Official Plasti-Dip Thread

Kind of late but chrome rims are gone :cool:


Just the wheels. Havent done the trim yet. The weather has been bi polar lately and I can't do it at my job right now, "secret shopper" season
looks good man, now the chrome trim has to be dipped and maybe a light tint on the headlights
looks good man, now the chrome trim has to be dipped and maybe a light tint on the headlights

Yea I'm trying to get rid of it believe me it hurts my eyes lol. But I'm going to order newheadlight housings that come with the halos and send them to a buddy of mine in new York to black them out and some other creative work he has planned for me next month. Its all coming together :D
I'm gonna guess the clip on visors that let you vent the car in the rain... I forget the normal name. Paint won't affect them assuming they clip into the window channel, as opposed to being glued to the chrome...

Edit. Nevermind, vent visor is the normal name according to most google search results for "window visor"
The guy I bought the ls from said he plasti dipped the head light lenses, they look pretty crappy how can I remove it without harming the lenses?
The stock wheels were stripped and powder coated flat black, the finish is a rough texture. My wife asked me if we could make 'em shine. Will the glossifier work on powder coat?
And he plasti dipped the Lincoln badges, if I take the dip off the badges, will it make the rest peel off around them?car front.jpg

car front.jpg
The guy I bought the ls from said he plasti dipped the head light lenses, they look pretty crappy how can I remove it without harming the lenses?
The stock wheels were stripped and powder coated flat black, the finish is a rough texture. My wife asked me if we could make 'em shine. Will the glossifier work on powder coat?
And he plasti dipped the Lincoln badges, if I take the dip off the badges, will it make the rest peel off around them?View attachment 828471132

any plastidip can (should) be peeled without damage...
short answer is yes, you can add glossifier to your wheels over the matte "powder coat"... your technique on glossing will effect the "shine" results.
now that its dried, you can cut the plastidip around the emblem (with a razor), and yes peel to show underneath.
Thanks G-Rell,
I kinda figured I could, but if the dip peeled after cutting around the badge I'd be starting over.
Come summer, I'll do the wheels. I'd really like to get this stuff off the headlights. Maybe this weekend.
If the visors are stuck to the chrome, I wouldn't trust Plastidip to hold them on. The whole selling point is that Plastidip does not adhere to surfaces; it just creates a form-fit film that doesn't slide. Yes, it adheres a little bit, but would you use it to glue two parts together? Because that's what's really going on here.

I wouldn't trust vinyl either for the same reasons, even though vinyl uses glue and adheres more.

If the visors are glued to the chrome, you can always just dip all the other chrome and leave those sections untouched. You wouldn't even have to pull them off. If the chrome still shines through the visors, you could plastidip just that inside strip of the visors to mask it
Still not sure what your asking....

but here's how I blacked out my trim (post 25 near bottom)... it was roll of 3m decal trim. Hite has the details

... otherwise yes, you can dip. (just to cover the chrome, not as an adhesive)

His visors are taped to the chrome. He wants to know if he can black out the chrome, then stick the visors back on the blacked chrome. He's not asking if you can use dip as an adhesive. I'm just stating that, in effect, he is, because the order of adherence goes: visor, tape, black out of choice, chrome. I'd imagine whether it be dip or vinyl, the dip/vinyl>chrome adherence will be the lowest, assuming new glue/tape is used...
over 2-3 coats of black dip. One or 2 more of gold and it could have looked much more gold.

Probably not something I would do to my summer wheels, but def a winter set. Pretty cool easy to work with.

Do you have any more shots at all? I know this is years old..

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