pillars of behavior that have made this Country great.

That was said about Kerry in '04.
The dark skin and facial features look Negro, just as McCain's light skin and facial features look Caucasian. My point was that if Obama's father is Arab or mostly Arab as some claim, he certainly doesn't look it.

I honestly think you are generalizing because of facial features way too much. But if you must, I think the phrase you are looking for is African features.
I honestly think you are generalizing because of facial features way too much. But if you must, I think the phrase you are looking for is African features.

Yes, I'm the one that is generalizing.:rolleyes:

No, as "African" has many peoples that vary in ethnicity from North to South and East to West. Should I say "European" in lieu of Caucasian?
Yes, I'm the one that is generalizing.:rolleyes:

No, as "African" has many peoples that vary in ethnicity from North to South and East to West. Should I say "European" in lieu of Caucasian?

That may be true in todays Africa, but I'm speaking of Africa before what you see today. You can keep ur little cute eye rolls to yourself by the way.
That may be true in todays Africa, but I'm speaking of Africa before what you see today. You can keep ur little cute eye rolls to yourself by the way.

Before what? The ancient Egyptians? Carthage? The Berbers? Before man spread out of Africa?
Yes he is. Funny that Africa is the most backwards of all the continents though. Not much progress these last couple thousand years.

hummm... I thought the same thing about us when I heard someone refer to Obama as "colored" and it's 2008!. guess old habits are hard to break

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