sad to say two finder benders last month... light flexes on both the front a rear covers

LOL.. .the first one i backed my truck into the front of the LS ... two days later, backed into a aluminium wall at work....
5 years of ownership and no problems, then two in the same week...
no real damage done on either (just some flaked paint). My neighbor works in the bodyshop at one of the Ford dealers.. He put me on the list for side jobs (should be in a month or so)
I was hoping to have it done for this weekend, but the guy didn't have time...
BUT... when he paints, he's going to redo surrounds, all the lower valances, and the bumpers (very excited)
SO, back to your original ?, While most of you are having fun in the STL sun, I'll sit here and sulk in my jealousy...i'll snap a few shots how she sits now
parts are staking up though... new coils, plugs, VCG sitting. some interior fun in the mail, and about to order the $600 front end kit off EBAY...