Ah, it is a funny one - dealing with Beck's statements...
link here
"I beg you, look for the words “social justice” or “economic justice” on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words. Now, am I advising people to leave their church? Yes! If I’m going to Jeremiah’s Wright’s church? Yes! Leave your church. Social justice and economic justice. They are code words. If you have a priest that is pushing social justice, go find another parish. Go alert your bishop and tell them, “Excuse me are you down with this whole social justice thing?” I don’t care what the church is. If it’s my church, I’m alerting the church authorities: “Excuse me, what’s this social justice thing?” And if they say, “Yeah, we’re all in that social justice thing,” I’m in the wrong place."
While later defining what the 'code' was...
If you see the words -- what is -- social justice, and what was the other one? Economic justice. You see these -- these are code words. These are the Marxist code words for the new global order.
Beck actually didn't seem to research how large churches like The Catholic Church, The Mormon Church (specifically his church), most Protestant Churches, the Jewish faith, etc. use the words "social justice'... and have for over a century. (Sort of a continuing problem - his 'fact finding' seems to go lacking at times...

So the whole idea that Mao believed in Social Justice is a bit of an 'in' joke here - some people equate 'social justice' with communist/marxist ideals... Especially when you reference them in conjunction with your church, or any church, or even Mother Teresa - that social justice loving commie that she was... /s/s/s/s/s/s
And I agree Mao was all about Mao... with a good bit of heavy handed top-down authoritarian type communism thrown in. Actually the perfect system if you want it all to be all about you.