93 Mark VIII
i've never seen that color before..
These were all snapped with my EVO 3D. Pretty good for a cell phone pic. I finally found a background that will look good for my iMac, it's hard to find a picture of an LS for a 2560x1440 display.
...sometimes you walk out to ur car and think, "DAMN that's purrdy... I need to take i a picture!"
Edit: sorry for the huge pic...fixed!
how dark is your w/s?
The color is called black cherry. I've seen one before as I was looking at one a car lot a few years ago. It's a rare color that came on the 06 and you didn't see too many of them.
Where do you guys all live? This deff is not a rare color in my mind. I know of 2 in my town and then there's one forsale in a taken about 20 miles from me and when I was looking for an 06 I'd say there were more black cheeries then any other color.
If I were to creat a rareness scale base on the market over the last 3 years, peoples ls's on here and ones I've sen driving it would o as follows (06's only) in order from rarest to most common.
Light tundra metallic
Vivid red metallic
Pewter metallic
Cashmere tri-coat
Charcoal beige metallic
Light frech silk metallic
Dark cherry metallic
Ceramic white tri-coat
Silver birch metallic
Just my opinion,, but I do keep an eye on the 06 for sale market. And have for 3 years.
ok different guy. this jason is in his 20's lol. maybe they are affiliated because they have the same film (madico) and the same company name
hot damn! jus read you said 140-150...mine was $50
Wow, that's expensive for medium-grade film.
It all depends on location what may be rare or common because some of those colors that you have listed as rare, I see some of those on a regular. So I guess it depends.
It's treated me well so far, hasn't changed colors, reflectivity?, and I like the look. I'm not paying for the film, I'm paying for his labor just as long as it doesn't turn purple or blue I'm happy. What are some high quality films? I can only assume 3M is the "most best".
Oh I see what you're getting at. I tint more for appearance and light rejection. I've never been in a car that had tinted windows that was considerably cooler after it was tinted. Maybe it's just I haven't been in one that's had the right tint to reject heat.
Which reminds me. I'm getting my eyes checked over break, and getting my windshield done. Is their any trick to getting a script written. I know it's illegal if it's false but anyone out there have one that they just so happened to ask the right questions and "fail" the right test for it? I have blue/green eyes and they are uber sensitive to sunlight, squinting just walking around outside sometimes.