Official LS OWNERS Picture Thread

Oh my bad i thought this was the pic thread but im still learning to navigate the site
Lol, ya, parking lot was full so I parked by myself by the tractors, local course in the process of building a back 9. Owners house, practice green on right and back of what will the 18th green on left.

Thought u guys could use a laugh - me and wifey at a wedding last weekend... buddy of mine was hammered and tried to take a picture of us from 2 feet away... We couldnt stop laughing while telling him to move back... apparently he took the picture anyway :)
This is from the first fairway lookin at the green and the valley, not quite prime yet this was from the first day out this year

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MY MAN!!! I've got a tournament this weekend...2nd best course in KC (IMO). I'll grab a shot or two!

I'm guessing that's her drink next to you?!?

Just kidding ... Had this video on my mind
Probably, or someone else's... who knows. We went there for a wedding and about 80 people were around (even tho u cant see it in the pic). I just drank mainly red stripe and red label all weekend.
Might as well join in too. Here's a few recent'ish photos.

After watching the vikings lose, and thoroughly hammered:

The gf and I in Mexico:

Teaching my youngest son some chords:
Went to a haunted house with the gf last night. Well, not really a house. It is located inside of an old mine. Atmosphere was awesome, but that's all it had going for it.


Me as Sourdough Sam - the Niners mascot for halloween... wearing it in the office currently :)


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