Are we onto the next page now ?
As cool as big pics are, they upset my scrollbars.
A few random pics...
Look at that sexy beast!
Hite....I am such a fan of the agressive look of your LS.
So they're gloss black painted right now, Hite?
Yes sir. They were plasti-dipped with glossifier last year and I never really like the dip. It was more of an experiment to see if I liked them black and I did. So now they are painted and they look great.
Moar pics then!
Another mod for the "new look". This project is almost finish.
Another mod for the "new look". This project is almost finish.
Oh, and here you go BigRig. This one is for you. 32oz Porterhouse from Texas Cattle Company in St. Pete.
No, I don't eat properly. I am left handed so that's the reason the fork is on the left.
2006 Lincoln LS in Cashmere Tri-Coat Metallic.
This is all I have. I'm not putting them on till April. I dont think winter is over yet.