I like Ron Paul, but he is easily lead astray it seems like, or seems a bit oblivious to some of the factions that embrace some of what he says. Sometimes they make him appear 'fringe', because they are so 'fringe'.
But, there are many things I like - some of his personal freedom things (get the government out of the marriage business, the flag can be burned, his stand on the war, on the Patriot Act, etc) and others I don't - his rather staunch stand on abortion for instance.
I actually have voted Libertarian in the past - might do so again - you never know which way the political winds may blow.
Oh, what I was looking for in HC was insurance reform, better access to it, less ways for the insurance companies to deny and close ranks, things that really needed fixing. To go bankrupt, even though you have health insurance, because you have a complex, expensive health problem, seems to be antithesis to what really should happen.